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ISRO Rendezvous & Docking experiment Update

Chinese act like immatures. You people do not have to poke nose into our projects and success or failures. I don't know why Chinese get so frustrated.
it is their culture!

how many honest indians you meet in the US? they talk, they dream, they plan, they propose, they come up with idea, however, they just don't work!

they don't deliver results!

so indians can enjoy it alone?

well, I accept this.
yeah,so that's why the Indian community in the U.S. is the richest one right now!well admit it mate,you chinis can do only one thing which is stealing other's copyrights and technologies!have you ever developed something on your own till now!well the reality is that most of the developed nations in the world don't trust china due to their dubious reputation of stealing and copying others' technology and stuff....:coffee:
Chinese act like immatures. You people do not have to poke nose into our projects and success or failures. I don't know why Chinese get so frustrated.
the reason behind this is that the chinese are still suffering from inferiority complex,so whenever they see that India has achieved something their a$$ start to burn due to jealousy.the chinese know deep down in their hearts that they haven't accomplished a thing in all these years other than stealing and copying others' technology and equipment!man whenever i see the PDF chinese members boasting about their superior I.Q. i can't help myself from stop laughing on their stupidity.man from what i have obsevered here in this forum i can only say that they are one of the most insecure races in the world...:omghaha:
lol you chinese are nuts...no where in the article has any one bragged about anything. Its just an informative article about an experiment to be performed. They are just jealous as we are catching up fast.
No one is forcing you to read it or listen to it. Just ignore the news if you think its propaganda.

Exactly, Every time some news regarding ISRO comes out, these peaceful and not so peaceful start bragging wars and trolls before we Indians start reacting!!. I think we are pissing them off. First one must thank the post then sit down and think what should be the reply, not start the comment by "Hey you jingoist/nationalist fellows, why do you want to do this, it should be done this way".

Arre bhai, No body is asking for your free advice!! Why we should follow your sequence? What comes first is our priority. Who are you to point out? I would liken it to exam papers. The teacher wants students to answer from 1-10. If the student do 1 first and 5 next can the teacher say to the student that he wants to show off/being clever?

To all the Chinese members: We want to achieve the target in our way. Thanks for the free advice but we won't take it!!
Good lord! this thread is completely filled with some insecure chinese morons!! What the hell is wrong with u guys?? Rhis kind of news is released to be appreciated! Not to be criticized by some copy-cat countries!! I'm a tax payer... I love to read about every single achievements of my country! be it a big or small one!!!

an Example for the chinese insecure friends of mine! @faithfulguy @peaceful

when u were a small kid! and u solved your first simple arithmetic problem, your mother/teacher appreciated your effort and that encouraged you to solve even complex problems! Similarly ISRO is a young organization with alot lower budget then yours.... its trying and showing us some results.... the docking technology is not just for space docking.... it can be used for other platforms too... for submarines maybe...!! this docking simulation is a big deal for us... and i want everything thats happening related to the progress of my country to be published! why the hell you're burning fats of ur body?? You didnt launch a man in cheap chinese rocket right? even you required this kind of simulations and research!!
The media/internet/social media wasn't so prominent when u guys were doing your research work. Welcome to Information age... and stop acting like Neanderthals!
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Hold on, this time, peaceful has a point. Why would India carry out a docking experiment if there is no manned space flight. Isn't this putting carriage before the horse. First, you need to send man to space. And also put a space module into space. Once that is done, you can try docking. Otherwise, what is the point of docking two modules together? if its just to prove that you can do it, its a waste of resources.

Creating and Validating a technology is a part and responsibility of a scientific community, the cabinet decides when this technology is put to test. ISRO's role is clear, gear up for the cutting edge technology for you never know. Just in Case...
honest nations don't keep their citizens updated on such simulation results, it is called simulated results for a reason. india is doing this because it is using nationalism to shift the domestic anger on why it is behind China on every single sector.

India is democracy and people have the right to know where and what is being done with their money and there are some which come under Nation Secrets act which no citizen has or can have access to, unlike china where u even need the govt permission to have children and to own or even talk against the gov..

dude, in China, no one ever told us that we have 5th generation J-20 in development, instead, our generals repeatedly denied the existance of such project. the entire world saw the results - we are flying J-20 and we have a J-31 project as backup. We don't fool our citizens until the deal is done.

The govt does not shout that it is doing this and that.. It comes out in the annual report and the media gets access to it...

dude, in China, the CCP didn't sell me their plan to build 10000km high speed rail, they build it, then they talk. why your big mouth indian losers can't show me some self respect and start delivering results rather than endless propaganda?

Neither did India ask me before building one of the safest metros in the word.. Whats the big fuss Looser?? Advocating self respect hiding behind flags you have nothing to do with? Yeah is that what you call self respect!!! Indeed..

you dream this, you plan that, one proposal after another, one agenda after another schema, tell me, who many LCA are serving your air force? how many GSLV have been launched successfully?
We unlike you guys show no interest copying other’s hard work and get a duplicated product and advocate self-respect, you losers have redefined the meaning for Self- respect, which you anyways lack.
tell me, where is your manned mission? how many indians have travelled to space and then returned to earth safely using indian build rocket?

Let me give you the answer: ZERO
We have other priorities to handle before we send a man to outer space. Tell me what have you achieved by sending one other than showing off to the world that u too have the capability, is that not a waste of time and resources? Oh wait, you can get killed for asking this to your govt. My Bad.. Lol

they'd better keep doing this simulation on the ground. the last thing you want is an indian human body satellite in orbit.
Well, atleast they will not float below water, like some astronauts.
look at their GSLV's success rate, look at the progress of their LCA and Arjun, look at their power grid quality, look at their infrastructure, oh, let's don't forget the commonwealth game!
Oh yeah, look at your own products, sometimes in air and some times over the ground is your quality of products. We all know what you did to your beggars before the start of Beijing Olympics. Are they still alive? Or was that a secret assassin to portray you guys as rich? Any bloody nation can portray itself as rich, murdering its poor population..
what a great nation of honesty!
Indeed we are, for we don’t pay our internet users 50 cents, just to troll ;)
docking of what? you dont have a spaceship, you don't have access to any space station/lab. docking of what?

how about shut up the big mouth and work harder to deliver results?

Troll like you always read selectively and misinterpret information ?

Did you read that India is planning I-6 K new generation of satellite bus weighing 6 ton ?

This satellite bus will be modular with docking port whereby docking satellite in future will be able to replenish exhaustible essentials like fuels , power pack , new instruments etc ?

India's efforts are indigenous whereby we have to work from the scratch unlike China whose technological adavncements are largely based on be , borrow and steal tactics ?

Did you master Docking technology yourself ? No you got readymade Soyuz module , docking parts , life support systems etc from Russia ?

Of course CCP won't publicise such milestones as mastering docking technology ? because it has nothing to publicise less truth will be out that it is wholesome Russian technology served on platter for exchange of some hard money ?

The striking similarity between Soyuz and shenzen in not coincidence ....it is so because Shenzen is modified version of Soyuz that you got readymade from Russia .

Now stop trolling and making fool of yourself ....

India will develop its technology at its own pace ....and not subjected to whims and fancies of our neighbors !!!
Hold on, this time, peaceful has a point. Why would India carry out a docking experiment if there is no manned space flight. Isn't this putting carriage before the horse. First, you need to send man to space. And also put a space module into space. Once that is done, you can try docking. Otherwise, what is the point of docking two modules together? if its just to prove that you can do it, its a waste of resources.

Did you even bother to read post completely ?

The Docking technology is being developed for Next generation 6 ton I-6 K satellite bus system .....

didn't you made fool of yourself by commenting on this particular post without reading and understanding essence of this post ?

Half knowledge is dangerous isn't it ?

That's why the posts like these are important to educate people about developments going on ?

Off course India-haters like you would jump at very first opportunity to sting India ....

Next time onwards try to read complete post. Hell it's just 2 paragraphs with hardly even few hundred words ....but you didn't care to read !

As per your assertion ...docking technology is useful only for Manned space flights ?

Hell ! India will undertake even manned space flights at right time ! Our priorities are different from China !

Do we have to blindly follow China ?

We will develop technology we need to at our own requirement ? why somebody is jealous about such minor news ?

I felt it is something novel and hence I posted it. You guys have created unnecessary hue and cry about such small piece of inside news ?

Did any national authority publicized this news ? No I just picked it from a blog ?

Do you really have to create such intense debate over this news ?

Grow up ....I didn't expect this at-least from you.
It's another propaganda stunt by ISRO to fool the jingoistic Indian public into believe that they too have done what we have done in 'rendezvous and docking'.

They just want to get those words 'rendezvous and docking' out to the gullible Indian public to think they have done space lab rendezvous and docking. It's manipulation of the worst kind.

This is why our Indian members are so uninformed because of the constant bombardment of propaganda coming out of ISRO given to their media at the orders of the political regime in power.

Stupid trolls are gullible ...not to be able to read whole truth ! first off all who told you that this is a ISRO News ? . This piece of information was picked up from another blog !

ISRO is respectable authority that does not make hollow claims !

If you thought RVD technology means space lab is ready then you are the biggest fool >

Did you read post fully ....the technology is being developed for next generation 6 ton I-6 K satellite bus system ...

Off course you wont ? because your empty brain can't grasp that there can be other applications of RVD besides docking to space lab !

We are well informed because we have freedom of expression and free media ?

Our media isn't state controlled whereby it limits and control information that can be allowed to access and shared !

It is the height of hypocrisy for Chinese to proclaim that Indian members are ill-informed .....

I can't even laugh at your joke ....because it pathetic joke !!!
We are well aware of manipulations of worst kind that happen in China ...so keep your expletives to yourself !
honest nations don't keep their citizens updated on such simulation results, it is called simulated results for a reason. india is doing this because it is using nationalism to shift the domestic anger on why it is behind China on every single sector.

dude, in China, no one ever told us that we have 5th generation J-20 in development, instead, our generals repeatedly denied the existance of such project. the entire world saw the results - we are flying J-20 and we have a J-31 project as backup. We don't fool our citizens until the deal is done.

dude, in China, the CCP didn't sell me their plan to build 10000km high speed rail, they build it, then they talk. why your big mouth indian losers can't show me some self respect and start delivering results rather than endless propaganda?

you dream this, you plan that, one proposal after another, one agenda after another schema, tell me, who many LCA are serving your air force? how many GSLV have been launched successfully?

tell me, where is your manned mission? how many indians have travelled to space and then returned to earth safely using indian build rocket?

Let me give you the answer: ZERO

they'd better keep doing this simulation on the ground. the last thing you want is an indian human body satellite in orbit.

look at their GSLV's success rate, look at the progress of their LCA and Arjun, look at their power grid quality, look at their infrastructure, oh, let's don't forget the commonwealth game!

what a great nation of honesty!

Some questions for you !

Why China send its astronauts to Russia for training ?

Why China used Russian Soyuz to base its spacecraft for ?

Why China used Russian modules , life support systems in Shenzen ?

Did your CCP had honesty to inform Chinese public about Russian contribution to your Space programme ?

Do you have honesty to accept same ..... ?

From Nuclear reactors , missiles , space crafts , fighter jets to warships , submarines and what not ....

in every Chinese technology there is tremendous use and influence of Russian techonolgy ?

most of which China had bought off the shelf ....from Russia !

Do you have honesty to accept the truth ?

Or is it that CCP never told you the facts about beg , borrow and steal tactic and instead fed to your immature minds that it's all indigenous ?

What a great nation of honesty ?

It seems the free environment in US did not help much to remove your native ignorance. You dont need a space lab and manned program to perform a RVD experiment. When you develop RVD tech on your own, the logical way is to first use two satellites to perform and master RVD and once the technology is perfected, it can be used for satellite refueling services, manned missions etc. Chinese did not require to perform such experiment because they bought/copied/stole the already proven russian docking technology. That negated the need to first develop and perfect RVD technology on a small scale demonstration.

Stupid trolls are not going to read properly or think logically or react rationally ....

They are all here only to troll .

Their CCP didn't tell them that their Docking technology comes from Russia !

They didn't have to start from the scratch like India ....
To tell you the truth, most countries do not even announce this kind of progress. When a scientist publish a paper, do they announce it when they are writing their rough draft. What is wrong with this Indian gov or media in this regard?

Did India announce it ?
This paper was presented in 6'th international Sensing Technology conference !

Was it released in any press conference / national media ?

did ISRO claim it ?

The piece of info can't be even found on ISRO website ?

Why you guys don't follow the link and check the reference given below the post ?

Shows you guys are lazy to find truth !

all you guys are interested in is India bashing and not truth finding ?

Don't you think you are guilty of twisting truth and misrepresenting it ?

Why did you have to drag Indian gov or media in this regard ?

Like most Chinese I do not talk without proof !

Why didn't you bother to check source and link before opening your mouth ?

Those who are interested in truth will go at the root of the information provided than jump guns at very first sight of opportunity of India bashing like you guys are doing !!!
docking of what? you dont have a spaceship, you don't have access to any space station/lab. docking of what?

how about shut up the big mouth and work harder to deliver results?

I like the way these guys get as$ burns here in India related threads, Copy cat chinese who steal technologies and these guys come online to spread their propaganda ....... :lol:

Hold on, this time, peaceful has a point. Why would India carry out a docking experiment if there is no manned space flight. Isn't this putting carriage before the horse. First, you need to send man to space. And also put a space module into space. Once that is done, you can try docking. Otherwise, what is the point of docking two modules together? if its just to prove that you can do it, its a waste of resources.

Some projects of ISRO are yet to be revealed.

honest nations don't keep their citizens updated on such simulation results, it is called simulated results for a reason. india is doing this because it is using nationalism to shift the domestic anger on why it is behind China on every single sector.

dude, in China, no one ever told us that we have 5th generation J-20 in development, instead, our generals repeatedly denied the existance of such project. the entire world saw the results - we are flying J-20 and we have a J-31 project as backup. We don't fool our citizens until the deal is done.

dude, in China, the CCP didn't sell me their plan to build 10000km high speed rail, they build it, then they talk. why your big mouth indian losers can't show me some self respect and start delivering results rather than endless propaganda?

you dream this, you plan that, one proposal after another, one agenda after another schema, tell me, who many LCA are serving your air force? how many GSLV have been launched successfully?

tell me, where is your manned mission? how many indians have travelled to space and then returned to earth safely using indian build rocket?

Let me give you the answer: ZERO

they'd better keep doing this simulation on the ground. the last thing you want is an indian human body satellite in orbit.

look at their GSLV's success rate, look at the progress of their LCA and Arjun, look at their power grid quality, look at their infrastructure, oh, let's don't forget the commonwealth game!

what a great nation of honesty!

Cut the crap and your verbal diarrhea here. Every nation has some projects which are yet to be revealed.

Do not compare India with copy cat pirated oppressive Chinese regime.
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