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It Turns Out Hamas Didn’t Kidnap and Kill the 3 Israeli Teens After All

Perhaps. I have yet to see any evidence though.

They're doing it but in a clever way. Read around other forums nowadays, 5 years ago they fell heavily for Israeli/Jewish propaganda. Nowadays they are experts at deciphering Israeli propaganda. Even if they don't like Muslims, that's irrelevant. We don't need to be liked. But, the point is they realize what's a greater threat to them. So many people are well aware of the 'Hasbara' campaign nowadays.
It's difficult to believe this. Not because Hamas are angles, but what's the point of doing that? Hijacking three civilians and killing them after two-years of cease fire for no reason? It could be the hidden guys but maybe it isn't with the directions from Hamas itself. Anyway, we will see.
- West Bank is not a part of cease fire. Its not related to Gaza in any way.
- The hijacking went wrong because one of the boys managed to make a call. Immediately after call they were killed.
It's more like the world enables Israel to adopt these excuses based off lack of inacton towards their illegal policies. No country is allowed this special treatment.

Heard they bombed a U.N. school the other day :/

And I watched an interview with a Jewish settler done by Vice documentaries. Hard to sympathise with Israel when there are crazy people with views like that.
Wonder whatever jews are doing is it related to their frustration upon centuries of disgrace and boots they received in the entire world for their Acts.

Like I said the real game has not yet started according to christian belief jews killed biblical Jesus thus the retaliation would take place sometimes in the Future and that is discussed for ages as part of History that christian world would come to their home land. My views are west is waiting on israel to get even more barbaric until a March by NATO as liberator of M.E lands in israel, that is a very much possibility israel knows it, they hide it and they are scared.
It was known even before this revelation that Hamas wasn't behind the kidnapping and murder of those 3 Jews. It just so happens that israelis needed an excuse to divert the worlds attention from more important events and started slaughtering innocents over false pretexts.

What;s even more disgusting is how the Zionist controlled global media parroted the Israelis lies, as always.
I am not surprised to read that Palestinian has nothing to done with those teens.It is Israel's usual trend to look for excuses to mass murder Palestinian subject. I have already said that it is their well planned genocide without being labelled as Hitler.
Jerusalem is one of the most holiest land of world.Muslims have entered there twice.Once under the leadership of Hazrat Umer(R.A) without shedding a drop of blood and second under the leadership of Saladin who showed leniency to some extent.
Now if they think that they will be granted Palestine with their usual barbaric strategy and killing,raping women and children of Palestine then they better think again.No matter how much millions of dollars they spend,they will never be able to get it.Even though if they do then only for short amount of time.
To Muslims-difficult times are coming ahead. It is much better that you get the truth before the truth gets you.They will do same with oil rich Arab countries in next decade. I understand that nature has design world's pattern in such a way that power does not remain in one's hand for long time.No one can understand this better then our Jewish community themselves who experienced same processes in past -many, many times.
I do not understand that how these people can repeat same mistake when they themselves have experienced genocide from Hitler which has burned them into gas chambers as they claim.Hitler who used to treat them as worse then animals. They have lost everything .No other country in the world was allowing their ships to land in their territories. No one was ready to help them.They were suspended in Sea. Then pattern was changed .Hitler payed the price and so entire Germany. Power was shifted to the victims to establish their regime. I ponder that they know the pattern, they can distinguish and recognize the pattern yet still they are repeating same mistakes/sins as Hitler did.
Hence, the pattern suggest that Muslims of Palestine and all the suppressed nations of rest world will be transferred with power.The more generation they will slaughter, the more will be produced by nature with better skills.They cannot escape the pattern nor they can force nature to stop developing generations.Intact they are challenging nature.
We all knew it but you have that pro-Israel crowd which kept pushing that lie. You know who I'm speaking of. Some people of various nationalities also.

Many cheerleaders of Israel often don't care whether Israel lied to start a massacre. They are simply full of hate and prejudice and some actually enjoy seeing Palestinians killed. It's kind of a psychological and conscience problem; facts don't mean much to them.

I saw one such cheerleader the other day saying; "Israel build up and turned a desert into a prosperous and advanced economy, and they have earned a lot of Nobel prizes". That was his justifcation for the mass murder of Palestinians and occupation of their lands. According to this mindset, if you are economically and technologically advanced, you gain the right to massacre other people and steal their lands because they are "less advanced" than you. That was also the thinking of Western colonizers who slaughtered over 100 million people in North America alone.
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yes Hamas is not that stupid they will kidnap 3 jews teen and screw it all up
as we all know Hamas support the terrorist in Syria after that they got screwed up

they had a unity deal already
As i see Israel's actions are creating difficulties for jews all over the world. If you can see as i see Allah has craved a way for jews to be hated and there own actions are creating more and more problems for them to survive this mess so lets hope for the best and remember Allah is the only one who knows the future and may Allah show them the right way or the way to hell soon. :)
From The Times Of Israel

20 missiles found in UN-run school in Gaza
UNRWA apologizes to Israel, condemns a ‘flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises’ and promises investigation; Israel calls on UN to ‘act strongly’

20 rockets were found Wednesday in a school in Gaza operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the organization confirmed Thursday

The weapons were found in “the course of the regular inspection of its premises,” UNRWA said in a statement.adding that the school was vacant.

“UNRWA strongly condemns the group or groups responsible for placing the weapons in one of its installations. This is a flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law,” the statement read.

The discovery would seem to confirm Israel’s oft-repeated claim that Hamas and other Gazan terror groups use civilian infrastructure to hide weapons.

“Yet again, Gaza terrorists abuse UN facilities to carry out their violent activities. Hamas and other terror groups are determined to put civilians in harm’s way and will respect nothing in their violent frenzy,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor told The Times of Israel. “We expect the UN and the international community to condemn and to act strongly against this brazen violation of international humanitarian law, which endangers children and UN humanitarian activities.”

This incident was “the first of its kind in Gaza,” the organization said, adding that it “endangered civilians including staff and put at risk UNRWA’s vital mission to assist and protect Palestinian refugees in Gaza.”

UNRWA informed all officials immediately after discovering the rockets, and “successfully took all necessary measures for the removal of the objects in order to preserve the safety and security of the school.”

Officials from the agency, which has a reputation in Jerusalem of being exceedingly critical of Israeli policies vis-à-vis the Palestinians, have been summoned to the Foreign Ministry. They have apologized to Israel for the incident, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said.

UNRWA has launched a “comprehensive investigation” into the incidence, the statement said.

The agency, charged with taking care of the welfare of Palestinian refugees, has “strong, established procedures to maintain the neutrality of all its premises, including a strict no-weapons policy and routine inspections of its installations, to ensure they are only used for humanitarian purposes,” its statement read. “UNRWA will uphold and further reinforce its procedures.”
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