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It’s becoming increasingly dangerous in Uttar Pradesh to even look Muslim


Sep 20, 2014
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It’s as if Hindutva forces want to create a public sphere that, if not literally devoid of Muslims, is certainly devoid of Muslimness.

indian express
Shoaib Daniyal

On Wednesday, a Muslim cleric and his two relative were assaulted and stabbed on a train in western Uttar Pradesh. This was a hate crime – the victims were picked out for their religion. Mohammad Israr, one of the victims who had received stab wounds from an ice pick on his back, head and hands said that their Muslim appearance – with namaaz caps and scarves – had irked the attackers. While the men were being assaulted, the attackers said repeatedly, “You wear caps? We will teach you to wear caps.”

This is not the only incident of Muslims in Uttar Pradesh becoming the focus because of their clothing. On November 21, a Muslim woman was instructed to remove her burqa by the police in a rally by Uttar Pradesh chief minister Adityanath. A couple of days after this, the Bharatiya Janata Party made a formal demand to the Election Commission of India, asking for special verification of voters in burqas. “Women sporting the veil should be verified if needed,” the BJP said. “For this women security personnel or women election officers should be deployed at booths.”

From these incidents, it would almost seem that there is an attempt to erase from public view the typical dress of North Indian Muslims – kurta-pyjama and caps for men, burquas for women. It’s as if Hindutva forces want to create a public sphere that, if not literally devoid of Muslims, is certainly devoid of Muslimness.

Hindutva rising
The issue of looking Muslim is not a new one or, for that matter, only confined to Uttar Pradesh. In 2015, for example, a Muslim man’s beard was pulled even as he was assaulted and robbed on a train in western Uttar Pradesh. Like the namaaz cap and kurta, the beard is also a prominent symbol of Muslimness.

In 2014, a Muslim man Mohsin Shaikh was lynched in Pune by around 25 members of a group called the Hindu Rashtra Sena. The members of the Hindu Rashtra Sena were angry about morphed images they had seen circulating on social media. When they stepped out, they spotted Shaikh, who had a beard and was wearing a green Pathan suit, slotting him as Muslim.

In June this year, a 15-year old boy named Junaid was singled out as Muslim for the cap he was wearing and stabbed to death in a train in Haryana. In Junaid’s village, in Faridabad, a district in Haryana that borders Uttar Pradesh, men are trying to look “less Muslim”, droppingobvious articles of clothing such as namaaz caps or shaving off their beard. The Telegraph found that symbols of Muslimness are now found less visible on the train route on which Junaid was murdered. Muslims think it too risky to wear their namaaz caps while commuting.

Airbrushing reality
In his 2004 essay “On representing the Musalman”, historian Shahid Amin deftly critiques the Nehruvian “Unity in diversity” dictum that represented Muslims – and other minorities – using blunt stereotypes. In government “unity in diversity” posters, Muslims are represented by a man wearing a fez cap.

Thirteen years after this essay, things have moved from bad to worse. Earlier, Muslims were stereotyped, yet – small mercies – they were still part of government propaganda. Yet, now, with Hindutva rising, there is pressure for Muslims to remove markers that are visually distinct.

This trend is particularly acute in Uttar Pradesh. Looking Muslim has resulted in a range of penalties, ranging from chastisement by the police to outright assault. This behaviour is backed up by the administration, led by a chief minister who is not only accused of communal rioting but has gone on record claiming that secularism – a constitutional principle – is a lie.

Two Nation theory
This airbrushing of Muslims from the public sphere is not unexpected. Vinayak Savarkar, the man who coined the word “Hindutva” was a firm believer in the Two-Nation Theory and postulated that in India, Muslims must subordinate themselves to Hindus.

The expectation that Muslims should be made politically irrelevant in India finds deep resonance with the BJP charge of “vote banks”, the notion that minority communities are pandered to by politians for electoral gain. But the fact of Indians voting as groups is a banal reality: voting along caste, geographical or gender lines is a common way for groups to pressure leaders to act. Patels in Gujarat might vote for reservations or a village for a new tubewell. None of this attracts censure – till the group in question happens to be members of minority communities.

Vote banks
As a result, the BJP rarely courts Muslims, preferring to rely solely on Hindu votes. In the March landslide in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, for example, the BJP stitched together a remarkable multi-caste Hindu alliance, winning 40% of the vote.

Even when the BJP desires Muslim votes, its methods don’t rely on the quid pro quo that characterises India’s transactional democracy. For example, in one recent case, civic polls in Uttar Pradesh saw a BJP leader threaten Muslims to vote for the BJP. Even while asking for their votes, the BJP does not see Muslims as legitimate players in the political space. While other voters could ask for, say, roads or water works, in return for their ballots, Muslims in Uttar Pradesh are not worthy of even such a transaction.

So successful has the BJP’s pitch been on this score than even some Muslim leaders now agree that it would be better if Muslims strategically excused themselves from the political space given that it would “polarise society”.

I guess they better do gharwapsi and convert to Hinduism and live happily ever after.

And how many Hindus do you think are living happily ?????? Are all Hindus happy with their life just because they are Hindus ????? :(
one side of the story as usual , typical libtard propaganda , from a muslim writer ,how convenient
And how many Hindus do you think are living happily ?????? Are all Hindus happy with their life just because they are Hindus ????? :(

All of them. Now why don't you reconvert back and discover for yourself ? :coffee:


All of them.

Check for the OBC, SC, ST caste and Dalits percentage in India, don't think they are living happily there, caught in the uglier caste system in India, no escaping from it. Only 18.4% are non-Brahmins upper caste, add to it 5% Brahmins, leaving a huge 77% population as disenfranchised, marginalized and poor, notwithstanding the Quota's, affirmative actions and positive discrimination.
LOL This is also UP , india and these are also indian Muslims .

muslim community assembles a mob, threatens girl belonging to hindu religion and her family that if she doesn't marry him, he will beat up entire family and release revenge **** in Azamgarh town in UtterPradesh which is 60% muslim.

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I guess they better do gharwapsi and convert to Hinduism and live happily ever after.
An Ill minded reply...
Instead of criticizing criminals, and doing justice, change of religion is being presented as solution... what about hate crime against Dilets... and why India calls herself a secular state???
An Ill minded reply...
Instead of criticizing criminals, and doing justice, change of religion is being presented as solution... what about hate crime against Dilets... and why India calls herself a secular state???

How is that any of your business ? We can call our self anything we want. You don't like it ? We don't care.
We are poor because the Christians looted us :coffee:

But we are happy because we are Hindus.

Now what are you going to do about it ? cheer your white chritian maters for looting us and converting you ? :azn:

Take your own advice tommy. (BTW tommy is the most common DOG's name in India).

We were looted not just by Christians alone, but most of the foreign invaders. Why ???? It was not because they were smarter than us, rather we were never united to begin with, and we won't be until and unless we come above the degraded concept of cast are religion.

I'm a Malayali, the Christians of Kerala have a history dated long before any Europeans even arrived or even became Christian them-self I guess. And FYI, I'm a member of minority Knanaya Christians, and we have nothing to do with any Europeans whomsoever.

And the whites looted India because Indian's were too stupid to be looted by anyone back then. You can very well abuse me or a member of any other religion, but that fact that you are a religious bigot ain't gonna change. Shame on you. :-(
We were looted not just by Christians alone, but most of the foreign invaders. Why ???? It was not because they were smarter than us, rather we were never united to begin with, and we won't be until and unless we come above the degraded concept of cast are religion.

I'm a Malayali, the Christians of Kerala have a history dated long before any Europeans even arrived or even became Christian them-self I guess. And FYI, I'm a member of minority Knanaya Christians, and we have nothing to do with any Europeans whomsoever.

And the whites looted India because Indian's were too stupid to be looted by anyone back then. You can very well abuse me or a member of any other religion, but that fact that you are a religious bigot ain't gonna change. Shame on you. :-(

The only old christians in kerala are the Syrian Christians. Pretty much all the rest were converted by the British. More than that, most of them were active british collaborators.

But the same syrian christians who came seeking refuge in Kerala, offered their services to Vasco Da Gama to Conquer the rest of India and Kerala for the "glory of christ".

So LOL at your ability to "shame" me.

Even your own Shashi Tharoor has put on record that for most parts the Islamic invaders spent most of their loot WITHIN India.

The Christian invaders LOOTED the country and DRAINED it of the wealth and shipped off the money and goods to Europe.

There is a HUGE difference between the two.

That is why even under the Mughal rule India's share in the global GDP was 23%, while under the Christian rule, it reduced to 2%.

Shame on YOU for attempting to spread lies and white wash the loot of India by christians and their Collaborators.

Hindus for now are pretty united, and now its for the christians to decide if they want to join us or not.

History will show that most Christians VOTED AGAINST Hindus and CONgress and in Favor of Muslim League during partition. They stood with Jinnah on this issue.

So LOL again at your amnesia and show of indignation.
The only old christians in kerala are the Syrian Christians. Pretty much all the rest were converted by the British. More than that, most of them were active british collaborators.

But the same syrian christians who came seeking refuge in Kerala, offered their services to Vasco Da Gama to Conquer the rest of India and Kerala for the "glory of christ".

So LOL at your ability to "shame" me.

Even your own Shashi Tharoor has put on record that for most parts the Islamic invaders spent most of their loot WITHIN India.

The Christian invaders LOOTED the country and DRAINED it of the wealth and shipped off the money and goods to Europe.

There is a HUGE difference between the two.

That is why even under the Mughal rule India's share in the global GDP was 23%, while under the Christian rule, it reduced to 2%.

Shame on YOU for attempting to spread lies and white wash the loot of India by christians and their Collaborators.

Hindus for now are pretty united, and now its for the christians to decide if they want to join us or not.

History will show that most Christians VOTED AGAINST Hindus and CONgress and in Favor of Muslim League during partition. They stood with Jinnah on this issue.

So LOL again at your amnesia and show of indignation.

ROFL, at your knowledge of History, especially the one related to Kerala. :haha::haha::haha:

And Hindus are anything but united, the main reason why India became the colony of foreigners.
The religion, (sorry the majority of people who practice) discrimination on the basis of cast, creed and sex. How do you go ahead and make tall claims like united etc. ????

And FYI, India doesn't mean Hindu alone. And it's not UP, Bihar, Rajastan or MP alone who are supposed to call the shots regarding the nation. If that is the case and you seriously think so, no one can help us from disintegrating, and this is something that ultra-nationalist religious fanatics don't understand. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
I'm a Malayali, the Christians of Kerala have a history dated long before any Europeans even arrived or even became Christian them-self I guess. And FYI, I'm a member of minority Knanaya Christians, and we have nothing to do with any Europeans whomsoever.
Apparently, Syrian Christians are also considered as enemies because the terrorist guru Golwalkar and Savarkar as they preached about Hindu Ummah and the need to identify the "internal enemies" viz., Christians, Muslims and Communists. http://www.stopfundinghate.org/resources/rssprimer.htm

And the whites looted India because Indian's were too stupid to be looted by anyone back then. You can very well abuse me or a member of any other religion, but that fact that you are a religious bigot ain't gonna change. Shame on you. :-(
RSS IT cell is very much active here. Also, the Hindutvavaadis are showing up their real face - The Hitler loving, Gujarat 2002 boasting, violent, primitive ones. Their heroes are the anti-heroes - Gandhi Killer Godse, Gujarat genocide killer gang, Yogi Adityanath Thakur and such kinds. They have articles from RSS writers like P N Oak and Rajiv Dikshit ready in their computers to spew hatred against Abrahamics. These are the swines who believes that they can annihilate India's minorities. Once a swayamsevak, the wretched kind, the cow dung eating, trishul carrying, corpse raping swine, they cannot revert to be humans again.
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