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It is only a matter of time, Russia will finaly join the New Order.

I think almost all major players are part of nwo.

A pawn doesn´t now that he is a figure in a chessgame. It is the diabolic perfection what makes the NWO so dangerous. Mankind is born to follow leaders. Illuminati a secret society of superhumans with ancient knowledge of the ages, hiding the truth from us. They are only leaking very small parts of the truth and some of us take their bait. They are fishing people!


The Truh is, that Science can´t exist without god and god can´t exist without science. Ancient knowledge merges modern science with religion into ILLUMINATION the one and only true religion. Thats why they call themselfs Illuminati. They believe in Lucifer the Lightgod, which is the God of creation. The God of becoming. That means Mankind becoming Lucifer the Lightgod. They are worshipping themselfs.

We on the other side worship The real God. The God of existance. The infinite.


Our Universe is the manifestation of the Mind of the Infinite beeing. Quantum Physics shows us the true nature of the Universe.

Truth about ancient knowledge

Events in Ukraine and Western sanctions against Russia - an excellent opportunity for Putin to end with the liberal fifth column . West itself pulls out the hook , on which kept some of the Russian elite . Russia has never been part of the West, and never will be. West is too small for Russia to become a part of it - rather the West will become part of Russia .
While US becomes weaker - Russia becomes stronger. This became particularly clear in recent times , when the tone of Western media became hysterical . Hysterics - a sign of weakness . After a while first the leaders of Eastern Europe, and then of Western will become loyal to Russia. In an extreme case - there will appear new , pro-Russian leaders . Now it is only a matter of time.

беспочвенное уверенность
беспочвенное уверенность
This confidence is based on some knowledge of history. When Russia will regain its superpower status - European countries will strive to become junior partners of Russia. In the nineteenth century, Russia was the "gendarme of Europe." In the twentieth - pole of power. I have every reason to believe that Russia will be dominant of Europe in the twenty-first century. At least - Eastern Europe. Hungary - one of the leading countries in the region has already begun to build closer relations with Russia.
This confidence is based on some knowledge of history. When Russia will regain its superpower status - European countries will strive to become junior partners of Russia. In the nineteenth century, Russia was the "gendarme of Europe." In the twentieth - pole of power. I have every reason to believe that Russia will be dominant of Europe in the twenty-first century. At least - Eastern Europe. Hungary - one of the leading countries in the region has already begun to build closer relations with Russia.

Poland, Hungary, The Czech Republic, and Slovakia Sign a Military Pact

enough food for relaxation
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