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It’s becoming increasingly dangerous in Uttar Pradesh to even look Muslim

Apparently, Syrian Christians are also considered as enemies because the terrorist guru Golwalkar and Savarkar as they preached about Hindu Ummah and the need to identify the "internal enemies" viz., Christians, Muslims and Communists. http://www.stopfundinghate.org/resources/rssprimer.htm

Nah, most syrian christians want nothing to do with India and have already migrated to the US, canada, UK, Australia and New zealand.

And they have handed over their land to the syrian christian church thus making them the largest land holders in Kerala and they hold thousands of acers of Rubber plantations. How cool is that ?

Funny how the communist govt. never "redistributes" these lands to the really poor and landless people. :coffee:

Any idea why ?

RSS IT cell is very much active here. Also, the Hindutvavaadis are showing up their real face - The Hitler loving, Gujarat 2002 boasting, violent, primitive ones. Their heroes are the anti-heroes - Gandhi Killer Godse, Gujarat genocide killer gang, Yogi Adityanath Thakur and such kinds. They have articles from RSS writers like P N Oak and Rajiv Dikshit ready in their computers to spew hatred against Abrahamics. These are the swines who believes that they can annihilate India's minorities. Once a swayamsevak, the wretched kind, the cow dung eating, trishul carrying, corpse raping swine, they cannot revert to be humans again.

LOL.... ok then. Time to put on the Tin foil hat. :lol:
Apparently, Syrian Christians are also considered as enemies because the terrorist guru Golwalkar and Savarkar as they preached about Hindu Ummah and the need to identify the "internal enemies" viz., Christians, Muslims and Communists. http://www.stopfundinghate.org/resources/rssprimer.htm

They may or be having right wing religious bigotry due to their on experience or may be from past events (both History and Fiction). But what I don't understand why in this 21st century are some of our countrymen still fighting over religion and belief's ??? I would rather say, all those Hindus who ridicule or kill a Muslim or Christian is equally dumb-*** as all those Chiristan's or Muslim's who does the same with others.

If you can see almost everyone of them (irrespective of religion) use the support of history to claim the legitimacy for their hatred.

Non-of us were even born when the great Muslim or Christian empires attacked and conquered parts of what is now India. But still they choose to fight among each other for some historic offence that none of them really gave. Shame on them.

When will those idiots understand that there is only two real religion in this whole world, The Rich and The Poor. :-(
They may or be having right wing religious bigotry due to their on experience or may be from past events (both History and Fiction). But what I don't understand why in this 21st century are some of our countrymen still fighting over religion and belief's ??? I would rather say, all those Hindus who ridicule or kill a Muslim or Christian is equally dumb-*** as all those Chiristan's or Muslim's who does the same with others.

If you can see almost everyone of them (irrespective of religion) use the support of history to claim the legitimacy for their hatred.

Non-of us were even born when the great Muslim or Christian empires attacked and conquered parts of what is now India. But still they choose to fight among each other for some historic offence that none of them really gave. Shame on them.

When will those idiots understand that there is only two real religion in this whole world, The Rich and The Poor. :-(

NO Hindu cares about the past, its your PRESENT loyalties that have us worried.

Your tacit approval and support for the christian missionaries, your advocacy of the west and western values and your contempt for Hindu values.

If you cannot even understand this simple reality, then feel free to blame your prejudiced mind that makes you blind to reality.
NO Hindu cares about the past, its your PRESENT loyalties that have us worried.

Your tacit approval and support for the christian missionaries, your advocacy of the west and western values and your contempt for Hindu values.

If you cannot even understand this simple reality, then feel free to blame your prejudiced mind that makes you blind to reality.

Firstly who are you to question the loyalty of others ???? Secondly as an India nobody need to prove his/her loyalty towards to the nation to anyone.

And yes, I have condemned and still do condemn all those so called (idiotic) Hindu values which discriminates between people for something which is not even under anybody's control (born to low caste). Or give someone the authority to question the religious affiliation of others. If you consider them great values, I'm sorry to say my friend it's not me but you who is blind to reality. :p:

And please don't try to sell your snake oil to me. Some stupid Hindus are still stuck in History and they do care about the PAST. For example; What do you think the whole exercise of Ram Janma bhumi and Babari Masjid is all about ???
Firstly who are you to question the loyalty of others ???? Secondly as an India nobody need to prove his/her loyalty towards to the nation to anyone.

And yes, I have condemned and still do condemn all those so called (idiotic) Hindu values which discriminates between people for something which is not even under anybody's control (born to low caste). Or give someone the authority to question the religious affiliation of others. If you consider them great values, I'm sorry to say my friend it's not me but you who is blind to reality. :p:

Any Indian is free to question the loyalty of any other Indian. I fail to see the logic in that.

It might not be desirable, but it is certainly within the law.

Secondly, Patriotism is different from Nationalism. Patriotism is limited to the time you live in India, to theoretically if you are given a choice to move to the US, your patriotism would change immediately. So in effect, its for SALE. Which is why Nationalism is always more reliable than patriotism since Nationalism does not operate on such a fickle definition.

There is no Hindu values that discriminate people by birth. Those are christian and muslim values.

Christian dalits have separate graveyard from non dalit chritians :cheesy: and here you are preaching about Hindus. Have you no shame ? No you don't. :sick:

Hindus have varna that is and was based on choice, christians had slaves those were based on conquest and subjugation. Muslims have a worse form of discrimination among arabs, and non arabs, slaves and masters.

You are blind all right, full of hate and prejudice that makes you blind to the realities that is obvious for the rest of us. And you just proved it. LOL.
Any Indian is free to question the loyalty of any other Indian. I fail to see the logic in that.

It might not be desirable, but it is certainly within the law.

No you are completely wrong in this context. Either you are pretending or you don' know jack about Fundamental rights as guaranteed by the constitution of India. Go read the constitution if you care before making absurd statements.

Secondly, Patriotism is different from Nationalism. Patriotism is limited to the time you live in India, to theoretically if you are given a choice to move to the US, your patriotism would change immediately. So in effect, its for SALE. Which is why Nationalism is always more reliable than patriotism since Nationalism does not operate on such a fickle definition.

I can show you a classic example for your definition. You may be well aware of Mr. Vinayak Damodar Savarka, a well known Hindu ultra nationalist. Do you know who he escaped sentence from cellular jail ???? This great nationalist just submitted a formal apology (which is still available with British Gazette Archives) while the patriots like Shaheed Bhagat Singh choose the gallows. Now tell me who was more reliable in this scenario, a nationalist or Patriot ????? LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:


There is no Hindu values that discriminate people by birth. Those are christian and muslim values.

The Hindu ideology itself speaks about that. If not can please enlighten me the meaning of the following ????

Chatur varna

If this is not discrimination, then what is ???? Manu Smriti ??? LOL :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:

Christian dalits have separate graveyard from non dalit chritians :cheesy: and here you are preaching about Hindus. Have you no shame ? No you don't. :sick:

It's not me but you who doesn't have an IOTA of shame while saying blatant lies. There is no such think happening in Christian cemeteries.

Hindus have varna that is and was based on choice, christians had slaves those were based on conquest and subjugation. Muslims have a worse form of discrimination among arabs, and non arabs, slaves and masters.

Now please don't tell me that a boy/girl born in a dalit family anywhere in India can become a Brahman by choice. I also live in India. :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

You just said what I'm trying to say (though I'm not sure about Muslims). Christians HAD, but Hindu's HAVE, and still have these absurd practices.

You are blind all right, full of hate and prejudice that makes you blind to the realities that is obvious for the rest of us. And you just proved it. LOL.

Yeah, I am blind that's why I have asked you to denounce your faith and join Christianity. Did I ???? Or where it you who went to that extend and asked others to denounce their faith ?????? But yes, I'm full of hatred while you are a pigeon of peace.

All of them. Now why don't you reconvert back and discover for yourself ? :coffee:

First practice what you preach, then try to prove others wrong :jester::jester::jester::jester::jester:
Its for your to PROVE ME WRONG. I Dare you to prove me wrong :lol:

All you can do is call me names. LOL.

My Fundamentals right as an Indian citizen gives me the freedom to resist any questioning from any random guy. No one is entitled to question me unless obliged by law like law enforcing agencies or anyone doing his official duties. And that is clearly defined under Article 18 to 22 in the constitution of India, part III.

1. This example does not make any sense since both Bhagat singh and Veer Savarkar were both Nationalists and NOT patriots. :cheesy:

Patriotism would have been to fight FOR the british govt. you moron since THEY were the one running the government. You must be a total idiot to give this example. :lol:

2. Veer Savarkar was not even found guilty by the courts, his imprisonment was AGAINST the Law. Courts sentenced him to "Transportation". The decision to Jail him was a POLITICAL decision, and as such had no basis in Law.

So the only way he could escape was using similar political means.

Bhagat singh OTOH was a terrorist who threw an ACTUAL BOMB in the Legislature and was hanged for it. :cheesy:

He was found guilty by the LAW.

See the difference ? LOL. This is what happens when ignorant fools attempt to teach history to others.

At-least quote the history correctly LIAR. Mr. Bhagat Singh was sentenced for shooting and killing Mr. Saunders a British officer, not for throwing bomb in the assembly. Moreover he was a revolutionary, and there is nothing called nationalism whatsoever among communists. The concept of communism is above nationalism moron. :lol:

And Mr. Savarkar was a coward, a damn COWARD and that is the truth. Period.

Non of the current right wing bastards (aka Sangh Parivar) worked for the freedom of India. If so I challenge you to list the names of a few right wing leaders with the same status and history like M.K Gandhi, Pandit Nehru etc ???? Can you ???? They were all cowards and working alongside the British, not against them.

VarNa means CHOICE . :lol:

SwayamVAR means CHOICE of husband for the girl, to be selected by her.

VAR means Groom of CHOICE for the girl.

Chatur VarNa means CHOICE Of FOUR. :lol:

LOL at your Ignorant attempt to "shame" me. :lol:

MOST ABSURD CLAIMS EVER. While you know you are lying blatantly about a fact that the entire world know, let alone any Indian. :p:



Manu Smriti means " Remembering (teachings of) MANU / First Man King".

There was at least 18 Smriti's that spoke of Dharma of the various ages. The last one being Parasara Smriti which was for the Kali Yuga. Manu Smriti was for the Satya Yuga :lol:

There is ZERO discrimination in it. There is only ways to discriminate between right and wrong action and prayaschit for wrong action. Its is purely for the self.

Manu Smriti says that god framed the laws and first taught it to Manu. This Hindu law book is more like a torture manual for the low castes. The Purusha Sukta is often cited as a proof for caste system. Maharishi Manu also supports the Purusha Sukta when he writes,

Manu Smriti 1.31 ”For the furtherance of the (good of the) world, he created Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra from his mouth, arms, thighs, and legs.” Tr. M.N. Dutt

Manu writes that it was god who assigned specific professions to those who came out from his mouth, chest, thighs and feet.

Manu Smriti 1.87 ”For the preservation of all this creation, He of great effulgence, laid down separate duties for those origination from his mouth (Brahmanas), from his arms (Kshatrias), from his thighs (Vaisyas), and from his legs (Sudras).” Tr. M.N. Dutt

First Brahmins originated from his mouth, Shudra from his feet and then he gave them specific professions. I would discuss the part that only discuss about the status of low castes in Manu Smriti. In Manu Smriti Shudras and Chandalas are given capital punishment for committing certain crimes whereas a Brahmin is given very lesser punishment like paying fine or performing penance. Translation of few verses in English as done by Mr. Buhler and M.N. Dutt.

  1. Manu Smriti 8.413-14 A Sudra, whether bought or unbought must serve the Brahmin a slave purchased or otherwise, must be employed in service, inasmuch as it for serving the Brahmana that he has been created by the self-begotten one. Even set at liberty by his master, a Sudra cannot be liberated from service: service is his vocation by nature; who shall emancipate him from that?
  2. Manu Smriti 5.140 Following the path of equity, Sudras must shave their heads once, each month, follow the rules of purification laid down in respect of the Vaishyas, and eat the leavings of Brahmana’s food.
  3. Manu Smriti 8.417 Let a Brahmana unhestitangly appropriate to himself whatever (his) Sudra (Slave) has earned, inasmuch as nothing can be belong to the latter, he being himself an enjoyable good of the Brahmana.
  4. Manu Smriti 10.129 No collection of wealth must be made by a Sudra, even though he be able (to do it); for a Sudra who has acquired wealth, gives pain to Brahmanas.
  5. Manu Smriti 8.418 (The king) should carefully compel Vaisyas and Sudra to perform the work (prescribed) for them; for if these two (castes) swerved from their duties, they would throw this (whole) world into confusion.
  6. Manu Smriti 10.96 A man of low caste who through covetousness lives by the occupations of a higher one, the king shall deprive of his property and banish.
  7. Manu Smriti 8.270-1. A once-born man (a Sudra), who insults a twice-born man with gross invective, shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin. If he mentions the names and castes (gati) of the (twice-born) with contumely, an iron nail, ten fingers long, shall be thrust red-hot into his mouth.
  8. Manu Smriti 8.272 If a Sudra insolently gives any religious or moral advice to a Brahmana, the king, shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and ears.
  9. Manu Smriti 8.281-2 A low-caste man who tries to place himself on the same seat with a man of a high caste, shall be branded on his hip and be banished, or (the king) shall cause his buttock to be gashed. If out of arrogance he spits (on a superior), the king shall cause both his lips to be cut off; if he urines (on him), the penis; if he breaks wind (against him), the anus.
  10. Manu Smriti 8.267-8 A Kshatriya, having defamed a Brahmana, shall be fined one hundred (panas…a Sudra shall suffer corporal punishment. A Brahmana shall be fined fifty (panas) for defaming a Kshatriya…in (the case of) a Sudra twelve.
  11. Manu Smriti 2.31-32 Let (the first part of) a Brahmana’s name (denote something) auspicious, a Kshatriya’s be connected with power, and a Vaisya’s with wealth, but a Sudra’s (express something) contemptible. (The second part of) a Brahmana’s (name) shall be (a word) implying happiness, of a Kshatriya’s (a word) implying protection, of a Vaisya’s (a term) expressive of thriving, and of a Sudra’s (an expression) denoting service.
  12. Manu Smriti 3.44; 2.127; 3.111-2; 8.88; 5.92 method of marriage, way of greetings, mode of entertaining guests, or method of administering oath in the court, process of taking out funeral procession of the Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra must be different.
  13. Manu Smriti 10.51.52 But the dwellings of Kandalas [Chandala] and Svapakas shall be outside the village, they must be made Apapatras, and their wealth (shall be) dogs and donkeys. Their dress (shall be) the garments of the dead, (they shall eat) their food from broken dishes, black iron (shall be) their ornaments, and they must always wander from place to place.
  14. Manu Smriti 10.54 Their food shall be given to them by others (than an Aryan giver) in a broken dish; at night they shall not walk about in villages and in towns.
  15. Manu Smriti 10.53 One, while doing religious rite, must not see, or speak to them (Chandalas); they shall carry on their monetary or matrimonial transactions among members of their own castes.
  16. Manu Smriti 11.13 (Or) the (sacrificer) may take at his pleasure two or three (articles required for a sacrifice) from the house of a Sudra; for a Sudra has no business with sacrifices.
  17. Manu Smriti 1.91 One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Sudra, to serve meekly even these (other) three castes.
  18. Manu Smriti 9.334 But to serve Brahmanas (who are) learned in the Vedas, householders, and famous (for virtue) is the highest duty of a Sudra, which leads to beatitude.
  19. Manu Smriti 10.121-3 If a Sudra, (unable to subsist by serving Brahmanas,) seeks a livelihood, he may serve Kshatriyas, or he may also seek to maintain himself by attending on a wealthy Vaisya. But let a (Sudra) serve Brahmanas, either for the sake of heaven, or with a view to both (this life and the next); for he who iscalled the servant of a Brahmana thereby gains all his ends The service of Brahmanas alone is declared (to be) an excellent occupation for a Sudra; for whatever else besides this he may perform will bear him no fruit.
  20. Manu Smriti 3.112 Even a Vaisya and a Sudra who have approached his [Brahmin] house in the manner of guests, he [Brahmin] may allow to eat with his servants, showing (thereby) his compassionate disposition.
  21. Manu Smriti 3.92 Let him gently place on the ground (some food) for dogs, outcasts, Kandalas [Chandal] (Svapak), those afflicted with diseases that are punishments of former sins, crows, and insects.
  22. 3.239 A Kandala, a village pig, a cock, a dog, a menstruating woman, and a eunuch must not look at the Brahmanas while they eat.
  23. Manu Smriti 5.131 Manu has declared that the flesh (of an animal) killed by dogs is pure, likewise (that) of a (beast) slain by carnivorous (animals) or by men of low caste (Dasyu), such as Kandalas.
  24. Manu Smriti 4.79 Let him not stay together with outcasts,nor with Kandalas, nor with Pukkasas, nor with fools, nor with overbearing men, nor with low-caste men, nor with with fools, nor with overbearing men, nor with low-caste men, nor with Antyavasayins
  25. Manu Smriti 5.85 When he has touched a Kandala [Chandal], a menstruating woman, an outcast, a woman in child bed, a corpse, or one who has touched a (corpse), he becomes pure by bathing.
  26. Manu Smriti 8.279-80 With whatever limb a man of a low caste does hurt to (a man of the three) highest (castes), even that limb shall be cut off; that is the teaching of Manu. He who raises his hand or a stick, shall have his hand cut off; he who in anger kicks with his foot, shall have his foot cut off
  27. Manu Smriti 4.61 Let him not dwell in a country where the rulers are Sudras…
  28. Manu Smriti 4.80 Let him [i.e., Brahmin] not give to a Sudra advice, nor the remnants (of his meal), nor food offered to the gods; nor let him explain the sacred law (to such a man), nor impose (upon him) a penance.
  29. Manu Smriti 4.81 For he who explains the sacred law (to a Sudra) or dictatesto him a penance, will sink together with that (man) into the hell (called) Asamvrita
  30. Manu Smriti 4.99 Let him [i.e., Brahmin] not recite (the texts) indistinctly, nor in the presence of Sudras; nor let him, if in the latter part of the night he is tired with reciting the Veda, go again to sleep.
  31. Manu Smriti 4.140 Let him [i.e., Dvija] not journey too early in the morning, nor too late in the evening, nor just during the midday (heat), nor with an unknown (companion), nor alone, nor with Sudra.
  32. Manu Smriti 4.223 A Brahmana who knows (the law) must not eat cooked food (given) by a Sudra who performs no Sraddhas; but, on failure of (other) means of subsistence, he may accept raw (grain), sufficient for one night (and day).
  33. Manu Smriti 5.104 Let him not allow a dead Brahmana to becarried out by a Sudra, while men of the same caste are at hand; for that burnt-offering which is defiled by a Sudra’s touch is detrimental to (the deceased’s passage to) heaven.
  34. Manu Smriti 8.21-22 The kingdom of that monarch, who looks on while a Sudra settles the law, will sink (low), like a cow in a morass. That kingdom where Sudras are very numerous, which is infested by atheists and destitute of twice-born (inhabitants), soon entirely perishes, afflicted by famine and disease.
  35. Manu Smriti 10.126 A Sudra cannot commit an offence, causing loss of caste (pataka), and he is not worthy to receive the sacraments; he has no right to (fulfil) the sacred law (of the Aryans, yet) there is no prohibition against (his fulfilling certain portions of) the law.
  36. Manu Smriti 11.132 Having killed a cat, an ichneumon, a blue jay, a frog, a dog, an iguana, an owl, or a crow, he [i.e., Brahmin]shall perform the penance for the murder of a Sudra
  37. Manu Smriti 11.149 He who has touched spirituous liquor, has given it away, or received it in accordance with the rule, or has drunk water left by a Sudra, shall drink during three days water in which Kusa-grass has been boiled.
Superiority of Brahmins in Manu Smriti

  1. Manu Smriti 10.1 Let the three twice-born castes (varna), discharging their (prescribed) duties, study (the Veda); but among them the Brahmana (alone) shall teach it, not the other two; that is an established rule.
  2. Manu Smriti 1.88 To Brahmanas he assigned teaching and studying (the Veda), sacrificing for their own benefit and for others, giving and accepting (of alms).
  3. Manu Smriti 1.93 As the Brahmana sprang from (Brahman’s) mouth, as he was the first-born, and as he possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of this whole creation.
  4. Manu Smriti 1.95 Through the mouth of this (Brahmana), the celestials eat their Havyas (Oblations), and the manes, their Kavyas (oblations.)
  5. Manu Smriti 1.99 A Brahmana, coming into existence, is born as the highest on earth, the lord of all created beings, for the protection of the treasury of the law.
  6. Manu Smriti 1.101 Whatever a Brahmin receives is his only even if it belongs to others and it is only due to the kindness of Brahmins that other castes enjoy.
Though there are many more verses in Manu Smriti which praises the Brahmins

Now it is upto you to prove me wrong. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

LOL .... How about a Picture ?


The Wall between a DALIT cemetery and a Non Dalit Cemetery. You shameless people discriminate even in Death :sick: At least the Hindus burn all their dead in the same place.

LOL, who said saw ?????







A Dalit is not a varna you moron :lol: He is a social outcaste. A man who has violated the trust of society by indulging in something wrong.

I know, but a Dalit is certainly a Human being, right ?????

What something wrong ???? What will be the cast of a kid born to a Dalit parents in India ???? Did he do anything wrong personally to become a social outcast Mr ???? What a twisted logic.

Its the same as asking me if a Pedophile can become a School teacher by choice :lol:

or if a Criminal can become a Judge by choice.

But guess what ? Sant Dnyaneshwar was a Dalit who became a Brahmin by choice :lol: So you FAIL again.

LOL, again some unverifiable claims. Come back to this very 21st century and provide me the details of a single, I reiterate single Dalit who became a Brahman or even any upper cast Hindu by his choice and I will agree that you are right and I'm completely wrong. I challenge you, but you can't. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

This must be the funniest post yet.

Christian Missionaries are a REALITY. They ask Hindus to denounce our faith and join Christianity ALL THE TIME :cheesy:

They do it RIGHT OUTSIDE our Temples. They do it INSIDE Hindu Temples. :lol:

That is freedom of speech and expression as guaranteed by the constitution. Did they force anyone to convert ???? I bet you won't be able to show a single case.
The writer of the above/quoted article must be prosecuted under Anti National laws or laws of waging a war against India.
The number of people died in India due to accidents per annum is about more than 1,50,000 however the deaths from the alleged cow vigilantes is about 4 per year out of which 2 or 3 are Muslims.
However an environment of animosity is being created. Such people must be prosecuted and punished. If there is any requirement then make proper laws to punish such people who abuse freedom of expression.
There was a case of a dead Muslim from Rajasthan, it was a case of dacoity, however NDTV made it a National News on the issue of cow vigilantism. If not for the clarification of one of the survivors the alleged story would have been considered as truth. We must come harshly on rumor mongering.

I dont know why u went to the extent of going against Hinduism just to reply that guy.
Manusmiriti, what is that ? We Hindus are governed by Hindu Succession Act, Hindu Marriage Act and other laws in India and we dont have any personal laws unlike others.
Did any of your Hindu friends quoted Manu Smiriti to define his ways of life or thinking ? If not then please be in present times.
We Hindus have eradicated Sati Pratha, we Hindus have eradicated Child marriages from most of our societies and we Hindus have given reservation to our down trodden societies. And yes we Hindus manage a Secular Country, unlike our neighboring countries with majority of Abrahmic faiths.

My Fundamentals right as an Indian citizen gives me the freedom to resist any questioning from any random guy. No one is entitled to question me unless obliged by law like law enforcing agencies or anyone doing his official duties. And that is clearly defined under Article 18 to 22 in the constitution of India, part III.

At-least quote the history correctly LIAR. Mr. Bhagat Singh was sentenced for shooting and killing Mr. Saunders a British officer, not for throwing bomb in the assembly. Moreover he was a revolutionary, and there is nothing called nationalism whatsoever among communists. The concept of communism is above nationalism moron. :lol:

And Mr. Savarkar was a coward, a damn COWARD and that is the truth. Period.

Non of the current right wing bastards (aka Sangh Parivar) worked for the freedom of India. If so I challenge you to list the names of a few right wing leaders with the same status and history like M.K Gandhi, Pandit Nehru etc ???? Can you ???? They were all cowards and working alongside the British, not against them.

MOST ABSURD CLAIMS EVER. While you know you are lying blatantly about a fact that the entire world know, let alone any Indian. :p:



Manu Smriti says that god framed the laws and first taught it to Manu. This Hindu law book is more like a torture manual for the low castes. The Purusha Sukta is often cited as a proof for caste system. Maharishi Manu also supports the Purusha Sukta when he writes,

Manu Smriti 1.31 ”For the furtherance of the (good of the) world, he created Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra from his mouth, arms, thighs, and legs.” Tr. M.N. Dutt

Manu writes that it was god who assigned specific professions to those who came out from his mouth, chest, thighs and feet.

Manu Smriti 1.87 ”For the preservation of all this creation, He of great effulgence, laid down separate duties for those origination from his mouth (Brahmanas), from his arms (Kshatrias), from his thighs (Vaisyas), and from his legs (Sudras).” Tr. M.N. Dutt

First Brahmins originated from his mouth, Shudra from his feet and then he gave them specific professions. I would discuss the part that only discuss about the status of low castes in Manu Smriti. In Manu Smriti Shudras and Chandalas are given capital punishment for committing certain crimes whereas a Brahmin is given very lesser punishment like paying fine or performing penance. Translation of few verses in English as done by Mr. Buhler and M.N. Dutt.

  1. Manu Smriti 8.413-14 A Sudra, whether bought or unbought must serve the Brahmin a slave purchased or otherwise, must be employed in service, inasmuch as it for serving the Brahmana that he has been created by the self-begotten one. Even set at liberty by his master, a Sudra cannot be liberated from service: service is his vocation by nature; who shall emancipate him from that?
  2. Manu Smriti 5.140 Following the path of equity, Sudras must shave their heads once, each month, follow the rules of purification laid down in respect of the Vaishyas, and eat the leavings of Brahmana’s food.
  3. Manu Smriti 8.417 Let a Brahmana unhestitangly appropriate to himself whatever (his) Sudra (Slave) has earned, inasmuch as nothing can be belong to the latter, he being himself an enjoyable good of the Brahmana.
  4. Manu Smriti 10.129 No collection of wealth must be made by a Sudra, even though he be able (to do it); for a Sudra who has acquired wealth, gives pain to Brahmanas.
  5. Manu Smriti 8.418 (The king) should carefully compel Vaisyas and Sudra to perform the work (prescribed) for them; for if these two (castes) swerved from their duties, they would throw this (whole) world into confusion.
  6. Manu Smriti 10.96 A man of low caste who through covetousness lives by the occupations of a higher one, the king shall deprive of his property and banish.
  7. Manu Smriti 8.270-1. A once-born man (a Sudra), who insults a twice-born man with gross invective, shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin. If he mentions the names and castes (gati) of the (twice-born) with contumely, an iron nail, ten fingers long, shall be thrust red-hot into his mouth.
  8. Manu Smriti 8.272 If a Sudra insolently gives any religious or moral advice to a Brahmana, the king, shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and ears.
  9. Manu Smriti 8.281-2 A low-caste man who tries to place himself on the same seat with a man of a high caste, shall be branded on his hip and be banished, or (the king) shall cause his buttock to be gashed. If out of arrogance he spits (on a superior), the king shall cause both his lips to be cut off; if he urines (on him), the penis; if he breaks wind (against him), the anus.
  10. Manu Smriti 8.267-8 A Kshatriya, having defamed a Brahmana, shall be fined one hundred (panas…a Sudra shall suffer corporal punishment. A Brahmana shall be fined fifty (panas) for defaming a Kshatriya…in (the case of) a Sudra twelve.
  11. Manu Smriti 2.31-32 Let (the first part of) a Brahmana’s name (denote something) auspicious, a Kshatriya’s be connected with power, and a Vaisya’s with wealth, but a Sudra’s (express something) contemptible. (The second part of) a Brahmana’s (name) shall be (a word) implying happiness, of a Kshatriya’s (a word) implying protection, of a Vaisya’s (a term) expressive of thriving, and of a Sudra’s (an expression) denoting service.
  12. Manu Smriti 3.44; 2.127; 3.111-2; 8.88; 5.92 method of marriage, way of greetings, mode of entertaining guests, or method of administering oath in the court, process of taking out funeral procession of the Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra must be different.
  13. Manu Smriti 10.51.52 But the dwellings of Kandalas [Chandala] and Svapakas shall be outside the village, they must be made Apapatras, and their wealth (shall be) dogs and donkeys. Their dress (shall be) the garments of the dead, (they shall eat) their food from broken dishes, black iron (shall be) their ornaments, and they must always wander from place to place.
  14. Manu Smriti 10.54 Their food shall be given to them by others (than an Aryan giver) in a broken dish; at night they shall not walk about in villages and in towns.
  15. Manu Smriti 10.53 One, while doing religious rite, must not see, or speak to them (Chandalas); they shall carry on their monetary or matrimonial transactions among members of their own castes.
  16. Manu Smriti 11.13 (Or) the (sacrificer) may take at his pleasure two or three (articles required for a sacrifice) from the house of a Sudra; for a Sudra has no business with sacrifices.
  17. Manu Smriti 1.91 One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Sudra, to serve meekly even these (other) three castes.
  18. Manu Smriti 9.334 But to serve Brahmanas (who are) learned in the Vedas, householders, and famous (for virtue) is the highest duty of a Sudra, which leads to beatitude.
  19. Manu Smriti 10.121-3 If a Sudra, (unable to subsist by serving Brahmanas,) seeks a livelihood, he may serve Kshatriyas, or he may also seek to maintain himself by attending on a wealthy Vaisya. But let a (Sudra) serve Brahmanas, either for the sake of heaven, or with a view to both (this life and the next); for he who iscalled the servant of a Brahmana thereby gains all his ends The service of Brahmanas alone is declared (to be) an excellent occupation for a Sudra; for whatever else besides this he may perform will bear him no fruit.
  20. Manu Smriti 3.112 Even a Vaisya and a Sudra who have approached his [Brahmin] house in the manner of guests, he [Brahmin] may allow to eat with his servants, showing (thereby) his compassionate disposition.
  21. Manu Smriti 3.92 Let him gently place on the ground (some food) for dogs, outcasts, Kandalas [Chandal] (Svapak), those afflicted with diseases that are punishments of former sins, crows, and insects.
  22. 3.239 A Kandala, a village pig, a cock, a dog, a menstruating woman, and a eunuch must not look at the Brahmanas while they eat.
  23. Manu Smriti 5.131 Manu has declared that the flesh (of an animal) killed by dogs is pure, likewise (that) of a (beast) slain by carnivorous (animals) or by men of low caste (Dasyu), such as Kandalas.
  24. Manu Smriti 4.79 Let him not stay together with outcasts,nor with Kandalas, nor with Pukkasas, nor with fools, nor with overbearing men, nor with low-caste men, nor with with fools, nor with overbearing men, nor with low-caste men, nor with Antyavasayins
  25. Manu Smriti 5.85 When he has touched a Kandala [Chandal], a menstruating woman, an outcast, a woman in child bed, a corpse, or one who has touched a (corpse), he becomes pure by bathing.
  26. Manu Smriti 8.279-80 With whatever limb a man of a low caste does hurt to (a man of the three) highest (castes), even that limb shall be cut off; that is the teaching of Manu. He who raises his hand or a stick, shall have his hand cut off; he who in anger kicks with his foot, shall have his foot cut off
  27. Manu Smriti 4.61 Let him not dwell in a country where the rulers are Sudras…
  28. Manu Smriti 4.80 Let him [i.e., Brahmin] not give to a Sudra advice, nor the remnants (of his meal), nor food offered to the gods; nor let him explain the sacred law (to such a man), nor impose (upon him) a penance.
  29. Manu Smriti 4.81 For he who explains the sacred law (to a Sudra) or dictatesto him a penance, will sink together with that (man) into the hell (called) Asamvrita
  30. Manu Smriti 4.99 Let him [i.e., Brahmin] not recite (the texts) indistinctly, nor in the presence of Sudras; nor let him, if in the latter part of the night he is tired with reciting the Veda, go again to sleep.
  31. Manu Smriti 4.140 Let him [i.e., Dvija] not journey too early in the morning, nor too late in the evening, nor just during the midday (heat), nor with an unknown (companion), nor alone, nor with Sudra.
  32. Manu Smriti 4.223 A Brahmana who knows (the law) must not eat cooked food (given) by a Sudra who performs no Sraddhas; but, on failure of (other) means of subsistence, he may accept raw (grain), sufficient for one night (and day).
  33. Manu Smriti 5.104 Let him not allow a dead Brahmana to becarried out by a Sudra, while men of the same caste are at hand; for that burnt-offering which is defiled by a Sudra’s touch is detrimental to (the deceased’s passage to) heaven.
  34. Manu Smriti 8.21-22 The kingdom of that monarch, who looks on while a Sudra settles the law, will sink (low), like a cow in a morass. That kingdom where Sudras are very numerous, which is infested by atheists and destitute of twice-born (inhabitants), soon entirely perishes, afflicted by famine and disease.
  35. Manu Smriti 10.126 A Sudra cannot commit an offence, causing loss of caste (pataka), and he is not worthy to receive the sacraments; he has no right to (fulfil) the sacred law (of the Aryans, yet) there is no prohibition against (his fulfilling certain portions of) the law.
  36. Manu Smriti 11.132 Having killed a cat, an ichneumon, a blue jay, a frog, a dog, an iguana, an owl, or a crow, he [i.e., Brahmin]shall perform the penance for the murder of a Sudra
  37. Manu Smriti 11.149 He who has touched spirituous liquor, has given it away, or received it in accordance with the rule, or has drunk water left by a Sudra, shall drink during three days water in which Kusa-grass has been boiled.
Superiority of Brahmins in Manu Smriti

  1. Manu Smriti 10.1 Let the three twice-born castes (varna), discharging their (prescribed) duties, study (the Veda); but among them the Brahmana (alone) shall teach it, not the other two; that is an established rule.
  2. Manu Smriti 1.88 To Brahmanas he assigned teaching and studying (the Veda), sacrificing for their own benefit and for others, giving and accepting (of alms).
  3. Manu Smriti 1.93 As the Brahmana sprang from (Brahman’s) mouth, as he was the first-born, and as he possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of this whole creation.
  4. Manu Smriti 1.95 Through the mouth of this (Brahmana), the celestials eat their Havyas (Oblations), and the manes, their Kavyas (oblations.)
  5. Manu Smriti 1.99 A Brahmana, coming into existence, is born as the highest on earth, the lord of all created beings, for the protection of the treasury of the law.
  6. Manu Smriti 1.101 Whatever a Brahmin receives is his only even if it belongs to others and it is only due to the kindness of Brahmins that other castes enjoy.
Though there are many more verses in Manu Smriti which praises the Brahmins

Now it is upto you to prove me wrong. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

LOL, who said saw ?????







I know, but a Dalit is certainly a Human being, right ?????

What something wrong ???? What will be the cast of a kid born to a Dalit parents in India ???? Did he do anything wrong personally to become a social outcast Mr ???? What a twisted logic.

LOL, again some unverifiable claims. Come back to this very 21st century and provide me the details of a single, I reiterate single Dalit who became a Brahman or even any upper cast Hindu by his choice and I will agree that you are right and I'm completely wrong. I challenge you, but you can't. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That is freedom of speech and expression as guaranteed by the constitution. Did they force anyone to convert ???? I bet you won't be able to show a single case.
My Fundamentals right as an Indian citizen gives me the freedom to resist any questioning from any random guy. No one is entitled to question me unless obliged by law like law enforcing agencies or anyone doing his official duties. And that is clearly defined under Article 18 to 22 in the constitution of India, part III.

LOL.... YOU were the one Denying my fundamental right to questions somebody's patriotism. I never questioned your right to defend yourself :cheesy:

Anyone can question you Any time they want and there is nothing you can do about it :lol: ..... maybe whine about it in pdf. That is just about all you can do.

At-least quote the history correctly LIAR. Mr. Bhagat Singh was sentenced for shooting and killing Mr. Saunders a British officer, not for throwing bomb in the assembly. Moreover he was a revolutionary, and there is nothing called nationalism whatsoever among communists. The concept of communism is above nationalism moron. :lol:

And Mr. Savarkar was a coward, a damn COWARD and that is the truth. Period.

Non of the current right wing bastards (aka Sangh Parivar) worked for the freedom of India. If so I challenge you to list the names of a few right wing leaders with the same status and history like M.K Gandhi, Pandit Nehru etc ???? Can you ???? They were all cowards and working alongside the British, not against them.


1. Savarkar was called VEER Savarkar which literally means "Brave Savarkar" :lol: This pictures hangs in the Parliament of India. He does not need any certificate from a christian bigot like you :lol:

2. Bhagat singh was NEVER a communist. He NEVER joined the communist party. He joined the "Hindustan Republican Association" which was lead by Ram Prasad Bismil.

Do you know who Ram Prasad Bismil was ? :cheesy: He was a arya samaji involved in converting Muslims into Hindus. :lol:

3. Bhagat Singh called himself an "Atheist" because his HERO VEER SAVARKAR was an Atheist :lol:

Did you know it was Bhagat Singh who published Veer Savarkr's book "‘The first war of independence of 1857’" which was banned by the British ? :P

Bhagat singh considered Veer Savarkar HIS HERO. :lol:

Guess what ? When finally Bhagat singh and his friends were arrested, the british found THIS BOOK BY VEER SAVARKAR in procession by EVERYONE in his gang. :D

4. Do you know which was Bhagat Singh's Favorite song ? It was "Mera rang de BASANTI Chola" which literally means "paint my Robes SAFFRON." :lol: Do you know why Saffron ? It was the color of Self sacrifice for a higher purpose. Be it to find god or to get Independence.

Another line from that song is "Jis chole ko pahan shivaji nikle apni aan se" (The robes which Shivaji wore as he came out to fight). The same Shivaji who INVENTED the term "Hindavi Swarajya" or "Hindutva in modern terms". And guess what ws the Colour of this dress when he fought ? it was SAFFRON :lol:

5. Did you know WHY Bhagat Singh wanted to kill Saunders ? Because Saunders killed the Hindutva ICON Lala Lajpat Rai. :lol: The man who PUBLISHED Veer Savarkar's books. :lol: BEFORE Bhagat singh did.

Bhagat Sigh was a Nationalist Through and Through.

You could not have chosen two better names to help me PROVE my point so conclusively :lol:

This is the problem with Fools and their Ignorant Bigoted beliefs.

MOST ABSURD CLAIMS EVER. While you know you are lying blatantly about a fact that the entire world know, let alone any Indian. :p:



LOL.... Another Epic Fail. I am posting about VARNA.

And you are posting about CASTE :cheesy:

Hindus created VARNA.

BRITISH CHRISTIANS created CASTE. Get it ? :lol:

Manu Smriti says that god framed the laws and first taught it to Manu. This Hindu law book is more like a torture manual for the low castes. The Purusha Sukta is often cited as a proof for caste system. Maharishi Manu also supports the Purusha Sukta when he writes,

Manu Smriti 1.31 ”For the furtherance of the (good of the) world, he created Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra from his mouth, arms, thighs, and legs.” Tr. M.N. Dutt

Manu writes that it was god who assigned specific professions to those who came out from his mouth, chest, thighs and feet.

Manu Smriti 1.87 ”For the preservation of all this creation, He of great effulgence, laid down separate duties for those origination from his mouth (Brahmanas), from his arms (Kshatrias), from his thighs (Vaisyas), and from his legs (Sudras).” Tr. M.N. Dutt

First Brahmins originated from his mouth, Shudra from his feet and then he gave them specific professions. I would discuss the part that only discuss about the status of low castes in Manu Smriti. In Manu Smriti Shudras and Chandalas are given capital punishment for committing certain crimes whereas a Brahmin is given very lesser punishment like paying fine or performing penance. Translation of few verses in English as done by Mr. Buhler and M.N. Dutt.

  1. Manu Smriti 8.413-14 A Sudra, whether bought or unbought must serve the Brahmin a slave purchased or otherwise, must be employed in service, inasmuch as it for serving the Brahmana that he has been created by the self-begotten one. Even set at liberty by his master, a Sudra cannot be liberated from service: service is his vocation by nature; who shall emancipate him from that?
  2. Manu Smriti 5.140 Following the path of equity, Sudras must shave their heads once, each month, follow the rules of purification laid down in respect of the Vaishyas, and eat the leavings of Brahmana’s food.
  3. Manu Smriti 8.417 Let a Brahmana unhestitangly appropriate to himself whatever (his) Sudra (Slave) has earned, inasmuch as nothing can be belong to the latter, he being himself an enjoyable good of the Brahmana.
  4. Manu Smriti 10.129 No collection of wealth must be made by a Sudra, even though he be able (to do it); for a Sudra who has acquired wealth, gives pain to Brahmanas.
  5. Manu Smriti 8.418 (The king) should carefully compel Vaisyas and Sudra to perform the work (prescribed) for them; for if these two (castes) swerved from their duties, they would throw this (whole) world into confusion.
  6. Manu Smriti 10.96 A man of low caste who through covetousness lives by the occupations of a higher one, the king shall deprive of his property and banish.
  7. Manu Smriti 8.270-1. A once-born man (a Sudra), who insults a twice-born man with gross invective, shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin. If he mentions the names and castes (gati) of the (twice-born) with contumely, an iron nail, ten fingers long, shall be thrust red-hot into his mouth.
  8. Manu Smriti 8.272 If a Sudra insolently gives any religious or moral advice to a Brahmana, the king, shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and ears.
  9. Manu Smriti 8.281-2 A low-caste man who tries to place himself on the same seat with a man of a high caste, shall be branded on his hip and be banished, or (the king) shall cause his buttock to be gashed. If out of arrogance he spits (on a superior), the king shall cause both his lips to be cut off; if he urines (on him), the penis; if he breaks wind (against him), the anus.
  10. Manu Smriti 8.267-8 A Kshatriya, having defamed a Brahmana, shall be fined one hundred (panas…a Sudra shall suffer corporal punishment. A Brahmana shall be fined fifty (panas) for defaming a Kshatriya…in (the case of) a Sudra twelve.
  11. Manu Smriti 2.31-32 Let (the first part of) a Brahmana’s name (denote something) auspicious, a Kshatriya’s be connected with power, and a Vaisya’s with wealth, but a Sudra’s (express something) contemptible. (The second part of) a Brahmana’s (name) shall be (a word) implying happiness, of a Kshatriya’s (a word) implying protection, of a Vaisya’s (a term) expressive of thriving, and of a Sudra’s (an expression) denoting service.
  12. Manu Smriti 3.44; 2.127; 3.111-2; 8.88; 5.92 method of marriage, way of greetings, mode of entertaining guests, or method of administering oath in the court, process of taking out funeral procession of the Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra must be different.
  13. Manu Smriti 10.51.52 But the dwellings of Kandalas [Chandala] and Svapakas shall be outside the village, they must be made Apapatras, and their wealth (shall be) dogs and donkeys. Their dress (shall be) the garments of the dead, (they shall eat) their food from broken dishes, black iron (shall be) their ornaments, and they must always wander from place to place.
  14. Manu Smriti 10.54 Their food shall be given to them by others (than an Aryan giver) in a broken dish; at night they shall not walk about in villages and in towns.
  15. Manu Smriti 10.53 One, while doing religious rite, must not see, or speak to them (Chandalas); they shall carry on their monetary or matrimonial transactions among members of their own castes.
  16. Manu Smriti 11.13 (Or) the (sacrificer) may take at his pleasure two or three (articles required for a sacrifice) from the house of a Sudra; for a Sudra has no business with sacrifices.
  17. Manu Smriti 1.91 One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Sudra, to serve meekly even these (other) three castes.
  18. Manu Smriti 9.334 But to serve Brahmanas (who are) learned in the Vedas, householders, and famous (for virtue) is the highest duty of a Sudra, which leads to beatitude.
  19. Manu Smriti 10.121-3 If a Sudra, (unable to subsist by serving Brahmanas,) seeks a livelihood, he may serve Kshatriyas, or he may also seek to maintain himself by attending on a wealthy Vaisya. But let a (Sudra) serve Brahmanas, either for the sake of heaven, or with a view to both (this life and the next); for he who iscalled the servant of a Brahmana thereby gains all his ends The service of Brahmanas alone is declared (to be) an excellent occupation for a Sudra; for whatever else besides this he may perform will bear him no fruit.
  20. Manu Smriti 3.112 Even a Vaisya and a Sudra who have approached his [Brahmin] house in the manner of guests, he [Brahmin] may allow to eat with his servants, showing (thereby) his compassionate disposition.
  21. Manu Smriti 3.92 Let him gently place on the ground (some food) for dogs, outcasts, Kandalas [Chandal] (Svapak), those afflicted with diseases that are punishments of former sins, crows, and insects.
  22. 3.239 A Kandala, a village pig, a cock, a dog, a menstruating woman, and a eunuch must not look at the Brahmanas while they eat.
  23. Manu Smriti 5.131 Manu has declared that the flesh (of an animal) killed by dogs is pure, likewise (that) of a (beast) slain by carnivorous (animals) or by men of low caste (Dasyu), such as Kandalas.
  24. Manu Smriti 4.79 Let him not stay together with outcasts,nor with Kandalas, nor with Pukkasas, nor with fools, nor with overbearing men, nor with low-caste men, nor with with fools, nor with overbearing men, nor with low-caste men, nor with Antyavasayins
  25. Manu Smriti 5.85 When he has touched a Kandala [Chandal], a menstruating woman, an outcast, a woman in child bed, a corpse, or one who has touched a (corpse), he becomes pure by bathing.
  26. Manu Smriti 8.279-80 With whatever limb a man of a low caste does hurt to (a man of the three) highest (castes), even that limb shall be cut off; that is the teaching of Manu. He who raises his hand or a stick, shall have his hand cut off; he who in anger kicks with his foot, shall have his foot cut off
  27. Manu Smriti 4.61 Let him not dwell in a country where the rulers are Sudras…
  28. Manu Smriti 4.80 Let him [i.e., Brahmin] not give to a Sudra advice, nor the remnants (of his meal), nor food offered to the gods; nor let him explain the sacred law (to such a man), nor impose (upon him) a penance.
  29. Manu Smriti 4.81 For he who explains the sacred law (to a Sudra) or dictatesto him a penance, will sink together with that (man) into the hell (called) Asamvrita
  30. Manu Smriti 4.99 Let him [i.e., Brahmin] not recite (the texts) indistinctly, nor in the presence of Sudras; nor let him, if in the latter part of the night he is tired with reciting the Veda, go again to sleep.
  31. Manu Smriti 4.140 Let him [i.e., Dvija] not journey too early in the morning, nor too late in the evening, nor just during the midday (heat), nor with an unknown (companion), nor alone, nor with Sudra.
  32. Manu Smriti 4.223 A Brahmana who knows (the law) must not eat cooked food (given) by a Sudra who performs no Sraddhas; but, on failure of (other) means of subsistence, he may accept raw (grain), sufficient for one night (and day).
  33. Manu Smriti 5.104 Let him not allow a dead Brahmana to becarried out by a Sudra, while men of the same caste are at hand; for that burnt-offering which is defiled by a Sudra’s touch is detrimental to (the deceased’s passage to) heaven.
  34. Manu Smriti 8.21-22 The kingdom of that monarch, who looks on while a Sudra settles the law, will sink (low), like a cow in a morass. That kingdom where Sudras are very numerous, which is infested by atheists and destitute of twice-born (inhabitants), soon entirely perishes, afflicted by famine and disease.
  35. Manu Smriti 10.126 A Sudra cannot commit an offence, causing loss of caste (pataka), and he is not worthy to receive the sacraments; he has no right to (fulfil) the sacred law (of the Aryans, yet) there is no prohibition against (his fulfilling certain portions of) the law.
  36. Manu Smriti 11.132 Having killed a cat, an ichneumon, a blue jay, a frog, a dog, an iguana, an owl, or a crow, he [i.e., Brahmin]shall perform the penance for the murder of a Sudra
  37. Manu Smriti 11.149 He who has touched spirituous liquor, has given it away, or received it in accordance with the rule, or has drunk water left by a Sudra, shall drink during three days water in which Kusa-grass has been boiled.
Superiority of Brahmins in Manu Smriti

  1. Manu Smriti 10.1 Let the three twice-born castes (varna), discharging their (prescribed) duties, study (the Veda); but among them the Brahmana (alone) shall teach it, not the other two; that is an established rule.
  2. Manu Smriti 1.88 To Brahmanas he assigned teaching and studying (the Veda), sacrificing for their own benefit and for others, giving and accepting (of alms).
  3. Manu Smriti 1.93 As the Brahmana sprang from (Brahman’s) mouth, as he was the first-born, and as he possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of this whole creation.
  4. Manu Smriti 1.95 Through the mouth of this (Brahmana), the celestials eat their Havyas (Oblations), and the manes, their Kavyas (oblations.)
  5. Manu Smriti 1.99 A Brahmana, coming into existence, is born as the highest on earth, the lord of all created beings, for the protection of the treasury of the law.
  6. Manu Smriti 1.101 Whatever a Brahmin receives is his only even if it belongs to others and it is only due to the kindness of Brahmins that other castes enjoy.
Though there are many more verses in Manu Smriti which praises the Brahmins

Now it is upto you to prove me wrong. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

LOL. Who the FCUK is "Mr. Buhler and M.N. Dutt." ? :cheesy:

Buhler sounds like a CHRISTIAN EUROPEAN.

There is NO hindu Guru called "M N DUTT" :woot:

Are you saying that its for CHRISTIAN EUROPEANS to Translate Hindu scriptures for us Hindus ?

By that same logic, Mugnga Lunga and Ooopmpa ommpa has said that Bible is a Book of Horror and Zombie apocalypse where an Evil Zombie called Jesus rises from the dead and bits other dead people and make them rise from the dead.

Then the evil jesus zombie aks people to drink blood and eat flesh so that they too become zombies.

He ask them to take slaves and torture people and eat dung.

There are many; more verses in the Bible that talk about eating flesh and drinking blood. :lol:

Now its upto you to prove me wrong. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What you ave forgotten is this is not British ruled India anymore. Today you want to mess with a Hindu, you mess with us On OUR TERMS. Not the British Christian terms.

So its about time you explain to us about this Zombie book of yours.

Here is a Black christian church. Not a SINGLE white man. :lol:


There is a white mans church. Not a single black man :lol:


There are Latino church with not a single white or black man, phillipino church with no white or black or latino men etc. etc. :lol:

Segregation and discrimination is a reality in christianity and you have no shame about it either.

I know, but a Dalit is certainly a Human being, right ?????

What something wrong ???? What will be the cast of a kid born to a Dalit parents in India ???? Did he do anything wrong personally to become a social outcast Mr ???? What a twisted logic.

LOL... even a criminal is a human being. :cheesy:

Even a rapist is a human being. :cheesy:

Any kid born into any family or background can choose any Varna in a Gurukul. There is nothing in any Hindu scripture about denying them any rights.

Unlike Slavery that is advocated and condoned by christianity :lol: Slaves are certainly human beings , right ? :lol: What twisted logic .


LOL, again some unverifiable claims. Come back to this very 21st century and provide me the details of a single, I reiterate single Dalit who became a Brahman or even any upper cast Hindu by his choice and I will agree that you are right and I'm completely wrong. I challenge you, but you can't. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I can provide you with MULTIPLE sources :lol:

1. Patna’s over 300- year- old Mahavir Mandir, which has a Dalit priest, Suryavanshi Falahari Das, at its poojari.

2. Dalit WOMEN priests in Maharashtra temples

3. Dalit priests in Karnataka temples,


4. Dalit priest in Kerala temple wecomed by RSS.

LOL at your Bigotry and Super Ignorant claims.

That is freedom of speech and expression as guaranteed by the constitution. Did they force anyone to convert ???? I bet you won't be able to show a single case.

LOL..... when did I force you to convert ? :cheesy: Your parents took Rice bags from the british to convert.

The church takes advantage of Hindu poverty, and in a similar gesture, I too advocate taking advantage of fear to convert back. Surely what is good for the church should be good for a Hindu too :lol:
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