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ISRO Successfully Tests Its GSLV Mk III Cryogenic Engine

Great news indeed. We have achieved a significant milestone in such short span. Isro is true son of mother nation.
Jai Hind
Cool. Liquid propulsion centre arm of ISRO is proving to be a great mile breaker for ISRO. More funds must go on into it.
This part is important.

The GSLV will also be useful for carrying out Indian human space missions through Chandrayaan-3
I've been to the said ISRO facility at Mahendragiri,vast area,majority filled with trees. Lot of large testing platforms to test various engines and components. Security by CISF,most of them with INSAS and Rapid Action Force with Gypsies and AKs
I wait for the day this engine will carry Indians to Space!
its not such a priority sir, India needs big powerful satellites for better communication and safety of our nation, and as you say it is just a step in the direction to send an Indian in an Indian rocket, there are many other parameters needed to send man in to space by india
Manned moon mission !? :unsure:

May be in distant future, but they are developing or atleast in conceptual stage working on a heavy lift vehicle named ULV. It will be able to carry man to to moon and return. But it will take time. But ISRO is already started on first step, developing a 2000 kN semicryogenic engine.

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