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Italian MPs’ panel OKs burqa ban

We will not live to that day but one day Europe is going to go back to its Dark Ages if it continues on this path....Limiting freedoms is the worst thing a country can do to its people.

I always thought it was exactly the opposite of what you just said. Everyone can practice their freedoms within their own house and their respective countries. No one can hold hostage someone elses culture and freedom. Either make the burkas terrorist free or deal with the solution.
I don't really support the concept of Burqa. But I am against a law that takes away the freedom of a person to follow his/her culture or religion.

Burqa is not part of Islamic religion. It's a cultural thing.

I think Burqa should be banned for girls under 18 (to avoid kids being forced to wear burqa by their parents)

Once they reach 18, every lady has the right to decide if she wants to wear the burqa or not. Personal choice and freedom.
I don't really support the concept of Burqa. But I am against a law that takes away the freedom of a person to follow his/her culture or religion.

In Islam it says a woman should not expose her places of attractiveness. meaning everything but her obvious places such as face hands and feet. In Arabic culture at the time hair was one of the major if not THE major spot of attractiveness so they covered that too.

The whole black thing you see is not what Islam originally meant by covering it only instructed women to not wear mini-skirts and show their cleavage to the world. But regardless some women go to the extreme out of her personal choice just to be safe and cutting these women's freedoms to do so is ridiculous besides it is the concept of it. soon they will be demolishing mosques just you wait and see.
I don't really support the concept of Burqa. But I am against a law that takes away the freedom of a person to follow his/her culture or religion.

freedom of a person ? does anyone asked the opinion of a lady before introducing the concept of Burqa.....and look who opposing the ban of burqa , The Man only !!
Burqa is not part of Islamic religion. It's a cultural thing.

I think Burqa should be banned for girls under 18 (to avoid kids being forced to wear burqa by their parents)

Once they reach 18, every lady has the right to decide if she wants to wear the burqa or not. Personal choice and freedom.

People keep thinking the Hijab (Burqa is a wrong word FYI) is forced on women. Go to most women in Hijab and ask them to take it off see what they will say to you.
freedom of a person ? does anyone asked the opinion of a lady before introducing the concept of Burqa.....and look who opposing the ban of burqa , The Man only !!

Yes the man only it was very evident when all these women protested ans got arrested in France that they were men only.......
Burqa is not part of Islamic religion. It's a cultural thing.

I think Burqa should be banned for girls under 18 (to avoid kids being forced to wear burqa by their parents)

Once they reach 18, every lady has the right to decide if she wants to wear the burqa or not. Personal choice and freedom.

I doubt any school allows a Burqa anyways. Like I said, I don't support the concept of Burqa. But if an adult wants to wear one, that choice should be made available. I see no real purpose behind this ban.
People keep thinking the Hijab (Burqa is a wrong word FYI) is forced on women. Go to most women in Hijab and ask them to take it off see what they will say to you.

I know what's a hijab. Hijab complies with Islam and I don't have an issue with that.

The problem i have is with this 12 year olds wearing a burqa, covered head to toe, like a prison.. all because of their parents idea. No kid should live like that.
freedom of a person ? does anyone asked the opinion of a lady before introducing the concept of Burqa.....and look who opposing the ban of burqa , The Man only !!

Read my post carefully. I do not support the concept of Burqa. But I think there should be a freedom of choice.
Yes the man only it was very evident when all these women protested ans got arrested in France that they were men only.......

women too use burqa to hide themself when they used to go to theater to see a movie..
the point it burqa is a mean of hide out...
you wear it when you want to hide out from socity ..
I know what's a hijab. Hijab complies with Islam and I don't have an issue with that.

The problem i have is with this 12 year olds wearing a burqa, covered head to toe, like a prison.. all because of their parents idea. No kid should live like that.

Even in Saudi Arabia you wont see a 12 year old covered head to toe in Hijab....they only start wearing it around 15-16.
Read my post carefully. I do not support the concept of Burqa. But I think there should be a freedom of choice.

then why man putting their nose in the freedom of choice of a lady..
People keep thinking the Hijab (Burqa is a wrong word FYI) is forced on women. Go to most women in Hijab and ask them to take it off see what they will say to you.

what they will say that their perent will hit her if she do so...
what they will say that their perent will hit her if she do so...

Did you ask?? Did you make a survey from women around the world?? or are you only basing this on what TV and the Movies and hate Articles have told you?
Even in Saudi Arabia you wont see a 12 year old covered head to toe in Hijab....they only start wearing it around 15-16.

I've seen some in Malaysia. No joke. Very rare, but I've seen them.

I heard it's very common in Afghanistan and Arab, hence that's why i'm saying no one should be forced to wear it.

I'm talking about the Burqa by the way, not Hijab. For the unaware, google both to know the difference between them.
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