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Jammu and Kashmir Under the wrath of Indian Army



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Feb 7, 2017
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During a typical day in the valley of Kashmir you would expect bustling life, children laughing, eldering lounging in the sun and serenity. Sadly, that seems not to be the case. Jammu & Kashmir has been gripped in turmoil and bloodshed for the past 70 years, suffering barbarically at the hands of Indian occupied forces.

In the midst of 108,709 destroyed homes and properties, the land once referred to as heaven on earth has now been reduced to ruins. For the people of Indian occupied Kashmir, bloodshed, pain and tears is a way of life. Mothers never know if their children will return home from their playgrounds, the elderly do not know if their lives will end naturally or by a bullet that strays into their homes, young men clench their teeth, when a security vehicle turns the corner into their street while the women hesitate to leave their homes in fear.

Every now and then, you come across a dried up blood spatter and are forced to wonder whose life was tragically taken by the Indian occupation forces. No woman, no man, no child is safe from the barbaric invaders of Kashmir. While the Indian leadership desperately tries to hush the cries of help emanating from the valley and slaughtering freedom fighters by labelling them as terrorists, it fails to keep the Kashmiri suffering secret from the world.

Numerous human rights organizations have consistently reported the grave violations that have become a norm for the valley. The total number of people killed at the hands of Indian security forces has reached an alarmingly unchecked 94,952 as of March 2018. 22,867 women have been widowed and 107,701 children orphaned.

It is unexplainable how the BSF and security forces can commit such heinous inhumane acts of violence against someone else’s brother, father, mother, sister and daughter when they have families of their own at home. The impunity and immunity that these barbaric occupation forces enjoy is alarming and uncomfortable.

Indian occupation forces routinely go out of their way to harass, humiliate and intimidate the civilian population of Kashmir. The twisted power show is evident from reports of public molestation, rape of not only adults but children, uncalled for beatings and forced detentions and other various acts of violence. Even though women rights and women safety has been a huge awareness theme in India in recent years, Indian human rights champions have failed to protect 11,058 Kashmiri women from gang rapes and molestation at the hands of BSF and Indian Army. No one can imagine the amount of pain and suffering that is handed out to the innocent people of Kashmir just because they demand the long overdue and legal right of self-determination from the cruel ruling elite of India.

No person should have to go through what these people have gone through for over 7 decades and who are still going through just because they demand their freedom. Indian Occupied Kashmir is a tragedy just like Syria and Palestine. The loss of human life and the atrocities are equally horrific if not more. India has taken away not only the right to life but also the dreams and hopes of thousands of people. It is time that the Indian occupation forces are held accountable and Kashmir is liberated once and for all.

This article was originally posted by Bia Fakhar.
Sad indeed... The politics of two countries and the greed of few locals has reduced this, once majestic, land to shatters. What one does lament is that the author missed two critical parts - The plight of the kashmiri pundits who are thrown out of their homes almost 3 decades ago by their neighbours and the role that the neighbours played in the middle of this burning pyre of human suffering. So, yeah, keep on spreading one sided stories. That is the core reason why the world does't listen to this only one sided narrative.
Idea of India is very simple: India is for everyone.

But who ever try to break India will be crushed with the maximum force that India can muster and much more.
Ok. But, Kashmir isn't part of India...

Oh btw, lol at your india is for everyone comment. Indian hindus are acting like wild african dogs with non hindu minorities...
With the recent setback to India over Kalbushan case, i am afraid India will taking its anger out on poor Kashmiris.
Kashmir was never part of India.

Not only does it share geographical and religious similarity with Pakistan, but it is culturally continuous with our nation and very much isolated from India.
Kashmir shares more genetic, religious, cultural and geographical similarities with Pakistan than it does with India.
Not to mention the fact that Kashmiris would like to live with their Gilgit brothers.
Idea of India is very simple: India is for everyone.

But who ever try to break India will be crushed with the maximum force that India can muster and much more.

Then why did you guys sign the Shimla agreement with a condition that we will settle the issue of Jammu and Kashmir amicably? You guys gave it a status as something outside of the norm of the Republic of India by including the settlement for Jammu and Kashmir separately.

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