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It is said 1/4 OpenAI researchers are ethnic Chinese

I don't think OpenAI put us to shame. Chinese high tech companies don't have deep pocket compared to US companies. Less money means less investment. The output is reasonable. Another reason is US chip sanction did have negative effect on China' AI development because of lack of high performance chips. We are still waiting for breakthrough in lithography

Mathematical model is there. ChapGPT have enough GPU from Microsoft Azure to train and perfect the model.

Now the whole feat of GPT is revealed. Soon China can realize it if she put together enough cloud GPU.
Mathematical model is there. ChapGPT have enough GPU from Microsoft Azure to train and perfect the model.

Now the whole feat of GPT is revealed. Soon China can realize it if she put together enough cloud GPU.
Soft wares part is easy. Hard wares part is the main obstacle. Without fully domestic lithography, China can not surpass US.
the chinks were bragging up and down that they were world leaders in AI. OpenAI put them to shame. Now the same chinks are trying to stay afloat by claiming OpenAI just because a FEW chinese work there :laughcry:

Instead of using racial slur which revealed your low iq, i would suggest you use your time in Denmark as immigrant/asylum seeker/white trash to improve yourself or your country. At least China has this kind of programme. Other countries? Not so much, only a handful.
And why OpenAI does it so well. It is because Microsoft funded their R&D with their cloud infra -- likely billions of dollars.

I guess China is capable of this. So long GoC make up her mind and ask Huawei or Alicloud to fund a GPT startup, soon China will have chatGPT.

Sounds like private investors were the initial drivers with Microsoft investing later. Companies like this start all the time and are pitched to rich investors that for every $1 they invest they can get multiple back if the company goes public or gets bought within X amount of years. So there are plenty of private investors who can afford to take the risk with the possibility of hitting it big if the company is successful.

The organization was founded in San Francisco in 2015 by Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Peter Thiel and others,[8][1][9] who collectively pledged US$1 billion.

Musk resigned from the board in 2018 but remained a donor.

Microsoft provided OpenAI LP with a $1 billion investment in 2019 and a second multi-year investment in January 2023, reported to be $10 billion.[10]
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Sounds like very rich people were the initial drivers with Microsoft investing later.

The organization was founded in San Francisco in 2015 by Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Peter Thiel and others,[8][1][9] who collectively pledged US$1 billion.

Musk resigned from the board in 2018 but remained a donor.

Microsoft provided OpenAI LP with a $1 billion investment in 2019 and a second multi-year investment in January 2023, reported to be $10 billion.[10]

I guess Microsoft investment is in terms of Azure resources.

No one else other than Google and Amazon has that kind of cloud resource.

ChatGPT is in essence running on Microsoft metals.
I guess Microsoft investment is in terms of Azure resources.

No one else other than Google and Amazon has that kind of cloud resource.

ChatGPT is in essence running on Microsoft metals.

Well also if they need a way to skim the entire world for knowledge a big search company who has already perfected it would be the easiest way to do it.
the chinks were bragging up and down that they were world leaders in AI. OpenAI put them to shame. Now the same chinks are trying to stay afloat by claiming OpenAI just because a FEW chinese work there :laughcry:
What can your shithole country produce, except shit ?
We had a great production of this.


Until you ran away with your rat tail between your legs.

Now we have moved into the service sector rather than production by offering your spineless rats a quick departure from this world:

Yeah, how many of you fools get killed in your country by inviting war there, hundred of thousands ? And how many years to rebuild your destroyed country ? How many of you end up like wandering refugees ? Proud now.

You are not a false flag low life Viet as you people like to fake such identity ?
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Yeah, how many of you fools get killed in your country by inviting war there, hundred of thousands ? And how many years to rebuild your destroyed country ? How many of you end up like wandering refugees ? Proud now.

You are not a false flag low life Viet as you people like to fake such identity ?

Country is doing better than in the past 40 years.

Strong record-breaking exports, record government revenue collection (without increasing taxes or customs), very low corruption (probably lower than canada), strong FDI, strong job creation, sustainable positive growth, massive infrastructure investments. Still long way to go but you'll see miracles happen in the next decade.

On top of all these goodies, we got to kick your ***.
Country is doing better than in the past 40 years.

Strong record-breaking exports, record government revenue collection (without increasing taxes or customs), very low corruption (probably lower than canada), strong FDI, strong job creation, sustainable positive growth, massive infrastructure investments. Still long way to go but you'll see miracles happen in the next decade.

On top of all these goodies, we got to kick your ***.
So you are the false flaged Viet, shame on you ! Show your true face, dont hide in AF flag and hide inside someone's underwear, just low life ! Your country can produce anything worthwhile, but shit.
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How Americans feel? Happy or worried?
Why do you care about how Americans feel? You're obsessed with what Americans think of China and feel about China.

What's the point of all these threads? Are you insecure about your country? If not,then what's the point?

You guys seem like you wake up and sleep with the thought of "Hah! In your face stupid American! China beat you!"
One big reason China not able to come out with ChatGPT is US ban Nvidia to China.
One big reason China not able to come out with ChatGPT is US ban Nvidia to China.

Nvidia is dominate with its A100 and H100 GPUs. It’s going to be really hard for China to keep up in AI without access to Nvidia GPUs
Nvidia is dominate with its A100 and H100 GPUs. It’s going to be really hard for China to keep up in AI without access to Nvidia GPUs

Sadly I would say this is true to a large extend.

The ban of Nvidia is a lever to strangle China AI.

If Nvidia has no AI capabilities but only gaming, China can buy as much as she wants.
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