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It's official - India is not ready for war

Western investors will never let India to go on war as they have invested billions in business and human resources in India and the war can harm their future profits.
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what kind of a stupid thread is this........who wants war in the first place.........we are not animals to keep on thinking about fighiting....we got a lot of other things to do...we are more busy with developing our country,not tearing it apart.....we are slow in development......but we will strive to get better as each day passes..........

if the only thing you guys are interested is fighiting then build a stadium and have gladiator type fights......
its not pak members who want fight....
plz read all the comments and then you can decide who want war...
I don't understand why Indian members are getting so heated :hitwall: about this whole issue of India being not ready for war. What's so new in this?! We've never been ready for war whenever Pakistan has attacked us in the past!! But the fact that our country is still in one piece while theirs is in two and that we still have their 'jiggar' - Kashmir, just shows that this whole 'not ready for war' thing is not really an issue for us. So like haawk said let us indians worry about developing the economy/infrastructure of our country and allow our pakistani friends to worry about developing their terrorist infrastructure/nuclear weapons programme. Have a nice weekend all!
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