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Isro's centre in Ahmedabad helped track Hurricane Sandy

Just off the topic Strange that not a single Pakistani or the "SO CALLED" Chinese members post on such threads!!But when it comes to India bashing they are all ready and up to it.Anyways I always personally feel that as far satellite and image remote sensing tech is concerned ISRO has come a long way.All that we need is our GSLV Mk 3 heavy lift vehicle with an Indian cryogenic stage and engine and that's it. . . . WE ARE SELF RELIANT!!
India is far ahead form Chinese in Remote Sensing technology where else china is advance in launching technology.
Here is one of the images provided by ISRO's Oceansat-2 to NASA.

ISRO’s OceanSat 2 helps NASA and international weather and climate scientists track Hurricane Sandy near real time

This image shows ocean surface winds for Hurricane Sandy observed at 12:00 a.m. EDT (9.30 a.m. IST), October 29 by the OSCAT radar scatterometer on the Indian Space Research Organization's OceanSat 2 satellite. Colors indicate wind speed and arrows indicate direction. The image shows the large extent of high winds associated with this system. Radar scatterometry enables frequent, more than once per day, observations of Earth's winds over the ocean. This provides additional information to weather forecasters to improve predictions of what areas will be affected by hurricane level winds.

Good job ISRO.
We are country 0f 1.2 B human population. We should be leading the world in every aspects human race's progress.I hope one day that will be the case.

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