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It’s not you, it’s me: Why did India refuse Pakistan and UAE’s aid?

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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It’s not you, it’s me: Why did India refuse Pakistan and UAE’s aid?
By Abhinav Pandya an hour ago

There was no formal offer of aid through the official channels of the UAE – it was merely a verbal gesture.

The Indian state of Kerala, known as God’s own country, has become the victim of nature’s wrath and is experiencing the worst floods of the century. Thus far, the floods have left 445 people dead and dozens missing. In the hilly regions, floods have caused landslides which have exacerbated the destruction of homes, bridges and road networks. Around 1/6th of the population of the state has been directly affected, and the central government has declared it a level-3 calamity, which clearly indicates the severity of the catastrophe.

First of all, it is worth exploring why God’s own country has come under God’s ‘wrath’. For all the farrago of superstitious explanations coming from various quarters, it needs to be cleared that the floods can be classified as a manmade disaster, as stated by eminent ecologist Madhav Gadgil. A 2011 report submitted by the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel, headed by Gadgil, had apparently warned that ill-thought developmental practices were ruining the ecological sustainability of the Western Ghats hill chain, one of the world’s most biologically diverse areas. The report advised many states, including Kerala and Karnataka, to follow sensible and sustainable development policies near protected forests in hilly areas.

The report was rejected by the ministry as well as by both states, yet the worst damage of these floods took place in the areas where the Gadgil committee recommended protection. Indeed this is a great warning, not just for India but for the entire sub-continent. South Asia has lately been on a development-centred economic growth spree to improve its infrastructure and cater to its fast increasing population and demand for jobs, housing, recreation, and food. With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) underway, this drove has further strengthened with a strong sense of strategic competition and rivalry. However, the states involved need to exercise caution in this rat-race for development.

Coming back to Kerala, I would like to address the controversial issue of foreign aid for the floods. Many Indian media platforms are running stories of India rejecting foreign assistance from the UAE, and projecting it as an example of inhumanity. These stories have strong undertones of turning the issue into a political vendetta against the current central government. The implication here is that the aid was rejected because the central government is being partial against the state government, for it is run by a party other than the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Further, one can also sense a subtle intent to add a communal colour to the issue, as the state of Kerala has a substantial Muslim population, many of whom work in the Gulf States and follow the Wahhabi school of Islam, adding strong cultural and economic linkages with Arab nations.

However, the issue is clearly being blown out of proportion. The media and intellectual quarters are foregoing rationality to add political baggage to their op-eds. First and foremost, it must be noted that there was no formal offer of aid through the official channels of the UAE – it was merely a verbal gesture.

Secondly, the policy of not accepting foreign aid is neither recent nor a BJP invention – the same was done by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh when the US and Japan offeredhumanitarian assistance during the 2013 Uttarakhand floods. Earlier on in 2004, India refused to accept American aid for rehabilitation after the Tsunami. The reason for this is that India is economically self-sufficient and has a robust disaster management infrastructure.

India is currently the sixth largest economy, and second largest state in terms of population. Thus, it has the ability to generate funds and provide humanitarian relief, as is the case for the Kerala floods. There exist paramilitary cadres and organisations like the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) with high-quality expertise in the field.

Further, as stated in the parliament by the Minister of State for External Affairs, General VK Singh, over the past years, India has become a nation that has given more foreign aid than it has received. He also suggested that as the country’s international stature and economic heft grows, India should avoid taking aid from foreign countries. After all, accepting foreign assistance does not rhyme well with India’s growing global stature and economic heft.

Another question that comes to mind while accepting foreign aid is of the informal and unwritten obligations that emerge alongside it. If a country takes assistance from a foreign country, in many ways it loses part of its strategic autonomy. Hence, when India is in the position to self-finance its relief efforts, it would not be sane to accept foreign aid instead.

Moreover, the state and centre have done a commendable job in disaster management thus far in Kerala. The state has provided shelter to over one million people in over 3,200 shelters, and the centre has provided assistance of Rs600 crores. All Indian states have provided financial and other kinds of assistance to Kerala, and many civil servants, politicians and ordinary civilians have donated a month’s salary to relief efforts. This shows that India is indeed capable of handling the matter internally.

Finally, in a gesture of goodwill, newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, also offered humanitarian assistance after the disaster. Once again, while India has sincerely expressed her gratitude to Pakistan’s new government for offering relief assistance, it has not accepted, as per its policy. However, this need not be the reason to deduce that this comes as a jolt to peace-making efforts between the two countries. On the contrary, Pakistan’s gesture has been appreciated in official and civilian circles.

Imran Khan



On behalf of the people of Pakistan, we send our prayers and best wishes to those who have been devastated by the floods in Kerala, India. We stand ready to provide any humanitarian assistance that may be needed.

5:35 PM - Aug 23, 2018
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In India, people have strong hopes when it comes to Imran and his Naya Pakistan. Imran is already a hero in India, not just because of his celebrity status, but also due to his tree-plantation initiative in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P). His earlier interactions with India and Indians during his cricketing days and his study of Indian states like Bihar proves in certain terms that he has a better understanding of India and its concerns.

I believe his vast public following, sincerity, and out-of-the-box thinking makes a perfect combination to achieve a breakthrough in Indo-Pak relations, provided he gets enough support from within. On India’s side, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his commitment to good India-Pakistan ties, and has clearly stated that India is looking for constructive and meaningful engagement with Pakistan.

Hence, there is no reason to portray India’s refusal to accept Pakistan’s help as an indication of stiffening relations between the two countries and take it as a signal to make doomsday predictions – especially given this refusal has nothing to do with Pakistan and everything to do with India’s stature and its internal policies. The sky is the limit for cooperation between India and Pakistan, and substantial progress and dialogue can easily take place between the two, as long as there exists an overall atmosphere of peace and goodwill.

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Abhinav Pandya
The author is a graduate of Cornell University. Currently, he serves as Strategic Advisor to Vidya Bhawan, Rajasthan. He writes on socio-political issues for Vivekananda Foundation, Fair Observer, Huffington Post. He tweets @abhinavpandya (twitter.com/abhinavpandya).

The views expressed by t
Well it seems that the central govt of India run by RSS Sanghis does not care for the people. Saffron chaddies have already stated that Kerala is suffering because of the beef eating so definitely they are enjoying the sufferings of Keralite people and even stopping others from helping them.
Seriously what happened there? I saw a tweet from an Indian news anchor claiming people were making a big deal about nothing in Kerela in order to shame India. Can some Indian explain the politics?
They claim they can't except relief funds, it's a nice gesture to offer and other side accepts. The US was given relief material after Katrina Hurricane by Pakistan and by most of the world, they accepted it. It didn't mean they needed it, it is just what countries do for each other at the time of natural disasters.
India was actually the only country that didnt send relief aide to Pakistan in 2005 earthquakes. When even israel had send relief aide to pakistan and it was accepted.
India was actually the only country that didnt send relief aide to Pakistan in 2005 earthquakes. When even israel had send relief aide to pakistan and it was accepted.


The United States, the United Nations, Britain, Russia, China, Turkey, Japan and Germany have offered assistance. India, which reported more than 600 of its own as dead, also offered aid to nuclear rival Pakistan, where the majority of the devastation occurred.



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The United States, the United Nations, Britain, Russia, China, Turkey, Japan and Germany have offered assistance. India, which reported more than 600 of its own as dead, also offered aid to nuclear rival Pakistan, where the majority of the devastation occurred.

no aide was received by Pakistan from india. They wanted to send their army helicopters with their own soldiers from IOK to give aide themselves independently which Pakistan because of sensitivity of LOC and for the fact that its was a militarized zone didnt allowed that rather said the aide to be given to GoP which will distribute them to the affected areas which was rejected by GoI and hence no aide or relief good came.

I remember that period vividly because im from AJK and my own ancestral home was destroyed.
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Modi is playing election politics, Kerala is one place where he doesn’t have the support so here the idea is to show that lack of support.
How is refusing aid ( something which even the previous Govt did ) playing politics ?

If anything , it would go against the govt to refuse aid
How is refusing aid ( something which even the previous Govt did ) playing politics ?

If anything , it would go against the govt to refuse aid
Apparently the idea is to send a message that
A. kerala did not vote for BJP
B. The current Indian government is capable of(which clearly it isn’t per every Keralite I know) of dealing with the situation.

No geopolitical considerations in this, just local politics.
what happens when you have a hindu terrorist running the country.
Apparently the idea is to send a message that
A. kerala did not vote for BJP
B. The current Indian government is capable of(which clearly it isn’t per every Keralite I know) of dealing with the situation.

No geopolitical considerations in this, just local politics.

Wouldn’t this help anti BJP parties with fodder for the next elections ?

2004 , no aid accepted after the tsunami

2013 no aid accepted for Uttarakhand disaster

Do you think Congress lost for not accepted aid or not accepting aid helped parties opposed to the Congress ?

Those who think so are unaware of the Indian electorate

Wouldn’t this help anti BJP parties with fodder for the next elections ?

2004 , no aid accepted after the tsunami

2013 no aid accepted for Uttarakhand disaster

Do you think Congress lost for not accepted aid or not accepting aid helped parties opposed to the Congress ?

Those who think so are unaware of the Indian electorate
I don’t its a zero sum game, if the BJP is simply continouing previous policies when it’s shown to be incapable of handling a disaster will go against it.
I donated an amount to my friends FB page simply because the situation was so dire in some areas that people were resorting to self help as GoI had failed in providing a response.
They can't build toilets for their own people and their soldiers are committing suicides cause of lack of proper food.
Yet they claim they can't except relief funds, it's a nice gesture to offer and other side accepts. The US was given relief material after Katrina Hurricane by Pakistan and by most of the world, they accepted it. It didn't mean they needed it, it is just what countries do for each other at the time of natural disasters.

Indians are just turning into an egotistical nation, SUPA POWWA.

Time is running out man for u Pakistanis to find something else other than the toilet narrative :D

Let the figures do the talking: As per Census 2011, more than five in 10 households did not have a toilet or individual household latrine (IHHL) in technical lingo. Further broken down, this translated to nearly seven in 10 rural homes not having a toilet and almost two in 10 urban homes where family members had to defecate in the open. Against that, the survey found, only less than three in 10 households (26.75 per cent) are without a toilet in the country (against 50 per cent as per the 2011 census). The improvement is dramatic in rural India where the number of households without toilets has come down to 32.5 per cent (from 69 per cent). That is, toilet coverage has more than doubled in rural India in these three years. For urban areas that number is 14.5 per cent (down from 18 per cent).


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