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IWI’s New Assault Rifles – ARAD and CARMEL to be Manufactured in India soon

All they have to do is COMPETE... quality, cost and efficiency of their weapon will be vital...

Ordinance Factories does not hold great reputation in India...
They can compete only if your Police are ready to get equipped and issue tender
I am also expecting Galil Ace to be produced in India also.
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Indian SF's aren't ordering anymore Tavors despite it being the standard issue along with AK's & M4's all along. They're more interested in FN SCAR


IA also didn't go for IWI rifles and instead opted for Sig-716 and AK-203.

India has biggest Police and Paramilitary forces on face of the earth. They can't all have one Rifle.
Police are unlikely to get any expensive AR. Police SWAT & ATS units might place some orders in limited numbers but regular police are likely to receive INSAS & AK hand downs from IA. Infact, state police and Paramilitary units like CRPF, CISF have placed orders for OFB weapons like Amogh carbine, JVPC, Excalibur-Mk1A etc

Israeli Spike ATGM deal has been cancelled despite Rafael & Kalyani setting up a production facility in India and extensively lobbying for the same. They've tried so hard to derail DRDO's Nag ATGM and bribed IA's top brass like there's no tomorrow but that tender was eventually scrapped except for the ones procured in limited numbers earlier. Unless we see a real need for it with no indigenous alternative in sight, I don't think this is a possibility
Indian SF's aren't ordering anymore Tavors despite it being the standard issue along with AK's & M4's all along. They're more interested in FN SCAR


IA also didn't go for IWI rifles and instead opted for Sig-716 and AK-203.

Police are unlikely to get any expensive AR. Police SWAT & ATS units might place some orders in limited numbers but regular police are likely to receive INSAS & AK hand downs from IA. Infact, state police and Paramilitary units like CRPF, CISF have placed orders for OFB weapons like Amogh carbine, JVPC, Excalibur-Mk1A etc

Israeli Spike ATGM deal has been cancelled despite Rafael & Kalyani setting up a production facility in India and extensively lobbying for the same. They've tried so hard to derail DRDO's Nag ATGM and bribed IA's top brass like there's no tomorrow but that tender was eventually scrapped except for the ones procured in limited numbers earlier. Unless we see a real need for it with no indigenous alternative in sight, I don't think this is a possibility
These companies are private companies who will produce them. And business unlike Government organisation only goal is to make money and the biggest chance of them to make money is by selling Guns to your Police which is in few Million and if they can't do that than this Make in India will fail.

Indian SF's aren't ordering anymore Tavors despite it being the standard issue along with AK's & M4's all along. They're more interested in FN SCAR


IA also didn't go for IWI rifles and instead opted for Sig-716 and AK-203.

Police are unlikely to get any expensive AR. Police SWAT & ATS units might place some orders in limited numbers but regular police are likely to receive INSAS & AK hand downs from IA. Infact, state police and Paramilitary units like CRPF, CISF have placed orders for OFB weapons like Amogh carbine, JVPC, Excalibur-Mk1A etc

Israeli Spike ATGM deal has been cancelled despite Rafael & Kalyani setting up a production facility in India and extensively lobbying for the same. They've tried so hard to derail DRDO's Nag ATGM and bribed IA's top brass like there's no tomorrow but that tender was eventually scrapped except for the ones procured in limited numbers earlier. Unless we see a real need for it with no indigenous alternative in sight, I don't think this is a possibility
And as for SCAR the order of SCAR who has been placed is not even enough for five percent of your special forces.
What is with the lack of infantry rifle standardisation in the Indian military? There's like multiple orders for different weapon platforms. Not good for logistics.
What is with the lack of infantry rifle standardisation in the Indian military? There's like multiple orders for different weapon platforms. Not good for logistics.
These are not meant for Indian Army. Indian Army already has selected SIG and AK 203.
And as for SCAR the order of SCAR who has been placed is not even enough for five percent of your special forces.
It's because almost all of em have been equipped with Tavor or AK or M4. This new order for SCAR H&L is most probably for elite units of Para SF like the Para 9 (Similar to NSG's phantom group) or the newly formed AFSOD which pulls in the best men from Para, Marcos & Garuds and operates on the lines of USSOCOM

Assuming these are for Para SF, there are around 10k Para SF operatives in total while the combined number of SCAR H&L being ordered is 2500 making it 25% which I'd say is a pretty decent sized order

These companies are private companies who will produce them. And business unlike Government organisation only goal is to make money and the biggest chance of them to make money is by selling Guns to your Police which is in few Million and if they can't do that than this Make in India will fail.
Companies wouldn't produce unless they have a potential order in sight. A JV has been formed between OFB and Kalashnikov concern and the manufacturing facility has been completely built up in Amethi in anticipation of 760k AK-203's but IA nor MoD hasn't placed any order yet. Companies like Airbus, Boeing, LM, Sikorsky formed JV's with Indian firms like Tata and produce various components but that is to cater their global supply chain. I don't see small arms manufacturers like IWI moving their manufacturing to India if there aren't significant orders since Israeli labor isn't that expensive as the west and also, they don't have continuous large orders

Also, MII doesn't necessarily mean a foreign firm should produce in India but inducting foreign or indigenous platform which has been manufactured locally. Indian police in general don't need the most modern weapons. In their line of work, OFB weapons should get the job done and also wouldn't put a dent in state budgets but still qualifies as MII

What is with the lack of infantry rifle standardisation in the Indian military? There's like multiple orders for different weapon platforms. Not good for logistics.
IA uses Insas & AK's and now procured a total of 72k Sig-716's with a potential order of 760k AK-203's to replace INSAS though that has been delayed
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