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Israel's Iron Dome system foils first rocket attack

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Israel's Iron Dome system foils first rocket attack

Israel's Rafael-produced Iron Dome mobile defence system has achieved its first live intercept against a short-range rocket launched from the Gaza Strip.

The newly installed equipment destroyed a BM-21 Grad 122mm rocket launched in the direction of Ashqelon on 7 April, around three days after it had been deployed near the Israeli city.


Intended to intercept short-range rockets and artillery shells, the Iron Dome system was designed to avoid collateral damage in a target area by destroying the threat away from a defended zone, and preventing debris from falling there.

The system's main components include a tracking radar, a battle management and weapons control unit, an interceptor with a special warhead to intercept threats launched from a distance of up to 70km (38nm) away, plus a missile firing unit.

Two Iron Dome systems are now in operational use by the Israeli armed forces.

PICTURE: Israel's Iron Dome system foils first rocket attack
such fancy stuff with bells and whistles usually malfunctions at the right time....can it intercept an incoming RPG fired at it from ground through rpg-7?:lol:

Getty Images 16 hours ago
A rocket fired from Gaza is intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome short-range missile defence system over the city of Ashkelon on April 7, 2011. The rocket fire from Gaza came after Palestinian militants in Gaza fired an anti-tank rocket at an Israeli school bus and Israel responded with air raids and tank shells.

Iron Dome sytem:


Tamir Missile:


20 missile Launcher:


Iron Dome radar EL/M-2084:



such fancy stuff with bells and whistles usually malfunctions at the right time....can it intercept an incoming RPG fired at it from ground through rpg-7?:lol:

Iron Dome is a mobile air defense system in development by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems designed to intercept short-range rockets and artillery shells. It is designed to intercept very short-range threats up to 70 kilometers in all-weather situations.
Iron Dome is a mobile air defense system in development by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems designed to intercept short-range rockets and artillery shells. It is designed to intercept very short-range threats up to 70 kilometers in all-weather situations.

yep but how will it intercept an rpg that is travelling at an altitude of just 1 meter from ground towards it,the launch-pad/mobile i mean?:cheers:
yep but how will it intercept an rpg that is travelling at an altitude of just 1 meter from ground towards it,the launch-pad/mobile i mean?:cheers:
F-22 can also be destroyed with RPG-7. :victory: The only problem is to penetrate to F-22 hangar with RPG-7.
so they sucsessfuly intercepted a home made rocket with 1 million doller missile wtf....
F-22 can also be destroyed with RPG-7. :victory: The only problem is to penetrate to F-22 hangar with RPG-7.

you guys were pretty confident regarding Merkava too and then eveyone knows what happened to it during lebanon war :bunny: and before that what egyptians did to your tanks in sinai :cheers: and what Pakistani pilots did to you over jordan and syria :lol:
I have to admit, it's a cool piece of tech but the post by an Indian poster above who said "WOW, We should definitely buy it" confuses me. How many times has Pakistan bombarded India with short range missiles and home made sewer pipe missiles ? You might argue that it works for artillery but that is for stuff like one odd mortar and not a 155mm artillery barrage. I'm pretty sure the Chinese would also be using something similar if not better in the event of an armed conflict.
so they sucsessfuly intercepted a home made rocket with 1 million doller missile wtf....
* Its not home made but 122-mm "Grad" rocket.
* Its not 1 million dollar but 45 thousand (equals to one sortie of F-15).
* Yes we could link Iron Dome radar to 155-mm artillery and return 100 shells every time rocket from Gaza is fired. But in this case you will be first one to condemn Israel for its "crimes".

you guys were pretty confident regarding Merkava too and then eveyone knows what happened to it during lebanon war :bunny:
It kicked of Hezbollah, athough 5 were destroyed (two by huge IED's).

and before that what egyptians did to your tanks in sinai :cheers:
Egyptians destroyed many tanks, but eventually their whole army was surrounded and they begged USA and USSR for cease fire.

and what Pakistani pilots did to you over jordan and syria :lol:
Apparently nothing important, since both Jordan and Syria suffered miserable defeat in 3 days.
it seems to be very effective..
but its costs too much,you need a half a million interceptor to destroy some hundred dollars artillery shell !!!

but seeing the size & population of Israel ,this type of systems are needed to safeguard their cities.:tup:
it seems to be very effective..
but its costs too much,you need a half a million interceptor to destroy some hundred dollars artillery shell !!!

but seeing the size & population of Israel ,this type of systems are needed to safeguard their cities.:tup:

45 thou is not half a million. Just FYI.

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