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Israels Nuclear, Chemical and Secret Weapons

What i find sad about Israel is that it is well known that hitler made the jews wear a star of david on their clothing so that they could be segregated from the normal population. However how is this different to what the israelis did to the palestinians in refugee camps in lebanon in the 80s when they daubed their shoulders with paint to the same end. Hitler abusing jews does not make israelis abusing palestinians right
I'm seeing a lot of sad stereotypes in this thread.

"Muslims are all greasy and dirty, live in deserts, and ride camels."

"Jews have big noses, are greedy, and think about money all the time."

Are these appropriate?

Oh! I guess u missed something....Im gonna try to add that!
The Christians are angels especially the Catholics they the best pplz in the world , everybody shold kiss their shoes even angels shy away from them.....aren't they???
excuse me if I'm wrong..............:azn:
Oh! I guess u missed something....Im gonna try to add that!
The Christians are angels especially the Catholics they the best pplz in the world , everybody shold kiss their shoes even angels shy away from them.....aren't they???
excuse me if I'm wrong..............:azn:

Nice red herring... what does Christianity have to do at all with this thread?

I'll fix it for you...

I'm seeing a lot of sad stereotypes in this thread.

"Muslims are all greasy and dirty, live in deserts, and ride camels."

"Jews have big noses, are greedy, and think about money all the time."

"Christians are hypocrites, preachy, and annoying, and priests are all pedophiles."

Do you feel better now? The whole idea - and I know it is really complicated and hard to understand - stereotyping people is ignorant.
Anyone interested in some debate over the topic rather than wasting our bandwith and time?
When Hitler entered Poland in 1939, there were 3.3 million Jews (10% of Poland's population). By 1945 only few remained.

On contrary here statistics comparing 1967 when Israel entered Gaza, and 2005 when left:

------------------------------- 1967 -------- 2005
Population --------------------- 390 K ------ 1400 K
Life expectancy -------------- 45 years ----- 72 years
Infant mortality ---------------- 179 ---------- 21
No. of universities and colleges --- 0 ----------- 7

* During 20 years of Egyptian rule in Gaza life expectancy grew by 2 years.
* During next 20 years of Israeli rule in Gaza life expectany grew by 20 years.

Palestinians today live much better than average Muslim in the world.

Why are you putting false stats on here? Zionism is one of the most racist unhealthiest groups in the world and thats a fact. If you want me to give you numerous examples of how low your race will go let me know coz i would love to have that pleasure
Anyone interested in some debate over the topic rather than wasting our bandwith and time?

I dont think that is possible, too much emotion when it comes to this topic specially on this forum for some reason. Soon someone will post pictures of brutality and then someone will comeback with counter pictures, every thread on this topic ends in the same way lol
Why are you so off topic mr 500. Are you incapable of sticking to the thread. Lets talk about Israels weapons
OK lets talk about it.


Even though its likely that the americans would veto it Israel should be hauled in front of the UN and disarmed forcefully. In due course when americans go bankrupt I believe this will happen
OK lets talk about it.



Yes the most dengrous weapons of MOSAD they are tarained in such way that these girls get results.........sex or other things can't stop them............they are trained to get result through those hubbly bubbly means.:smitten:
Yes the most dengrous weapons of MOSAD they are tarained in such way that these girls get results.........sex or other things can't stop them............they are trained to get result through those hubbly bubbly means.:smitten:

You mean hookers?
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