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ISRO launches Israeli Spy Satellite

India defence and agriculture has a close interactivity with Israeli industries.

The Israeli satellite has used an India launcher since it is cheap and the Israeli economy is not quite booming as it used to and so they are trying to save on money matters.

Dear Salim and Cheetah,

Contrary to what you are saying that Indian Launches are cheaper please see
what your space scientist is saying below

Antrix Corporation head, K R Sridharamurthy, said that Antrix quoted higher than international rates because of the PSLV’s design and suitability. Declining to give the exact revenue of the launch, Sridharamurthy said the charge for launching TESCAR was “much higher” than the normal international rates which ranged between $15,000 and $20,000 per kg of payload.

While this maybe a boost for India and their relations with Israel, I hope India has carefully thought out its fall outs. The launch has been widely reported in the Islamic world with alarm. You may read the same in Iran and Palestine press against whom they will be used by Israel. While India may tom tom its love for the Islamic world its actions speak contrary, unless ofcourse there is a quid pro understanding that the feed over say Pakistan will be shared with India.

Maybe thats why the US and French did not offer their launchers.

How do you came to know about the cost of 11 million being charge to Isreali by ISRO?

India has successfully launched an Israeli spy satellite into orbit, officials at the Sriharikota space station in southern India say.
The Israeli press is reporting that the satellite will improve Israel's ability to monitor Iran's military activities.

Indian officials that given these sensitivities, the operation was secret and carried out under tight security.

The Tecsar satellite - sometimes referred to as the Polaris - was put into space on Monday morning.

'Sinister tie-up'

Tecsar is said to have enhanced footage technology, which allows it to transmit images regardless of daytime and weather conditions.

It is considered to be one of the most advanced spy satellites that India has put into orbit to date.

Correspondents say the launch was the second commercial mission on behalf of another country that has been carried out by the Indian Space Research Organisation.

"It was a grand success," an unnamed official told the AFP news agency from the southern state of Andhra Pradesh.

Israeli newspapers reported that both Israeli and Indian space engineers were at the launch, and that 80 minutes afterwards, the Israel Aerospace Industries' (IAI) ground station began receiving Tecsar's first signals.

The 300kg (650-pound) satellite is reported to be Israel's most advanced space craft, and equipped with a camera that can take pictures in almost any weather conditions.

Israel reportedly took the decision to launch the satellite from India three years ago, and asked for Delhi's help because it lacks a vehicle capable of boosting the satellite into a polar orbit.

"The kind of low-earth polar orbit they are putting the satellite into, it is meant to give Israel the capability to keep an eye on the Iranian nuclear programme," an unnamed defence analyst told the AFP news agency.

"This is bound to be seen in the Islamic world as a sinister tie-up between Israel and India," he said.

Experts also say that the launch is an "important milestone" in the commercialisation of India's 45-year-old space programme, which put an Italian satellite in orbit in April last year for a fee of $11m.

Correspondents say that India is eager to compete against the US, Russia, China, the Ukraine and the European Space Agency in providing commercial satellite launch services, a market worth about $2.5bn a year.

India started its space programme in 1963, and has since designed, built and launched its own satellites into space.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India launches Israeli satellite
The sattelite launch was for commercial reasons, Israel had many options to launch and used srevices of ISRO as it was 30% cheaper.

Israel lift-off makes ISRO rich

The Indian Space Research Organisation got richer by about $14 million and enhanced its foothold in the global market with the successful launch of TECSAR, an Israeli satellite, from the Sriharikota Range on Monday.

Also known as Polaris, this satellite operates with an advanced radar system to give the Israeli defence forces a peek into military activity on enemy terrain, particularly Iran.

“This flight augurs well for the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) which has a good record in terms of 11 glitch-free flights so far. This (TECSAR) is the eighth foreign payload and the second commercial launch by our rockets,” KR Sridhara Murthy, the executive director of Antrix Corporation, the corporate arm of ISRO, said. Polaris was placed in orbit within 20 minutes of a perfect lift-off.

ISRO sources said the organisation raked in about $14 million for this flight.

For the first commercial launch, of an Italian astronomical satellite called AGILE from Sriharikota on April 23, 2007, the fee was $11 million.

The 300-kg Polaris, considered the most advanced spacecraft manufactured by Israel, employs advanced remote sensing technology (synthetic aperture radar or SAR technology) on board to beam images even at night and overcast weather conditions.

In support of ISRO's decision to keep the launch under wraps, G Madhavan Nair, the chairman, said the veil of secrecy was only to meet contractual obligations.

The launch will be an important milestone for ISRO that has set out to grab a slice of the $2.5- billion global commercial satellite launch services. “We got a very good price in spite of competition from China, Russia and the US,” Nair said. “We are aiming to capture many orders because our rocket is reliable and cost effective, offering rides at 70 per cent of fee charged in the international market.”

Israel lift-off makes ISRO rich- Hindustan Times
Dear Salim and Cheetah,

Contrary to what you are saying that Indian Launches are cheaper please see
what your space scientist is saying below

Antrix Corporation head, K R Sridharamurthy, said that Antrix quoted higher than international rates because of the PSLV’s design and suitability. Declining to give the exact revenue of the launch, Sridharamurthy said the charge for launching TESCAR was “much higher” than the normal international rates which ranged between $15,000 and $20,000 per kg of payload.

While this maybe a boost for India and their relations with Israel, I hope India has carefully thought out its fall outs. The launch has been widely reported in the Islamic world with alarm. You may read the same in Iran and Palestine press against whom they will be used by Israel. While India may tom tom its love for the Islamic world its actions speak contrary, unless ofcourse there is a quid pro understanding that the feed over say Pakistan will be shared with India.

Maybe thats why the US and French did not offer their launchers.


In International Politics , there is no friend or enemy
Dear Salim and Cheetah,

Contrary to what you are saying that Indian Launches are cheaper please see
what your space scientist is saying below

Antrix Corporation head, K R Sridharamurthy, said that Antrix quoted higher than international rates because of the PSLV’s design and suitability. Declining to give the exact revenue of the launch, Sridharamurthy said the charge for launching TESCAR was “much higher” than the normal international rates which ranged between $15,000 and $20,000 per kg of payload.

While this maybe a boost for India and their relations with Israel, I hope India has carefully thought out its fall outs. The launch has been widely reported in the Islamic world with alarm. You may read the same in Iran and Palestine press against whom they will be used by Israel. While India may tom tom its love for the Islamic world its actions speak contrary, unless ofcourse there is a quid pro understanding that the feed over say Pakistan will be shared with India.

Maybe thats why the US and French did not offer their launchers.


Its high time the Islamic world stop seeing anything to do with israel as being anti-islamic. Israel has good relations with turkey and egypt. does that make those nations anti-islamic? if tomorrow pakistan strikes up a friendship with israel, does that make pakistan anti-islamic?

israel has conflicts with her neighbours who even refuse to accept israel, and send terrorists into israel. the moment they offer reasonable peace agreements israel has accepted. best example is egypt. israel is not against the whole islamic world. they r just against those muslims who r trying to destroy them or hurt their interests.

now about india-israel relations, india needs israeli help in defnece sector and they are willing co we pay well. we co-operate on defebce projects that are too costly or complicated to be undertaken alone. all this is done for national interest. but that doesnt mean india will help israel kill innocent muslims. when has india helped israel in her fights? never. so i dont see how launching an israeli satellite makes india anti-islamic.
Su 47 i agree with Always as it was in the past that India had put off this project over pressur from Arab countries.

Plus what you think Israel has launched the spy statelite for enhanced coverage of areas with electronic beam steering technology just to sell Peanuts or to sell Coconuts ??

Indeed Iran, Arab countries and Pakistan are under tab
Su 47 i agree with Always as it was in the past that India had put off this project over pressur from Arab countries.

Plus what you think Israel has launched the spy statelite for enhanced coverage of areas with electronic beam steering technology just to sell Peanuts or to sell Coconuts ??

Indeed Iran, Arab countries and Pakistan are under tab

Thats israel's business. they asked if India could launch the satelite and india agreed. if we had refused, some other country would have launched it.
Thats israel's business. they asked if India could launch the satelite and india agreed. if we had refused, some other country would have launched it.

:) My dear if you faciliate something which will harm me will i be still keeping the same warm relations as i was having in the past?

Secondly India does have stalks in it in shap of having more images about Pakistan from Israel as has been promised by Israel.

Thirdly do u think that India has done it just beacuse if she didnt anyone else would have done so for Israel ?

Calm down and ask the question in a manner one can understand. Right now, one cannot understand.

What exactly is that what you want to know?
:) My dear if you faciliate something which will harm me will i be still keeping the same warm relations as i was having in the past?

Secondly India does have stalks in it in shap of having more images about Pakistan from Israel as has been promised by Israel.

Thirdly do u think that India has done it just beacuse if she didnt anyone else would have done so for Israel ?

True...! Always "my neighbours enemy is my friend"...!:devil:

Calm down and ask the question in a manner one can understand. Right now, one cannot understand.

What exactly is that what you want to know?

Sir you must read the ealier post of Su 47 that is just posted above my post i think you will understand my post.

and Jana is always as calm as anything could be ;)
I would not say that the clouds were the reason why the occupation could not be detected in Kargil.

Salim, here is a link, news before the launch. Content highlighted.

» ISRO denies shelving of spy satellite launch under US pressure - Thaindian News

Bangalore, Dec.4 (ANI): The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has rebutted reports appearing in the media that it has shelved the launch of TechSar, the spy satellite, under pressure from Washington.
Reacting to a report that had appeared in the daily DNA that said that India had aborted the launch of an Indo-Israeli spy satellite with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) literally at the launch pad stage due to last-minute pressure from Washington, ISRO sources said this was untrue.
They, however, refused to go on record about the issue, and just said the satellite would be launched soon.
Once completed, the satellite is capable of obtaining sharp images of civilian construction activities, including nuclear plants that may have a strategic bearing.
It can also scan cloud-covered mountain peaks. Lack of this capability enabled Pakistan-backed militants and army regulars to entrench themselves on the heights of Kargil, necessitating a huge armed response with many casualties.
If the SAR satellite had been launched on schedule, it would have been a first for both Israel and India.
Though official sources say that technical glitches prevented the launch of the satellite, according to the DNA report, the launch of TechSAR, mounted on a PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle), was aborted after American intervention.
TechSAR is technically an Israeli satellite being launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for a fee, but the imagery captured by it would have been available to Indian intelligence.
It is slated to be the first in a series of spy satellites India is to launch with Israeli collaboration.
According to the DNA report, the need for satellites with SAR technology has been felt very strongly after Kargil, when Indian agencies were caught napping as Pakistani intruders entered Indian peaks and set up bases.
The images, available then from the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites and spy planes, were hazy and did not reveal any ground level movement an intelligence failure, which proved critical.
The satellite was to be the first of three produced exclusively by or in partnership with Israel for meeting Indias intelligence requirements. (ANI)
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