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Jaish Commander killed in South Kashmir Gunfight

Pakistan has a high population and a practically staggering unemployment problem.

This is going to continue. They and their families are offered money in Pakistani Punjab if they get killed in Kashmir. Most of them do it so their families back home can live a decent life. The indoctrination of jihad is just a bonus.
Here are the rates. (I don't know if they've been increased lately!):

Grenade throw causing injury to SF personnel - Rs 10,000.
Grenade throw causing death to SF personnel - Rs 25,000 for each casualty.
Ambush - Rs 30,000 and 25,000 for each casualty.
If terrorist dies - Rs 2 lakhs to his family.
If injured - Rs 50,000 max depending on severity.
If missing - Nil compensation.
Death by suicide bombing - Rs 5 lakhs to family. (Apart from telling the bomber the promise of you-know-what in Jannat! They're so desperate, they even wanna die for for those virgins! So there's an almighty rush to strap on those suicide vests! These fellows sure have heightened libidos, probably the result of excessive intake of vitamin B and potassium!! :man_in_love: :D)

I wonder what the latest going rates for these rag-tag mercenary armies are? All this so called talk of 'Islam in danger' in Kashmir which these yahoos are taught, is nothing but hogwash and propaganda to brainwash the sheeple during their training at the camps.

And if they do mange to infiltrate into Kashmir, they are taken by utter surprise as they see nothing of the sort happening here. That's when their morale hits rock bottom and realize they have been conned! :taz:

By the way, these 'rates' were found written in one of the terrorist's diaries. :dirol:
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