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It is the right time to make peace with India: Najam Sethi


Feb 6, 2009
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It is the right time to make peace with India: Najam Sethi Mon, Aug 17 05:25 PM

Lahore, Aug 17(ANI): Noted Pakistani journalist Najam Sethi has said that it is the right time to make peace with India, as all the major players, including President Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif and the US want this to happen.

Speaking in a television programme, Sethi said that Pakistan would never get such a "golden opportunity" for peaceful relations with India, The Daily Times reports.

Sethi further talked about Pakistan's internal issues, where he said that the Government should accord priority to the country's internal affairs.

He also highlighted that an independent judiciary was the need of the hour in Pakistan, and said that media had a vital role to play in strengthening the country.

"Media would help parliament become strong and independent," Sethi said.

Sethi also claimed that the ruling coalition was not as popular as the opposition, and said that it was unfortunate the US and the army had to step in to resolve the issue involving judges'. (ANI)

Well it was easy for Mr sethi to suggest this so called golden opportunity for Peace however he sadly did not mentioned what the opportunity is and how should Pakistan grasp it specially when time and time again the list of accusations continues from across the border.
It's all very fragile - it takes only a dozen men with ammunition to put any prospect of peace back by at least a decade.
It is the right time to make peace with India: Najam Sethi Mon, Aug 17 05:25 PM

Lahore, Aug 17(ANI): Noted Pakistani journalist Najam Sethi has said that it is the right time to make peace with India, as all the major players, including President Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif and the US want this to happen.

Speaking in a television programme, Sethi said that Pakistan would never get such a "golden opportunity" for peaceful relations with India, The Daily Times reports.

Sethi further talked about Pakistan's internal issues, where he said that the Government should accord priority to the country's internal affairs.

He also highlighted that an independent judiciary was the need of the hour in Pakistan, and said that media had a vital role to play in strengthening the country.

"Media would help parliament become strong and independent," Sethi said.

Sethi also claimed that the ruling coalition was not as popular as the opposition, and said that it was unfortunate the US and the army had to step in to resolve the issue involving judges'. (ANI)


Only Politician can do that job, Peace.


As long as Pakistan continues to beat the drum of Kashmir, or lends the drumsticks to those who want to, there is never going to be any reconciliation.
Issues are hardly going to be solved. Pakistan accepted Aksai Chin as part of China. Also gifted Shaksgam Valley. India will put condition of first integrating whole Jammu and Kashmir, thus again starting the issue from the first day.
It is the right time to make peace with India: Najam Sethi Mon, Aug 17 05:25 PM

Lahore, Aug 17(ANI): Noted Pakistani journalist Najam Sethi has said that it is the right time to make peace with India, as all the major players, including President Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif and the US want this to happen.

Speaking in a television programme, Sethi said that Pakistan would never get such a "golden opportunity" for peaceful relations with India, The Daily Times reports.

Sethi further talked about Pakistan's internal issues, where he said that the Government should accord priority to the country's internal affairs.

He also highlighted that an independent judiciary was the need of the hour in Pakistan, and said that media had a vital role to play in strengthening the country.

"Media would help parliament become strong and independent," Sethi said.

Sethi also claimed that the ruling coalition was not as popular as the opposition, and said that it was unfortunate the US and the army had to step in to resolve the issue involving judges'. (ANI)


If we cannot make India-Pakistani relations good, than i think we should at least not make it worse.

INSTEAD of India -Pakistan military forum, it should be India vs Pakistan Economy Forums.

Issues are hardly going to be solved. Pakistan accepted Aksai Chin as part of China. Also gifted Shaksgam Valley. India will put condition of first integrating whole Jammu and Kashmir, thus again starting the issue from the first day.

How can India put any condition over something which never belongs to India in the first place.


Pakistan and Pakistanis want peace with India. We are ready to make it so only if India stops attrocities in Held Kashmir, Stops blocking our water, stops lobbying for weakening Pakistani defence, stops childish propaganda against Pakistan and so on. The list is long.

So lets not assume India is just a saint.
How can India put any condition over something which never belongs to India in the first place.


Pakistan and Pakistanis want peace with India. We are ready to make it so only if India stops attrocities in Held Kashmir, Stops blocking our water, stops lobbying for weakening Pakistani defence, stops childish propaganda against Pakistan and so on. The list is long.

So lets not assume India is just a saint.

It does belongs to united J&K.

I didn't even said about terrorism spread by Pakistan, Anti-Indian Movements.. etc. For Blocking of water you need to complain World Bank and not India. I only wanted to tell you about issue of J&K which looks hard to solve as this would be first condition to resolve whole issue.
How can India put any condition over something which never belongs to India in the first place.

oh really? when did it start to belong to somebody else?? 1947??....:disagree:. Indian subcontinent is there, as once piece of land, since the begining of time. Somehow it split into many nations in the name of religion. It still is one piece of land academically- INDIAN subcontinent.

Jana said:

Pakistan and Pakistanis want peace with India. We are ready to make it so only if India stops attrocities in Held Kashmir, Stops blocking our water, stops lobbying for weakening Pakistani defence, stops childish propaganda against Pakistan and so on. The list is long.

So lets not assume India is just a saint.

Thatz ur list, i have a list too written in a 200 page notebook.:rolleyes:
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How can India put any condition over something which never belongs to India in the first place.


Pakistan and Pakistanis want peace with India. We are ready to make it so only if India stops attrocities in Held Kashmir, Stops blocking our water, stops lobbying for weakening Pakistani defence, stops childish propaganda against Pakistan and so on. The list is long.

So lets not assume India is just a saint.

I wish peace for india but peace in india is not subjected to Pakistan, they have enough of there own troubles.
It was no Pakistan who inspired moody for ethnic cleansing, it was not Pakistan who inspired hindus to burn Christians alive, it was not Pakistan who advised indian army to insult Muslim women...and the list go on.
Point being any diplomacy with Pakistan cannot help improve conditions of any sort, inside india.
On the contrary, I'm not hope ful of any similar gesture from indian side.
We should subject the diplomacy with pull out of indian troops from Afghanistan and stop hosting and funding Baluchi terroists.
Having said that, I see govt. of Pakistan have already given many concessions to india whihc they have never enjoyed in past.
e.g. use of air space and land transit, for the purpose of terrorists transport, smugling of kidnaped Afghani and Pakistani children, supply of arms and explosives to Pakistan via Afghanistan etc. etc.

Importan point to note is the diplomatic U turn of india vis-a-vi Pakistan and Bangladesh.
I wonder it is because india is trying to save its pupet govts. in both states after they being exposed for working against their national interest.

As long as Pakistan continues to beat the drum of Kashmir, or lends the drumsticks to those who want to, there is never going to be any reconciliation.

These are the philosophers educated by Newspapers and Cable Networks and think they know the right strategy to bring peace in the South Asia. Are you even aware what is Kashmir Dispute and how it Initiated? Who did what and who is claiming what? What was the formula of partition between India and Pakistan and who deviated for which reason? You guys cannot play cricket properly and think your "philosophy" is wise enough to be fruitful. Spend few hours learning about Kashmir before you put your second post here.
It does belongs to united J&K...

only wanted to tell you about issue of J&K which looks hard to solve as this would be first condition to resolve whole issue.

So let that be united, hand over your piece of land to Pakistan and host any polls and any plebiscite there in the united J&K. Now don't say this unification of Kashmir should be with Indian held part. We have already accepted one of the two requirements that it should be united. We are flexible and listening to you, its your turn to show some.

But honestly speaking, United Nation can does so in Indian held part and the liberated Kashmir and that would be acceptable to Pakistan and Kashmirees. If India is willing to resolve the Kashmir Dispute peacefully, India has no reasons not to accept this proposal. India would not quite Kashmir even if every single Kashmiree would say they are part of Pakistan. Its not desire of the people that's holding India back or making him spend 36 Bullion Dollars a year over defense. Its India's desire to keep Kashmir for other geopolitical and economic reasons.
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oh really? when did it start to belong to somebody else?? 1947??....:disagree:. Indian subcontinent is there, as once piece of land, since the begining of time. Somehow it split into many nations in the name of religion. It still is one piece of land academically- INDIAN subcontinent.

Thatz ur list, i have a list too written in a 200 page notebook.:rolleyes:

If you want to be that academically correct, let me enlighten you that Indus is here in this part of the "Indian Subcontinent". So academically speaking, we own Kashmir and rest of the India.
If you want to be that academically correct, let me enlighten you that Indus is here in this part of the "Indian Subcontinent". So academically speaking, we own Kashmir and rest of the India.

who is this "we" by the way. Indus People didnt grew out of soil did they?......they all migrated! if that was the case u and me can call Africa home.
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