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Israeli woman with coronavirus gives birth at Hadassah

Dec 19, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

A mother with coronavirus has given birth in Israel, with special measures put in place to ensure that the virus was not passed on to the baby or medical staff.

The 35-year-old, who was at home in self-isolation, was taken by Magen David Adom to Hadassah-University Medical Center in Jerusalem's Ein Kerem when she went into labor. She was immediately taken to an isolated, equipped room which had been specially prepared for her arrival.
Israel is also hit hard by corona virus but is keeping everything secret. Must have alot of deaths. Hope they are hit harder.

Stupid thing to say when you yourself have clouds gathering over your head ...
Take care that you too would not need God's mercy any time soon.

Allah mercy the merciful ...

The the Holy Quran ,Verse (12:64)

Typical of israeli cry babies, running to the mods. Such a fragile existence.
We are hoping that summer will kill this virus, if not then someone must.

Summer with no wind will help, but the virus can live in the body which is 37 degrees. The body creates a fever to increase temperature to kill the virus.

The good thing about summer is that the virus will not last as long on surfaces.

The bad thing about summer is that more people spend time socialising.
Summer with no wind will help, but the virus can live in the body which is 37 degrees. The body creates a fever to increase temperature to kill the virus.

The good thing about summer is that the virus will not last as long on surfaces.

The bad thing about summer is that more people spend time socialising.
Yes. I think summer will help.
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