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Jaguars to get more teeth, muscle

Up-gradation cost is less then new purchase. if you look at the total cost of engine, weapon and avionics, etc... of 125 jaguar is not more then 2.5 to 3 billion dollar. also if you look at the cost of 42 su-30 which we buy recently is around $3.2billion.

If I am not wrong then 3.2 Billion isn't ONLY the price of 42 Sukois but also include the various upgrades and some undisclosed value additions.
@sancho or any expert

let me ask a few viewpoints which I came across.

mki can't match the range of jaguar in low level flight. is range that much of a problem ? can mki perform CAS mission as good as jag, I guess mki can match them in SEAD mission.

next option- rafale will start inducted by 2015 and will take 10 years to settle down tactics, training, get 2000 hrs flying hours etc, same with lca, so retaining jag and upgrading is the only option left.
but the first rafale squadron will be stationed at ambala .Possibly they would fly with mki's for strike missions .
Have these idiots at MoD lost their mind. Ideally this excercise should be over in not more than 2-3 years. Pakistanis are bound to show their true colors just as American start fleeing Afghanistan post 2014. We should beef up our cruical assets as soon as possible.
The "complete re-engine'' phase of the remaining 123 fighters will be completed by 2023-24 by HAL under transfer of technology from the US firm
@sancho or any expert

let me ask a few viewpoints which I came across.

mki can't match the range of jaguar in low level flight. is range that much of a problem ? can mki perform CAS mission as good as jag, I guess mki can match them in SEAD mission.

next option- rafale will start inducted by 2015 and will take 10 years to settle down tactics, training, get 2000 hrs flying hours etc, same with lca, so retaining jag and upgrading is the only option left.

Range won't be an issue for MKI and Rafale, both offer very good fuel capacity and the Rafale will be the no 1 choice for low level penetration strike roles, as soon as it will be inducted.
The Jag was a good strike fighter in the past and is still a cost-effective 2nd day CAS fighter, but it has major limitations in terms of hardpoints, weapons and self defence capabilities. Even LCA will be able to offer the same payload in CAS, while MKI and especially Rafale will be assets here and that with complementing features (will try to make a comparison later today).
SEAD is and will largly be diverted to Russian fighters with Kh 31, Rafale and some drones, Jag don't have this capability at all.
Also Rafale training will benefit from IAFs experience with Mirage 2000, because tactics, training and maintenance are based on the Mirage 2000 as well. We also heared from IAF officers that were able to use Rafale simulators in all kind of missions very fast and that it was much easier to understand the fighter compared to older IAF fighters. But of course training will take time, however, with MKIs, Mirage 2000s, or upgraded Mig 29s we have more than enough multi role options in the mean time.

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