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ISRO Rendezvous & Docking experiment Update

Look at chinese copy right infringement and their low quality products who create dangers all over the world .... :lol:

And look at chinese who do kung fu circus in space for show off ....:lol:

Look at chinese who are know for stealing technologies and making low quality defense toys and products.

Look at chinese space agency which achieved nothing when compared to ISRO.

Look at online chinese who try to earn their cents by posting crap and low IQ arguments .... :lol:

you mean some morons leaked the details from ISRO?

look at your ISRO, a low IQ group building high unreliable rocket. look at your GSLV, shame on ISRO.
look at your manned mission sitting in ISRO's dream, shame on ISRO.
look at your satellite navigation system sitting in ISRO's press release, shame on ISRO.
look at your data relay satellite sitting in ISRO's plan, shame on ISRO.
look at your quick response satellite sitting in ISRO's board room, shame on ISRO.
Surely there will be a thread started when the actual docking has been done.

On topic: I know that there is s Student Satellite project headed by NIITEE Minakshi Institute (not sure whether I've got the name correct) and a consortium of 15 or something universities planning a mission in collaboration with ISRO on launching of two Nano satellites and performing inter satellite communication and control.The same team was behind the successful STUDSAT project.

Its Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology. Yay! Thats my college. I study there. :D :D

Didnt know it was so famous. :)
I'm fed up with Chinese trolls.....:hitwall::hitwall:

ee nainte makkal entha ingane...?:angry::angry:

ഇവനൊക്കെ ചീവീടിന് ഉണ്ടായതാന്നോ .. പൂൂൂൂ മക്കൾ :angry:!!! മടുത്തു.. :suicide:

These a****ls are hijacking each and every India related threads.....:hitwall:
I feels like most of the Pakistanis(and other south asians too) in this forum are behaving very responsible..but dont know why these chinese are so annoying..:undecided:

Guys,i'm so sorry to say that PDF is quite boring now a days..........:ashamed:

I'm thinking of leaving PDF for a while...:undecided:

@Aeronaut @Imran Khan @WebMaster @Chinese-Dragon @Spring Onion @Abingdonboy @kurup @Nair saab
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I'm fed up with Chinese trolls.....:hitwall::hitwall:

ee nainte makkal entha ingane...?:angry::angry:

ഇവനൊക്കെ ചീവീടിന് ഉണ്ടായതാന്നോ .. പൂൂൂൂ മക്കൾ :angry:!!! മടുത്തു.. :suicide:

These a****ls are hijacking each and every India related threads.....:hitwall:
I feels like most of the Pakistanis(and other south asians too) in this forum are behaving very responsible..but dont know why these chinese are so annoying..:undecided:

Guys,i'm so sorry to say that PDF is quite boring now a days..........:ashamed:

I'm thinking of leaving PDF for a while...

U called to Troll them back ... fine then be it ... everyone in this forum knows i am a very responsible Troller ... But first let me check whats the Topic here ... :P
Did India announce it ?
This paper was presented in 6'th international Sensing Technology conference !

Was it released in any press conference / national media ?

did ISRO claim it ?

The piece of info can't be even found on ISRO website ?

Why you guys don't follow the link and check the reference given below the post ?

Shows you guys are lazy to find truth !

all you guys are interested in is India bashing and not truth finding ?

Don't you think you are guilty of twisting truth and misrepresenting it ?

Why did you have to drag Indian gov or media in this regard ?

Like most Chinese I do not talk without proof !

Why didn't you bother to check source and link before opening your mouth ?

Those who are interested in truth will go at the root of the information provided than jump guns at very first sight of opportunity of India bashing like you guys are doing !!!

docking for extending the satellite's life? Something India thought of that no one else have. All others would usually just send out a new satellite as it would be cheaper than need to dock a satellite. And all others using docking in space for man space flight, which India currently do not have one. So you tell me, its reasonable to question this when US and Russia, which have been doing space flight for over 50 years, is not even trying this micky mouse gimmick.
I'm fed up with Chinese trolls.....:hitwall::hitwall:

ee nainte makkal entha ingane...?:angry::angry:

ഇവനൊക്കെ ചീവീടിന് ഉണ്ടായതാന്നോ .. പൂൂൂൂ മക്കൾ !!! മടുത്തു..

These a****ls are hijacking each and every India related threads.....
I feels like most of the Pakistanis(and other south asians too) in this forum are behaving very responsible..but dont know why these chinese are so annoying..

Guys,i'm so sorry to say that PDF is quite boring now a days..........

I'm thinking of leaving PDF for a while..

@Aeronaut @Imran Khan @WebMaster @Chinese-Dragon @Spring Onion @Abingdonboy @kurup @Nair saab

chill man its karma :yay::omghaha::cheers:
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docking for extending the satellite's life? Something India thought of that no one else have. All others would usually just send out a new satellite as it would be cheaper than need to dock a satellite. And all others using docking in space for man space flight, which India currently do not have one. So you tell me, its reasonable to question this when US and Russia, which have been doing space flight for over 50 years, is not even trying this micky mouse gimmick.

Sir,People in ISRO are idiots & you are the best Space Expert,Scientist
& we have a Failed Space programs
All those Rocket launches Dine in studios
Now please Will you Do the honors of leaving this thread & let's us talk In absolute peace
Indian members should just ignore them rather than reply to their every post......those poor people need to eat...
I'm fed up with Chinese trolls.....:hitwall:

ee nainte makkal entha ingane...?:angry::angry:

ഇവനൊക്കെ ചീവീടിന് ഉണ്ടായതാന്നോ .. പൂൂൂൂ മക്കൾ :angry:!!! മടുത്തു.. :suicide:

These a****ls are hijacking each and every India related threads.....:hitwall:
I feels like most of the Pakistanis(and other south asians too) in this forum are behaving very responsible..but dont know why these chinese are so annoying..:undecided:

Guys,i'm so sorry to say that PDF is quite boring now a days..........:ashamed:

I'm thinking of leaving PDF for a while...:undecided:

@Aeronaut @Imran Khan @WebMaster @Chinese-Dragon @Spring Onion @Abingdonboy @kurup @Nair saab

Me too thinking the same .... This forum has gone gutters .... :pissed:
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Vote off their leader for what? to get morons like Singh voted in to destroy the nation? india is a best example for this: democracy is never about voting, it is about a system that can actually work and delivery benefits to everyone in a fair manner!

please be honest and tell me:

which nation provides better opportunties for their young citizens? CHINA. our economy is 4x as big as india's crashed one.

which nation provides better infrastructure to support its future? CHINA. we have 10000km high speed rail, 100000km expressway, we don't shut down our national power grid and then promote our power minister.

which nation has more honest leaders? CHINA. we don't have liar like Singh who claimed that mumbai could catch up with Shanghai in 5 years.

which nation has better education? CHINA. check your favourite university ranking, check the OECD ranking. we don't sell you a plan, we give your results that can be independently verified.

which nation has better high tech? CHINA. what is the biggest indian internet company? how many indian internet companies are comparable to Tencent, Baidu, Taobao? ZERO. india lost the competition!

which nation has better R&D in general? CHINA. check the Nature publishing index, check the Science publishing index, check the number of Chinese papers published on Cell. we beat india in every single sector, in fact, we beat Japan in almost every single field in terms of the recent published papers on those top ranking journals.

which country has a more stable investment environment? CHINA. 3.3 TRILLION USD can change your tiny Taiwan island into a booming market or a dead end dump site.

VOTE off our leaders? FFS, I want them to lead my nation to win the competition, they have the proven skills to do so! Please enjoy your Obama BS, please enjoy your Singh joke, however please keep it to yourself.


let me tell you something: democracy should never be defined by a couple ruling nations. your definition is nothing but a propaganda and india is the proof of that. what indians get from such "democracy"? high life expectancy? No, their lifespan is shorter. less corruption? No, they never fight corruption, how many high level corrupted officials get charged?

$1 is conformed for 2 comments.

I don't understand why other country men are so agitated about it. They are gonna dock to satellite to see if the docking system works properly. The simulation test would make sure that the all the programs/software are working properly before they try it in real time otherwise they will have two crashed satellites.

Just to earn 50 cent per comment.

Its this kind of thread that cause others to laugh at India. India should finish the work first before bragging about it. Instead of announcing plans to create a simulation.

Chinese do not loose a chance to show themselves funny on PDF but amuzing thing is that they do not know that they look so ugly. They are like dancing peacock who think that he looks very nice when he raises his feathers but same time do not realize that his back side is exposed he raise his feathers.

They are exposing their backside. So lets have a fun without taking them seriously.

All PDF member will enjoy seeing back side tiny brained trolls when Mission to march is launched.

Have a fun.

you mean some morons leaked the details from ISRO?

look at your ISRO, a low IQ group building high unreliable rocket. look at your GSLV, shame on ISRO.
look at your manned mission sitting in ISRO's dream, shame on ISRO.
look at your satellite navigation system sitting in ISRO's press release, shame on ISRO.
look at your data relay satellite sitting in ISRO's plan, shame on ISRO.
look at your quick response satellite sitting in ISRO's board room, shame on ISRO.

Chinese rocket crash killed more that 2000. Hats off to china.

Why does India need to announce to the whole world about simulation experiments?

Just keep that news to yourself like every other country.

Indians want to boast about things that are on paper only or a toy model developed. You can boast when you actually achieve something and not when you have plans. Achieve the result, then boast all you like because you have a right to boast.

Because we have the confidence that it will success and we have the courage to accept failure if it fails. By the way what problem you have if we announce. It is just a routine news about which 99.999% indian do not know.

By the way Mission to mars is coming next to burn your @$$ followed by reusable rocket launch to recover the stages of rocket to bring down the launch cost to 1/5th.

Your reactions are not the reaction of a capable nation which is so advance in space but of a nation which is lagging behind in space race in-spite of copying and stealing from all over. If your nation would have really progressed on its own and have become self reliant in space technology, all of you would not have reacted so negatively.

Keep burning. ISRO has a lot to burn you in coming days. You can earn $ 85 (Chinese bellow poverty line criterion) by posting comment in ISRO related thread and bring your BPL status changed to UPL.

Best luck baby.
docking for extending the satellite's life? Something India thought of that no one else have. All others would usually just send out a new satellite as it would be cheaper than need to dock a satellite. And all others using docking in space for man space flight, which India currently do not have one. So you tell me, its reasonable to question this when US and Russia, which have been doing space flight for over 50 years, is not even trying this micky mouse gimmick.

You are wrong once again !

India is not the only country to think of Satellite life extension by using RVD technology !

Satellite Life Extension: Reaching for the Holy Grail - Via Satellite

Satellite Life Extension: Reaching for the Holy Grail

By Owen D. Kurtin | March 1, 2013 | Publications, Via Satellite

Satellite life extension continues to hold both revolutionary promise and disruptive menace for the satellite and space industry. The useful lifetime of geosynchronous orbit satellites averages about fifteen years – a limit primarily imposed by the exhaustion of propellant aboard. The propellant is needed for “station-keeping,” which means maintaining the satellite in its orbital slot and in-orbit orientation, or attitude, so that its antennae and solar panels are properly pointed. When the propellant is nearly exhausted, the satellite reaches the end of its active life and must be moved to a “graveyard” orbital slot, even though the satellite’s other systems and payload are often in working order.

The fifteen-year replacement cycle drives the satellite industry; from the capital expenditure cycles of satellite operators, the financing they seek for those expenditures, to the resulting order books of satellite manufacturers and launch service providers. Low Earth Orbit satellites may have even shorter life spans, due to the increased atmospheric drag and friction to which they are subject.

Since last year, a hardy band of commercial operators have continued to make headway in reaching for this industry grail and rendering it a tangible reality. NASA and the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) “Phoenix” program have joined the private sector players in attempting to develop robotic vehicles to rendezvous and dock with and revive dead or dying satellites.

Current satellite life extension proposals come in two principal flavors, both involving rendezvous and docking with an in-orbit satellite nearing the end of its planned lifespan by a robot vehicle launched for this purpose. The robotic satellite life extension vehicles will, in some conceptions, remain attached to the satellite and become a new power and booster module, fueled by new consumables ferried into space within the robot life extender. In other conceptions, the robotic vehicle rendezvous and docks with the in-orbit satellite, refuels it and then disengages from the satellite. The advantage of this second type of mission profile is that, while in some views more technically complex, it allows theoretically for a robot life extender to be sent on a mission to several dying satellites, docking with and refueling one after the other, and allowing the cost of the mission to be amortized among the satellites serviced, or even among more than one satellite operator. Nor is refueling a satellite for in-orbit attitude control and station-keeping the only possible satellite life extension technology; other modular components of orbiting satellites could theoretically be replaced – even payload components.

These technologies will not make satellites immortal; most estimates are that up to five years could be added to the average satellite’s useful life, extending that lifespan by a third. All proposals would require buy-in by prime satellite manufacturers, because serviceable satellites would have to be designed with docking ports, fuel access and other modular components accessible, removable and replaceable by the robot servicer. That, in turn, will probably require pressure by the satellite operators, the manufacturers’ customers. In an already small market of thin margins, in which 20 to 25 large geosynchronous satellites ordered per year is the norm, satellite life extension technology, if successful, would be enormously disruptive to the manufacturers’ existing business model. Of course, that model might change, and not only would the robots servicers themselves have to be manufactured, but longer-lived satellites with modular, replaceable components might lead to new demand and increased orders.

In any event, satellite life extension is moving from “pie-in-the-sky” territory to reality. McDonald, Dettwiler and Associates, Inc. and Space Systems Loral, which MDA purchased in November; Intelsat General Corporation, in charge of Intelsat’s “hosted payload” initiative; and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have all been awarded DARPA “Phoenix” contracts, intended to develop technologies and an unmanned spacecraft to harvest components from dead satellites, dispose of the detritus, and revive dying satellites. Another company, Vivisat, a joint venture of U.S. Space and ATK, is developing plans for a “Mission Extension Vehicle,” capable of docking with an in-orbit satellite and serving as a supplemental propulsion system. How close is satellite life extension to reality, and what would be the effects on industry if it came to pass? At SATELLITE 2013, a panel of these companies and agencies will discuss the current state of the industry, and what to expect in the years ahead.

Owen D. Kurtin is the founding member of New York City-based law firm Kurtin PLLC and a founder and principal of private investment firm The Vinland Group LLC. He may be reached at okurtin@ kurtinlaw.com.

Going by your comment US is trying this micky mouse gimmick after 50 years of Space flight ....so US agencies also must be stupid ?

Why don't you check facts before passing loose comments to denigrate India ?

You must be sadist ....to derive pleasure from India -bashing like many other Chinese posters here !!!

How about doing bit of net searching and surfing instead of posting comments that end up making fool of yourself ?
docking for extending the satellite's life? Something India thought of that no one else have. All others would usually just send out a new satellite as it would be cheaper than need to dock a satellite. And all others using docking in space for man space flight, which India currently do not have one. So you tell me, its reasonable to question this when US and Russia, which have been doing space flight for over 50 years, is not even trying this micky mouse gimmick.

Here is another article to prove India is not the only country to try to extend satellite life by exploring RVD technology !

Skycorp Introduces Spacecraft Life Extension System to Extend Operational Lives of Geostationary Satellites - SpaceRef Business

July 23 -- Today at the 2013 New Space conference Skycorp Incorporated (Skycorp) will introduce the Spacecraft Life Extension System (SLES). The purpose of the SLES is to extend the useful lifetime of Geostationary (GEO) satellites.

The SLES accomplishes this by docking and mating with a GEO satellite and then takes over the task of attitude control and station keeping. This is a simple mechanical interface, similar to a tug guiding a larger ship at sea. There is no fuel transferred or electrical connection to the GEO satellite.

Skycorp founder and CEO Dennis Wingo states; "It is the goal of the SLES to provide up to ten additional years of operating life to a geostationary asset for about one third the replacement cost. This provides a clear financial benefit to the satellite operator".

Skycorp has worked over the past four years to continue to lower the cost of its original SLES design and the concept of the cooperative operation of two spacecraft in GEO orbit. Skycorp has a global patent portfolio for the life extension system (U.S. patent 6,945,500, European Union [England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands], EP1654159B1, and Hong Kong HK1091789).

Skycorp has a signed letter of intent for the implementation of the SLES with an undisclosed customer. The first available mission for the SLES is in the winter of 2016. Skycorp is working closely with the insurance underwriter community to bring this new capability to market which will improve satellite operator margins and provide means to reduce losses in the space insurance sector.

For additional information: www.skycorpinc.com

Point of Contact

Dennis Wingo, CEO Skycorp Incorporated
Email: info@skycorpinc.com
Skycorp Incorporated
Mountain View California, 94041
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