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ISRO to flight-test GSLV with indigenous cryo on August 19

We only have one more Russian cryogenic engine left, as usual our media-persons and journos probably did not bother with the specifics. The Russian cryo engine as it did not operate properly and has many glitches for some reason or the other (design seemed to be perfect but perhaps there were manufacturing defects)- but regardless this launch is crucial since it will be the proof of the indigenous cryo engine.

what do they do with that engine these days????? only testing and getting info
what do they do with that engine these days????? only testing and getting info

Nothing of that sort, its kept in reserve probably. The testing, ground tests and HAT runs, is associated with the indigenous engine. We didn't even have HAT runs before the last launch, a lot of changes and modifications were made based on the diagnosis of the last unsuccessful launch and validation was carried out with extensive ground tests and runs in specific conditions. So the ISRO is reasonably confident this time around- still its a complicated thing so fingers crossed.

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Eik Vat 69 ghar pe rakha hein......Success tho usko kadham karoonga.... nahin tho gham mein peeyoonga..... Lekin peena padega aaj....
Guys plz keep updating about latest info regarding GSLV .. Seriously worried about launch not able to concentrate on work:confused:
The suspense and the wait is killing, I wouldnt mind even if its postponed and secretly launched at night.
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