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J10 B confirmed credible source

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Army research

Jul 8, 2016
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United Kingdom
News first broken by @BHarwana

FC-20 / J-10B Fighter Jet. PAF is also in process of receiving its first FC-20 / J-10B fighter jet which is powered by indigenous WS-10 engine.


The source is ispr this time guys , not insider facebook sources or fan boys or children of military officers.

Please discuss on the role the plane would play,
I think that the j10 and jft block three , when in paf service should have the same aesa, to ensure commonality , scale, and possible tot due to large numbers
@BHarwana comes up with responsible breaking always. Even if the news isn't later precised but his source at least isn't some kind of Facebook Page or a Military Father lol..
@BHarwana comes up with responsible breaking always. Even if the news isn't later precised but his source at least isn't some kind of Facebook Page or a Military Father lol..
I agree , even though I still have my doubts yet the source is as strong as it could be and suggests that the order is in delivery stage , and thus was done behind the scenes and we are close to receiving it
News first broken by @BHarwana

FC-20 / J-10B Fighter Jet. PAF is also in process of receiving its first FC-20 / J-10B fighter jet which is powered by indigenous WS-10 engine.


The source is ispr this time guys , not insider facebook sources or fan boys or children of military officers.

Please discuss on the role the plane would play,
I think that the j10 and jft block three , when in paf service should have the same aesa, to ensure commonality , scale, and possible tot due to large numbers
its a blunder
please dont buy J-10
its a blunder
please dont buy J-10
I also somewhat agree with you , yet if the author is precise and the news is on ispr means it has to come. On the bright side it could be that we were offered really cheap prices and article also suggests joint development of AEWC craft , thus maybe the Chinese want to get seriously engaged now ?
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