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Israeli threat to attack Iran over nuclear weapons

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Israeli threat to attack Iran over nuclear weapons

Ian Black, Middle East editor The Guardian, Saturday June 7 2008 Article historyIsrael "will attack" Iran if it continues to develop nuclear weapons, one of prime minister Ehud Olmert's deputies warned yesterday. Shaul Mofaz, a former defence minister and a contender to replace the scandal-battered Olmert, said military action would be "unavoidable" if Tehran proved able to acquire the technology to manufacture atomic bombs.

Mofaz is Israel's transport minister, but he is also a former chief of staff, privy to secret defence planning as a member of the security cabinet, and leads regular strategic talks with the US. He implied that any attack on Iran would be coordinated with Washington. "If Iran continues with its programme for developing nuclear weapons, we will attack it," he told the Hebrew daily Yediot Aharonot. "The UN sanctions are ineffective."

Mofaz was born in Iran, giving his remarks extra edge after repeated threats against Israel from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has also denied the Nazi Holocaust. Ahmadinejad "would disappear before Israel does", Mofaz said.

Mofaz's remarks came at the end of a week of intense US-Israeli talks on Iran. They were also the most explicit threat yet against the Islamic Republic from a member of the Israeli government, which, like the Bush administration, has preferred to hint at force as a last resort should UN sanctions be deemed to have failed.

Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate, told pro-Israeli lobbyists this week that the military option against Iran remained on the table, though he also offered "meaningful concessions" if it bowed to international demands.

Ehud Barak, the defence minister and Labour party leader, said Israel needed to do everything possible to ensure that the Iranians did not obtain nuclear power.

Javier Solana, the EU foreign policy chief, is shortly to lead a team of high-ranking diplomats from Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany, who will present a package of incentives to persuade Tehran to suspend uranium enrichment. Iran has rejected it in advance.

Experts doubt whether Israel could destroy Iran's extensive and heavily defended nuclear facilities without American help. In 1981 Israel bombed and destroyed Iraq's nuclear reactor. Last September its planes bombed a site in Syria that the US said was a nuclear reactor built with North Korean help. Syria denied having any such facility. Israel is believed to have an arsenal of 150-400 nuclear warheads. Unlike Iran, it has never signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

Iran denied seeking to develop nuclear weapons and insisted it would not abandon enrichment. But the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog, has demanded "full disclosure" from Tehran over allegations that it covertly studied how to design a nuclear weapon. Iran has dismissed intelligence on this as baseless, forged or irrelevant

Israeli threat to attack Iran over nuclear weapons | World news | The Guardian
This won't happen; Isreal would be committing a suicide if it uses its nuclear arsenal over Iran. Isreal would like to maintain its ambiguity over its nuclear arsenal. It won't use it unless and until that is the last and only resort.

The conventional attack on Iran would be limited to air strikes and covert ops by special forces. I doubt Isreal would be involved into it.
Imagine what will be response of Iran?
My guess they will mine the whole gulf halting major oil supply to the world.
All world will come to stand still, indiscriminately.
Who will let it happen or who will not curse US for any such initiative.
Israel has the nuclear power but did not want Iran to have it. rather childish I would say.
Israel has the nuclear power but did not want Iran to have it. rather childish I would say.

Would you like your neighbor to learn how to kill people especially if he says that the first thing he will do after learning to kill will be to kill you ?


In all reality, there is a lot of hype about the so called Iranian threat to "wipe out" Israel. Its being used to mute all debate around why Israel retains the sole right to have a nuclear arsenal while the others in the region cannot.

The reality of the matter is that Iranian political leadership is very mature. In their dealings with the Russians, Indians and all others with whom they have relationships, they are logical but do care about their own interests. Even a nuclear Iran in no way threatens the existence of Israel. What they do get is a leverage which is unacceptable to the US or Israelis. So I am not so sure that once Iran gets the nuclear capability, suddenly the folks in Tehran will go nuts and hurl bombs Israel's way. MAD comes into play and that in itself adds to stability.

If both sides retained this capability, careless statements like the one being made by the Israelis would not be heard and the same would go for Iranians.
In all reality, there is a lot of hype about the so called Iranian threat to "wipe out" Israel. Its being used to mute all debate around why Israel retains the sole right to have a nuclear arsenal while the others in the region cannot.

The reality of the matter is that Iranian political leadership is very mature. In their dealings with the Russians, Indians and all others with whom they have relationships, they are logical but do care about their own interests. Even a nuclear Iran in no way threatens the existence of Israel. What they do get is a leverage which is unacceptable to the US or Israelis. So I am not so sure that once Iran gets the nuclear capability, suddenly the folks in Tehran will go nuts and hurl bombs Israel's way. MAD comes into play and that in itself adds to stability.

Dear Blain,

There is a difference between pakistan and Iran. Pakistan has never doubted the holocaust or questioned the existence of Israel. The President of Iran has done it several times in public forums.

Some thing that i find very alarming in US media is that most of their commentators are of the opinion that conventional deterrence will not work with iran because they are all crazy mullahs hell bent on bringing the mehdi back. this should trouble poeple because this suggests that they only option that is left is a strike. i really dont care what happens in iran but i am really worried about pakistan because instability in iranian balochistan will automatically create instability in our balochistan which is going to be disastrous for paksitan
Some thing that i find very alarming in US media is that most of their commentators are of the opinion that conventional deterrence will not work with iran because they are all crazy mullahs hell bent on bringing the mehdi back. this should trouble poeple because this suggests that they only option that is left is a strike. i really dont care what happens in iran but i am really worried about pakistan because instability in iranian balochistan will automatically create instability in our balochistan which is going to be disastrous for paksitan

Dear KB,

you have brought out a very valid point which people donot wish to address here. Pakistan's problem with Iran. Dont you think just from Pakistan's point of view its should be the only muslim states with the nuke instead of having India on one side, Iran on the other and the USA in Afghanistan?

Dear Blain,

There is a difference between pakistan and Iran. Pakistan has never doubted the holocaust or questioned the existence of Israel. The President of Iran has done it several times in public forums.


I don't question the holocaust as there is ample evidence that the nazis went nuts, but what is the big deal if someone is questioning a historical event? How does that automatically become a threat to Israel's existence?

I think anyone who believes that Iran would go after Israel is being oblivious to the reality. Its mutually assured destruction if Iranians do something this stupid. I do not believe they are that clueless.
Lets leave Pakistan out of it.
Also I don't question the holocaust as there is ample evidence that the nazis went nuts, but what is the big deal if someone is questioning a historical event? How does that automatically become a threat to Israel's existence?

I think anyone who believes that Iran would go after Israel is being oblivious to the reality. Its mutually assured destruction if Iranians do something this stupid. I do not believe they are that clueless.

Dear Blain,

If you think Iran is overboard and honest let them let IAEA inspect their facility and let the President keep his mouth shut. I doubt the western world except USA will have any problems.

Please read the links below. Please also note he is not some Mr FM talking he is the President of Iran. How do you know he may not turn out to be another Hitler.


Iran president sees countdown to Israel's end | International | Reuters

Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president | World news | The Guardian

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran's president says move Israel
So how is that any different from Condi's or Hillary's comments about wiping out Iran?

All I am saying is that there is a big difference in belligerent speech and intent and this becomes all the more important when there is a literary debate about what exactly was uttered by Ahmedinijad about Israel...the problem could easily be in the way the original was translated into english.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"According to Juan Cole, a University of Michigan Professor of Modern Middle East and South Asian History, Ahmadinejad's statement should be translated as:

The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).[13]"

This is very different from stating "wipe Israel (which means all the people of Israel) off the map/face of the earth."
Dear Blain,

If you think Iran is overboard and honest let them let IAEA inspect their facility and let the President keep his mouth shut. I doubt the western world except USA will have any problems.

Please read the links below. Please also note he is not some Mr FM talking he is the President of Iran. How do you know he may not turn out to be another Hitler.


Iran president sees countdown to Israel's end | International | Reuters

Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president | World news | The Guardian

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran's president says move Israel

Please see my above post. The exact problem is how the western media took the statement and translated it. Most people do not even know this that the President of Iran was actually stating what Khomeini had stated.
The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).[13]"

This is very different from stating "wipe Israel (which means all the people of Israel) off the map/face of the earth.

Blain, apparently that regime in Jerusalem was elected by the people of Israel .
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