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ISRO: A lesson for Pakistan.

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Mar 6, 2012
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I just want to say that from today please don't make fun of Indian failures. We don't deserve it. It is not fair because India tries new things and fails, Pakistan never dares to enter high tech fields, so it is succeding since independence.

Now the important lesson:

I am sure Pakistani engineers today are watching India. The reason why India is so ahead in this field is that we have patience. Patience is the ultimate success secret.

Slow and steady we keep progressing. We face failures and fall behind with shatterred confidence, then make a comeback. Pakistan was the second in Asia to launch a space rocket, it could be a world leader, it is not because you guys never understood the meaning of sustained and long term development. Investments that will pay off in long run. Pakistan always found the easiest ways to do things.

Finally only those countries will succeed that will keep patience, vision to do something and collaboration.

Its never too late. India will now get ahead with its new Mk3 beast, Pakistan can make a start with small rockets in collboration with Iran.
Funds and priority matters.....

Pakistanis became too concerned with security after 1971' ...

Anyways , best of luck for ISRO :cheers:

Never too late. Another country that thinks its never too late to start is Iran. They are making it happen. Pakistan can do it too.
Space progress is for entire mankind. :cheers:
I just want to say that from today please don't make fun of Indian failures. We don't deserve it. It is not fair because India tries new things and fails, Pakistan never dares to enter high tech fields, so it is succeding since independence.

It isn't about daring to enter the new fields. It is about the damn funds. SUPARCO never had the required funds, as all of them were diverted towards nuclear weapons and missiles development.

As for trolling on the failures: Haters will keep hating, and Trollers will keep trolling. They will always find new reasons to make fun. It is the opinions of mature persons that you need to pay attention to.

Now the important lesson:

I am sure Pakistani engineers today are watching India. The reason why India is so ahead in this field is that we have patience. Patience is the ultimate success secret.

Slow and steady we keep progressing. We face failures and fall behind with shatterred confidence, then make a comeback. Pakistan was the second in Asia to launch a space rocket, it could be a world leader, it is not because you guys never understood the meaning of sustained and long term development. Investments that will pay off in long run. Pakistan always found the easiest ways to do things.

Finally only those countries will succeed that will keep patience, vision to do something and collaboration.

Its never too late. India will now get ahead with its new Mk3 beast, Pakistan can make a start with small rockets in collboration with Iran.

Yes, Pakistani Engineers are watching India. No, the reason behind Indian success is the money and intellect. What Pakistan lacks is visionary eyes and planning ahead of the time.
Pakistan's Military junta remained focused on military developments, that is why PakSLV is still in the design phase.

Pakistan's tests have also failed, because our engineers brought in their own developments. If the Military doesn't wants to disclose the failures, its not the fault of the engineers. China drew back the helping hand a long time ago.

Iranians modified a Ballistic missile and used it as the Safir SLV. Pakistan could've done the same, but they have decided to go for an SLV 6 times heavier than Safir, which will deliver 10 times more payload to the Sun-Synchronous Orbit.
I just want to say that from today please don't make fun of Indian failures. We don't deserve it. It is not fair because India tries new things and fails, Pakistan never dares to enter high tech fields, so it is succeding since independence.
Why do you look for anybody's approval/appreciation etc for whatever india does.....

Now the important lesson:

I am sure Pakistani engineers today are watching India. The reason why India is so ahead in this field is that we have patience. Patience is the ultimate success secret.

Slow and steady we keep progressing. We face failures and fall behind with shatterred confidence, then make a comeback. Pakistan was the second in Asia to launch a space rocket, it could be a world leader, it is not because you guys never understood the meaning of sustained and long term development. Investments that will pay off in long run. Pakistan always found the easiest ways to do things.

Finally only those countries will succeed that will keep patience, vision to do something and collaboration.

Its never too late. India will now get ahead with its new Mk3 beast, Pakistan can make a start with small rockets in collboration with Iran.
Very much patronizing haan.....................:no:
It isn't about daring to enter the new fields. It is about the damn funds. SUPARCO never had the required funds, as all of them were diverted towards nuclear weapons and missiles development.

As for trolling on the failures: Haters will keep hating, and Trollers will keep trolling. They will always find new reasons to make fun. It is the opinions of mature persons that you need to pay attention to.

Yes, Pakistani Engineers are watching India. No, the reason behind Indian success is the money and intellect. What Pakistan lacks is visionary eyes and planning ahead of the time.
Pakistan's Military junta remained focused on military developments, that is why PakSLV is still in the design phase.

Pakistan's tests have also failed, because our engineers brought in their own developments. China drew back the helping hand a long time ago.

Iranians modified a Ballistic missile and used it as the Safir SLV. Pakistan could've done the same, but they have decided to go for an SLV 6 times heavier than Safir, which will deliver 10 times more payload to the LEO.

Exactly the reasons are vision. Pakistan has no shortage of hardworking people. Funding is also not that big of a problem. I guess we are lucky to have Vikram Sarabhai and APJ Abdul Kalam. Two great souls.

Very much patronizing haan.....................:no:

yes because we have something to back it with.
Exactly the reasons are vision. Pakistan has no shortage of hardworking people. Funding is also not that big of a problem. I guess we are lucky to have Vikram Sarabhai and APJ Abdul Kalam. Two great souls.

My friend funding is the biggest problem. We don't have any shortage of civilian visionaries. The proposals for SLV were submitted by the two major Pakistani contenders way back in 2005. The f*cking PPP Government has cut all those major funds, even the military ones.
Yes, Pakistani Engineers are watching India. No, the reason behind Indian success is the money and intellect. What Pakistan lacks is visionary eyes and planning ahead of the time.
Pakistan's Military junta remained focused on military developments, that is why PakSLV is still in the design phase.

Pakistan's tests have also failed, because our engineers brought in their own developments. China drew back the helping hand a long time ago.

Iranians modified a Ballistic missile and used it as the Safir SLV. Pakistan could've done the same, but they have decided to go for an SLV 6 times heavier than Safir, which will deliver 10 times more payload to the LEO.

No money isn't all...it requires a lot of dedication....

First building for ISRO was this church in a fisher man's village in thiruvananthapuram....which he got coz the bishop and parish was ready to give up their church for benefit of their country(I salute those patriotic men)


1994 aticle.......

Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines

With the successful blast-off of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C1, India has stunned the world.

But it was not always a saga of sweet success and triumph for the Indian Space Research Organisation; lack of funds and technological failure were par for the course.

Monday's achievement is yet another vindication of the ability and commitment of ISRO scientists who have built the organisation from its humble birth in a Kerala church to a global technological power. This is how they did it:

Till 1963, Thumba would not have merited a second look. It was a typical Kerala fishing hamlet with boats stacked on the seafront and about 500 thatched houses set amidst coconut groves. In the midst of this cluster, about 25 km from Thiruvananthapuram, was the small Magdalene Church and the bishop’s house adjacent to it. It is in this unlikely setting that India’s soaring vision of harnessing space technology took shape.

The 1.5 sq km of Thumba was acquired in 100 days flat. The bishop’s office was converted into an office and the church became the workshop in which a handful of enthusiastic young scientists assembled their first rocket. In just about six months’s time, on November 21, 1963, India had launched the first rocket and put its signature on space. To the core group of scientists -- trained at the National Aeronautics & Space Administration of the US -- it’s still a matter of astonishment that so much was achieved with so little. The only equipment for transporting the rocket, they remember, was an old jeep and a manually operated crane that developed a leak during lift-off!

This is the stuff of legends that make up the history of the Indian Space Research Organisation. Set up with little funding and few facilities, ISRO has made India’s space programme the envy of the world, a feat that is hailed by experts as ‘success on a shoestring’. Even four years after that historic launch when India was building its Rohini sounding rocket, the facilities were primitive.

Vasant Gowarikar, who was wooed away from the UK Atomic Energy Authority for the difficult job of making propellants for the rockets, recalls what a shock Thumba was. “I knew we had to start from scratch, but was not prepared for what I saw. We were all sitting in this church building, and adjacent to it there was a cowshed. I was then shown my lab. It was this cowshed.” As an incentive, he was offered the use of a nearby cattle feed store!

Gowarikar, now vice-chancellor of Pune University, says it was a meeting with Vikram Sarabhai, the father of the space programme, that inspired him to leave the sophisticated Sommerfield Research Station where he was working on advanced rocket components, for the cowshed in Thumba. Thanks to the dedication and skill of scientists like Gowarikar, the space programme is one of the outstanding successes of the country.

One of just seven nations to have satellite launching capability, ISRO has given India launch vehicles, geostationary satellites (used for telecommunication, television transmission and weather forecasting) and some of the finest remote sensing satellites. In fact, IRS IC, launched in 1995, is the most sophisticated civilian remote sensing satellite in the world.

All thanks to one man’s visionary views on linking space technology with the development of a backward nation. Sarabhai was the moving spirit behind this endeavour as anyone in ISRO will vouch. Virtually every project ISRO has completed till now had been thought of by Sarabhai in the early sixties. Even the geostationary satellite launch vehicle that is expected to be ready by early 1998.

The wonder is that all this has been achieved with funding that, by international standards, is considered frugal. When ISRO was officially formed in 1972, its budget was Rs 100 million. This has increased steadily over the years to the current Rs 9.22 billion ($ 260 million). The US budgets more than $ 15 billion for its space programme which, of course, is more ambitious and includes projects like the space shuttle. China, which has a more comparable space programme, is estimated to spend around $ 5 billion.

But officials point out that the key factor in this success has been the unwavering support of the political establishment for the space programme. This has given ISRO a freedom rare for a government department and allowed it to develop a flexible management and administrative system. Much of the credit for this, according to the space community, goes to Satish Dhawan who, along with Sarabhai, enjoys a haloed reputation in ISRO. If Sarabhai was the visionary. Dhawan was the builder, but the latter, true to form, denies his stellar role in ISRO’s development. “It wasn’t my doing. I joined only in 1972, ISRO existed before that.”

The first decade was the toughest. When Sarabhai established the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station in 1963, few took the space programme seriously. R Narasimha, ISRO professor at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore and Space Commission member, says the Americans were convinced the Indian space programme wouldn’t amount to much. Narasimha, who was at Caltech in the US in the sixties, recalls: ‘There were food shortages in India and the US was giving us grain. How could a country which couldn’t even feed itself start building rockets and satellites? They did not think that India would be able to develop the technologies.”

Sarabhai and his band of young scientists proved them wrong but it was a painstaking process, beginning with the simple sounding rocket. These lightweight rockets go up to a height of 100 km, and are used to study a phenomenon called the equatorial jet. Pramod Kale, who moved from the Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad (Sarabhai was director of PRL) to the rocket technology group of TERIS in 1966, says: ‘It took us three years to build the first rocket. We had a large number of failures.”

Once a rocket took off when the warning siren was switched on, a full three minutes before the actual time for launch. Another day, a rocket took off horizontally without even being fired. Some of the rockets did not reach the required heights.
My friend funding is the biggest problem. We don't have any shortage of civilian visionaries. The proposals for SLV were submitted by the two major Pakistani contenders way back in 2005. The f*cking PPP Government has cut all those major funds, even the military ones.

Well then I guess wait till u get a good leader. Lets see if Pakistan's slv takes off after it gets funding :smokin:
Pakistan always found the easiest ways to do things.
Apart from the funding for space research (which is being diverted to useless pursuits such as a nuke program with a stockpile far in excess of its requirements) Pakistani scientists think they don't need to reinvent the wheel when they can get all the rocket and missile tech off the shelf at much lower cost from China.

Why spend on a space program when they can hitch a ride on the Chinese bandwagon at a fraction of the cost? :azn:
Exactly the reasons are vision. Pakistan has no shortage of hardworking people. Funding is also not that big of a problem. I guess we are lucky to have Vikram Sarabhai and APJ Abdul Kalam. Two great souls.
The day india decide to deploy nukes in space be sure you'll find Pakistan fast closing in.Coz most of Pakistan's ST projects are viewed from defence forces perspective.They dont care for civilian purpose of any tech.

yes because we have something to back it with.
Still lack heavy lifters.
Apart from the funding for space research (which is being diverted to useless pursuits such as a nuke program with a stockpile far in excess of its requirements) Pakistani scientists think they don't need to reinvent the wheel when they can get all the rocket and missile tech off the shelf at much lower cost from China.

Why spend on a space program when they can hitch a ride on the Chinese bandwagon at a fraction of the cost? :azn:

Thats stupid. National pride and honour can only be achieved by doing it by urself. Strength respects strength.

Still lack heavy lifters.

Soon sister soon, as I said patience and gradual development is what I love about Isro. :p
Its not a question of not doing it. We have missiles that can take us there, and we have missiles better than both Iran and India. Pakistan just doesn't have much knowledge on space so we dont want to send it on our own.

Apart from the funding for space research (which is being diverted to useless pursuits such as a nuke program with a stockpile far in excess of its requirements) Pakistani scientists think they don't need to reinvent the wheel when they can get all the rocket and missile tech off the shelf at much lower cost from China.

Why spend on a space program when they can hitch a ride on the Chinese bandwagon at a fraction of the cost? :azn:

Same as India - Russia
Its not a question of not doing it. We have missiles that can take us there, and we have missiles better than both Iran and India. Pakistan just doesn't have much knowledge on space so we dont want to send it on our own.

Hmm interesting although what u said doesn't make any sense.
Its not a question of not doing it. We have missiles that can take us there, and we have missiles better than both Iran and India. Pakistan just doesn't have much knowledge on space so we dont want to send it on our own.

Same as India - Russia

even after all this you cant understand eh?
maximum payload even an ICBM like agni 5 can take to space is 50 kg(LEO)
India have capability to send 5 tonnes to LEO...
and it will be increased to 10 tonnes this year........
we also have worlds third largest rocket booster ...
and still you think your missiles are better than India???
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