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Italy budget debacle puts Europe back in global spotlight


Dec 18, 2010
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Italy budget debacle puts Europe back in global spotlight
By Reuters• last updated: 13/10/2018

By Jan Strupczewski

NUSA DUA, Indonesia (Reuters) - As the euro zone sovereign debt crisis petered out, European officials at annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund were happy to move out of the spotlight over recent years. Europe was not in the eye of the storm.

Until now.

The IMF's annual meetings, normally held in Washington, this year is taking place on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, where a magnitude six earthquake welcomed the world's 20 top finance ministers on the eve of their talks.

But the tremor, which awoke many of the 10,000 officials from all over he world around 3 o'clock in the morning on Thursday, turned out to be less of a conversation topic than a new menace to Europe's financial stability - Italy.

"If you talk to serious people here, everybody talks about Italy," one European official said.

Investors and bank analysts at meetings with European decision-makers were mainly interested in Italy and how the euro zone could deal with it, officials said.

"The main topics at the meetings here are the trade war between the U.S. and China and Italy," a second European participant said.

"On Italy, people ask us what is likely to happen and how we are going to deal with it. They are alarmed but not in panic."

Italy's new, populist government wants to increase borrowing over the next three years to make good on election promises of higher spending and lower taxes.

But with a debt pile of 133 percent of GDP, the second highest in Europe after Greece, and relatively slow growth, Rome can hardly afford such luxuries.

Markets also fret that Italian banks, saddled with bad loans, and a massive amount of Italian government bonds, could face crippling losses if debt prices keep tumbling.

Financial markets reacted to the Rome's plans with a sharp sell-off of Italian bonds - three-year yields rose to five year highs at an auction on Thursday and the benchmark 10-year paper <IT10YT=TWEB> traded at 4-1/2-year highs.

The higher deficit also blatantly breaks European Union budget rules, enforced by the European Commission, putting Rome on a collision course with EU institutions once it sends the draft budget for EU checks on Monday.


Many officials are privately concerned about the possibility of Italy sparking another sovereign debt crisis like the one triggered by Greece in 2010 that nearly destroyed the euro zone. Only Italy's economy is almost 10 times bigger than Greece's.

But some also caution against doomsday scenarios.

"Here in Bali, something is happening that I have seen in IMF meetings again and again. People focus on something that is difficult and then everybody talks about it and, in the end, everybody is convinced that it is much worse than before they started. That is happening now with Italy," a third European official said.

"I am worried, but it is not quite as bad as some people here make it to be. They talk themselves into a panic," he said.

Speaking at a panel on Thursday, Klaus Regling, the head of the euro zone's bailout fund that would be called upon if Italy could no longer borrow at sustainable rates, noted the euro zone's third biggest economy had inherent strengths.

Regling stressed Italy had a primary and current account surplus, large private savings and that most of Italian debt was held domestically, which made capital flight less likely.

"There is no immediate danger for Italy to lose access to the markets," Regling told the panel.

But Fitch ratings agency downgraded the outlook for Italy's debt at the beginning of September and Moody's is waiting until the end October to complete its review for a possible downgrade of Italy's Baa2 rating. Standard & Poor's will assess Italy on Oct 26.

Regling said he did not believe Rome would lose its investment grade rating, but other officials said that while a downgrade by two notches may be unlikely, the ratings agencies could also cut their outlook and that market reaction was difficult to predict.

"Italian debt is sustainable unless there are serious policy mistakes. At the moment they are making serious policy mistakes. You can ruin any country if you do the wrong things," the third official said.
Italy Confronts EU, Works with Trump and China
by Claudio Celani

Oct. 7—A hundred days after its inauguration, the Italian “populist” government has kicked over the chessboard in Europe and internationally in an unprecedented way, playing a major role in the ongoing paradigm change in global politics and foreshadowing an early demise for the corrupt elites that have ruled over Europe in the last decades.

Italy is opening the Mediterranean to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, disrupting the EU sabotage of the BRI, while building an alliance with Trump’s USA and Putin’s Russia to stabilize North Africa by favoring the super-power dialogue and pushing for economic development. At the same time, Rome is resolutely challenging EU’s austerity policy under the motto “Italians first, the EU after.”

The two coalition partners, the Lega and the Five Star Movement (M5S) are very different in many ways, and at times almost antagonistic, but they have managed to agree on a government program that emphasizes common positive features of both election platforms aimed at asserting national interests. The most important such feature is the new approach towards China and the Belt and Road policy.

Task Force China & African Development

Under the initiative of Under Secretary of State Michele Geraci, the Italian government has set up a Task Force China with the aim of “guaranteeing Italy a position of leadership in Europe vis-à-vis China’s Belt and Road and Made in China 2025 initiatives,” as the ministry for Economic Development (MISE) announced in a release Aug. 20 (see box, page 7). The Task Force held its first meeting Oct. 1 with about 300 participants, including government members, journalists, businessmen, academicians and others. The meeting was addressed by Geraci and the Chinese ambassador to Italy, Li Ruiyu.

Geraci has visited China twice in that interval, the second time with Luigi Di Maio, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economic Development. They signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote economic cooperation with China’s Sichuan province and start negotiations for a strategic partnership in Belt and Road projects, especially in Africa. A MoU on such a strategic partnership is expected to be signed by the two countries before the end of the year. Minister Di Maio declared Sept. 20: “We are very happy to be the only G-7 country that has carried on such advanced negotiations on the Belt and Road Initiative.”

As the charter of Task Force China explains, the primary focus of cooperation with China sought by Italy is Africa. The Italian government is convinced that China’s approach in Africa is the right one and that European nations should help China to develop Africa—and thus solve the migration problem at its root, and to be a driver for self-development.

It has been recognized that the key to China’s success in Africa is the focus on infrastructure development. There are also good reasons to believe that the new Italian government will give a new boost to the Italian Transaqua project to revitalize Lake Chad, which will involve large water-transfers, new electricity generation, improved transportation and increased agricultural production. Transaqua was approved at the International Lake Chad Conference last February in Abuja, Nigeria and the previous Italian government had endorsed it, issuing a grant to co-finance the feasibility study. Joint Italian-Chinese cooperation on Transaqua has already been established between the Italian Bonifica firm (the authors of the project) and China’s PowerChina.

Geraci endorsed Transaqua as a model of tripartite Africa-China-Europe cooperation when he was a professor of Economics in Shanghai. The future undersecretary of the Economic Development ministry published an article by this author in his blog, calling it “an example to be studied by our policy makers”.

Italy & China to Develop Southern Italy

Italy is seeking Chinese cooperation not only to develop Africa, but also to upgrade its own infrastructure within the framework of the BRI. Under the previous government, Rome had joined the Maritime Silk Road, offering to upgrade the ports of Genoa and Trieste, on the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. However, even bigger plans are possible, focussing on developing infrastructure throughout Southern Italy. Indeed, China had already shown interest in such ideas in 2011, proposing to: upgrade the deep-sea ports in Sicily and Calabria; help build the bridge over the Messina Strait connecting Sicily to the mainland; and upgrade road and rail connections to link up with Italy’s high-speed network, which currently stops at Salerno. Additionally, an international airport to be built in the center of Sicily would function as a hub for connections to both Africa and North-Central Europe.

Those plans were aborted by interventions of Hillary Clinton, then U.S. Secretary of State, who represented U.S. opposition to that cooperation, and by the EU, which toppled the Italian government and replaced it with its puppet Mario Monti, who cancelled all investments.

Such an ambitious project could now be resumed. Both Geraci, a Sicilian, and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, have indicated that the government will have a new focus on the development of Southern Italy.

One of the obstacles in 2011, Hillary Clinton, has been removed. The other obstacle, the EU, is still there and has already opened a three-front war against Italy.

looks like italy will become another China trojan horse :china:
The country where I live is a net contributor to the EU.
If Italy keeps on borrowing it eventually means (because of Germany) that we need to pay more to the EU.
Which I find unacceptable.
So I would rather see an 'Italexit' happen.
And then they can develop their country.
With China, but without the EU.
So no trojan horse and no pasta-parasites.
A win-win situation.
Dont worry, Italy has immediately tried to fix its issues..

Grocery shops especially of the swarthy variety will be forced to close at 9pm
The country where I live is a net contributor to the EU.
If Italy keeps on borrowing it eventually means (because of Germany) that we need to pay more to the EU.
Which I find unacceptable.
So I would rather see an 'Italexit' happen.
And then they can develop their country.
With China, but without the EU.
So no trojan horse and no pasta-parasites.
A win-win situation.

We hate the EU and will rise our debt and you will pay it. Evry single cent of it, because you fear the end of the EU.

We will not leave the EU as long you pay our bills, thats the only reason we stay. Why slaughter a cow as long it gives milk?

Dont worry, Italy has immediately tried to fix its issues..

Grocery shops especially of the swarthy variety will be forced to close at 9pm

Another one who is clueless. There is no issue to fix.

We even escalate it. We see the Eu as worthless shit but the Eu is so scared that they pay the debt. We even raise debt according our new budget. Unfortunately for the EU, Italiand ebt is so high, when we declare bancrupt, the EU goes down with us. That means they have to swallow evrything we demand. And pay and pay and pay and pay.

Our debt gives us power over entire Europe. If we would give up our debt, we would reduce our influence
Another one who is clueless. There is no issue to fix.

We even escalate it. We see the Eu as worthless shit but the Eu is so scared that they pay the debt. We even raise debt according our new budget. Unfortunately for the EU, Italiand ebt is so high, when we declare bancrupt, the EU goes down with us. That means they have to swallow evrything we demand. And pay and pay and pay and pay.

Our debt gives us power over entire Europe. If we would give up our debt, we would reduce our influence

They are not paying your debt, your debt is still increasing
We hate the EU and will rise our debt and you will pay it. Evry single cent of it, because you fear the end of the EU.

We will not leave the EU as long you pay our bills, thats the only reason we stay. Why slaughter a cow as long it gives milk?

I do not care for countries like Italy or any other country (like Greece) that are not financially responsible.
Your problems are made by your own countries.
Our problems are your countries.

But I have to admit that you are right.
Even though I do not fear the end of the EU, others (politicians and policymakers) do.
Especially the ones in Germany.
And they want us to continue to pay the bills for other countries.

Even though I like some parts of the EU, other parts (paying too much) are too burdensome.
So, if i would take everything into consideration, I would want the EU to end.

And the way Italy acts, they will contribute to its end.
For which I thank you.
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They are not paying your debt, your debt is still increasing

Yes and we push it higher and higher. And they will suck it up.

They are in panic because we would kill them if we declare bancrupt.

Why you think we even raise shameless our debt and laugh about them?

I do not care for countries like Italy or any other country (like Greece) that are not financially responsible.
Your problems are made by your own countries.
Our problems are your countries.

But I have to admit that you are right.
Even though I do not fear the end of the EU, others (politicians and policymakers) do.
Especially the ones in Germany.
And they want us to continue to pay the bills for other countries.

Even though I like some parts of the EU, other parts (paying too much) are too burdensome.
So, if i would take everything into consideration, I would want the EU to end.

And the way Italy acts, they will contribute to its end.
For which I thank you.

I thank you as well. From your tax money my city Lucca looks betetr than any dutch city and we have highspeed Internet at evry corner.
With a public debt equal to France's GDP,unrealistic economic policies conducted by the current Italian coalition,slow growth,bad loans,corruption and what not,Italy's surely accelerating towards a wall.

Yes and we push it higher and higher. And they will suck it up.

They are in panic because we would kill them if we declare bancrupt.

Why you think we even raise shameless our debt and laugh about them?

I thank you as well. From your tax money my city Lucca looks betetr than any dutch city and we have highspeed Internet at evry corner.

The only thing that will happen is Italy being imposed economic policies it doesn't want. Austerity,cuts in public services,pensions... A Greece bis. If that is what you wish,that's your problem.
With a public debt equal to France's GDP,unrealistic economic policies conducted by the current Italian coalition,slow growth,bad loans,corruption and what not,Italy's surely accelerating towards a wall.

The only thing that will happen is Italy being imposed economic policies it doesn't want. Austerity,cuts in public services,pensions... A Greece bis. If that is what you wish,that's your problem.

No, because Italy doesnt accept imposed poltics. We are far bigger than Greece. 3rd largest EU economy.

What we want is destruction of the EU and milking the cow until its ripe for slaughter.




Why does he take his fake granny wife with him anymore, when he is openly gay now?
No, because Italy doesnt accept imposed poltics. We are far bigger than Greece. 3rd largest EU economy.

What we want is destruction of the EU and milking the cow until its ripe for slaughter.




Why does he take his fake granny wife with him anymore, when he is openly gay now?

We are talking about Italy yet you are posting a picture of Macron and a music group during the music day. How many times I told you nobody in France gives two cents about who Macron sleeps or f/ck with,so your point is ? :angel:

Macron like others will come and go,the rest is peanut. And yes,I'll still prefer Macron over retards like Le Pen or Melanchon who would take the "France" bus towards a wall,with unrealistic and dangerous economic policies just like the coalition in power in Italy is currently doing. And by the way,keep going Salvini on migrants,it's working by diverting the public attention from the real structural problems in Italy.

Closing shops at 9pm will surely help growth and debt reduction. :victory:
We are talking about Italy yet you are posting a picture of Macron and a music group during the music day. How many times I told you nobody in France gives two cents about who Macron sleeps or f/ck with,so your point is ? :angel:

Macron like others will come and go,the rest is peanut. And yes,I'll still prefer Macron over retards like Le Pen or Melanchon who would take the "France" bus towards a wall,with unrealistic and dangerous economic policies just like the coalition in power in Italy is currently doing. And by the way,keep going Salvini on migrants,it's working by diverting the public attention from the real structural problems in Italy.

Closing shops at 9pm will surely help growth and debt reduction. :victory:

I want more debt. You pay it anyways at the end.
I thank you as well. From your tax money my city Lucca looks betetr than any dutch city and we have highspeed Internet at evry corner.

A good looking city filled with vile people (like you) is still an vile city.
Beautiful buildings do not make up for a hideous heart.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

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