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Israelies along Gaza border get toghters to see bombing as a football match

LIke I said before. If the gazans dont want to be bombed back to the stoneage they should not fire rockets into civilian areas with the sole aim of killing women and children. hamas brought this on themselves. They cant seem to understand the basic fact that when you are a rat, you cannot go around poking a tiger and expecting nothing to happen.

You people make me ashamed to be a Pakistani. Go get educated and learn something about Israel before spouting off what your arab masters taught you.
haha...you guys are suffering from denial,
truth is you are the real terrorists...

go see how many of innocents you killed,while touting 3 israeli deaths...

piss off! no need to argue with you cunts

If India fired a single rocket into islamabad or lahore will you sit quietly? No you will go into hyper mode screaming death to india/america/israel and demanding revenge.

Israel was attacked. Palestinians showed their intention to kill women and children by firing HUNDREDS of rockets into urban areas. Still you support these murderers?

And please learn some history. Palestinians already have their country. Its called Jordan. Yet they refuse to sit down peacefully and clearly state that their aim is to wipe Israel off the map.
If India fired a single rocket into islamabad or lahore will you sit quietly? No you will go into hyper mode screaming death to india/america/israel and demanding revenge.

Israel was attacked. Palestinians showed their intention to kill women and children by firing HUNDREDS of rockets into urban areas. Still you support these murderers?

And please learn some history. Palestinians already have their country. Its called Jordan. Yet they refuse to sit down peacefully and clearly state that their aim is to wipe Israel off the map.

Idiot. Palestine is not like India or Pakistan. It's people fighting against a professional army. Israel is like India or Pakistan. Palestine is like general people! Do you know the range of their rockets and missiles! They fire it to know the Israelis they will never give up. Salute to Palestine.
Idiot. Palestine is not like India or Pakistan. It's people fighting against a professional army. Israel is like India or Pakistan. Palestine is like general people! Do you know the range of their rockets and missiles! They fire it to know the Israelis they will never give up. Salute to Palestine.

Name calling, really mature.

Second, they will never give up on what? Fighting a pointless struggle when they already have a country (Jordan)?

Seriously, drop your mullah phd and do some real research next time.

Edit: And great logic Einstein, Israel should sit back and wait till hamas is heavily armed and kills a few hundred of its civilians before fighting them. Go back to your madarsa.
blah blah..

and is that what you call self defence?
when you launch air raids blindly...in response to the "ROCKETS' fired,killing 3 ISRAELIS...
wow huge number...3....LOL!!!

and mind it MOST OF CIVILIANS die during israeli raids..

and no excuse here that hammas use them as shield tactics..enough of this bullshit...

the whole story started after israeli attack killing hammas leader and then hammas launched rockets in response...
yes hammas shows they are still resisitant to israeli atrocities...and they will keep retaliating...
salute to those,

by the way? have you a single proof why you call hammas as terrorist organization..i bet they dont launch air strikes,they dont come with tanks to siege the whole area...

as for pics you are suffering from denial...
Jordan is not for Palestinians like India is only for Indians,Pakistan for Pakistanis and like everywhere else. I'm more than educated than you are! Apparently I don't troll around like you. Your comments are full of hatred, rather than logic. You don't worth arguing. Like an Indian P ussy.

LIke I said before. If the gazans dont want to be bombed back to the stoneage they should not fire rockets into civilian areas with the sole aim of killing women and children. hamas brought this on themselves. They cant seem to understand the basic fact that when you are a rat, you cannot go around poking a tiger and expecting nothing to happen.

You people make me ashamed to be a Pakistani. Go get educated and learn something about Israel before spouting off what your arab masters taught you.
So you are ashamed of your parents? Jordan is seperate territory of for seperate people not of native palestinians, If any nation occupys Sindh and ask them that we had left remaining Pakistan so native can live their so it will definatily sounds dumb, your silly logics are not more enough then your mental diarrhea. Go get your medicine first, Kiddo!!
blah blah..

and is that what you call self defence?
when you launch air raids blindly...in response to the "ROCKETS' fired,killing 3 ISRAELIS...
wow huge number...3....LOL!!!

and mind it MOST OF CIVILIANS die during israeli raids..

and no excuse here that hammas use them as shield tactics..enough of this bullshit...

the whole story started after israeli attack killing hammas leader and then hammas launched rockets in response...
yes hammas shows they are still resisitant to israeli atrocities...and they will keep retaliating...
salute to those,

by the way? have you a single proof why you call hammas as terrorist organization..i bet they dont launch air strikes,they dont come with tanks to siege the whole area...

as for pics you are suffering from denial...

Serious question, Do you live in a cave? I mean thats the only way you couldnt know that Hamas has fired OVER 700 rockets into Israel this year. They are lucky Israel doesnt wipe them off the map.

LIke I said before, when you are a rat, you dont go around poking a tiger for no reason.

This whole story started when palestinians refused to move to Jordan, a country given to them.

Oh and fun fact, there is no word in arabic for palestine. Palestine is what the Romans used to call that area.

Bet your mullah education didnt tell you that did it?
So you are ashamed of your parents? Jordan is seperate territory of for seperate people not of native palestinians, If any nation occupys Sindh and ask them that we had left remaining Pakistan so native can live their so it will definatily sounds dumb, your silly logics are not more enough then your mental diarrhea. Go get your medicine first, Kiddo!!

Im ashamed of people like you who think that they know something when all they do is spout what they are fed by their arab sponsored media.

Tell me this, how can a few hundred thousand Jews, beaten up from Europe, suddenly come and drive out the Palestinians who have been livign there for 'thousands' of years?

better yet, tell me about the yom kippur war and how the arabs attacked Israel unprovoked on a holiday.

Seriously, you people need to travel/learn more.
Serious question, Do you live in a cave? I mean thats the only way you couldnt know that Hamas has fired OVER 700 rockets into Israel this year. They are lucky Israel doesnt wipe them off the map.

LIke I said before, when you are a rat, you dont go around poking a tiger for no reason.

This whole story started when palestinians refused to move to Jordan, a country given to them.

Oh and fun fact, there is no word in arabic for palestine. Palestine is what the Romans used to call that area.

Bet your mullah education didnt tell you that did it?

who started the bitching??

yes..israel with air raid to kill ONE man..

wow...and dont tell me israel was unaware of outcomes..
oh how naive...they did not know that hammas would retaliate...and we would have to launch more strikes and we would kill alot of innocents..


why should palestinians move to jordan?

jerusalem is a sacred place for muslims,zionists and cristians..
thats not zionism's MONOPOLY...
Im ashamed of people like you who think that they know something when all they do is spout what they are fed by their arab sponsored media.

Tell me this, how can a few hundred thousand Jews, beaten up from Europe, suddenly come and drive out the Palestinians who have been livign there for 'thousands' of years?

better yet, tell me about the yom kippur war and how the arabs attacked Israel unprovoked on a holiday.

Seriously, you people need to travel/learn more.
First of all , It would be better If someone grabs your property and later show you direction of exit doors,
Second is A medical treatment for those mentally vibrated guys, that first take a metal rod with a dia-meter of atleast 2cm ,
connect an electric source to it , then put it inside your a$$ until its approaches to your liver , switch on the power supplies and start grind it inside yourself until your brain comes back to its actual position,
who started the bitching??

yes..israel with air raid to kill ONE man..

wow...and dont tell me israel was unaware of outcomes..
oh how naive...they did not know that hammas would retaliate...and we would have to launch more strikes and we would kill alot of innocents..


why should palestinians move to jordan?

jerusalem is a sacred place for muslims,zionists and cristians..
thats not zionism's MONOPOLY...

Dude, Hamas (not hammas ffs) has been firing rockets into israel THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE YEAR.

Good freaking lord some of you people are so slow.

First of all , It would be better If someone grabs your property and later show you direction of exit doors,
Second is A medical treatment for those mentally vibrated guys, that first take and metal rod with a dia-meter of atleast 2cm ,
connect an electric source to it , then put it inside your a$$ until its approaches to your lever , switch on the power supplies and start grind it inside yourself until your brain comes back to its actual position,

Amazing retort. Surely I can in no way come back to such a logical and well researched argument. You win this round with you sheer brilliance sir.
I would request members who can read urdu to read this book
Download a book Main ne Bible se Poochha Quran kion JaleyfromAhleHadees| Sirat-e-mustaqeem.com
This book will help you guys understand that why they dont hesitate to kill any innocent. Thats what their ancestors did according to their book. Its the part of their religion and considered no sin at all no matter if its an infant baby. I am trying to find its english version online so others can read it as well.
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