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Israeli technology turns air into drinking water

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Israeli technology turns air into drinking water

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Israeli technology turns air ... JPost - Environment & Technology

Rishon Lezion-based company Water-Gen takes up challenge to ensure troops have access to water at all times.

Military troops around the world, no matter where they are instated, know that even with the best training, personnel and arms, they cannot survive battle if they are lacking one vital thing: water.

Among the concerns of military heads is to ensure water sources are always available, even in the most arid of places.

One Israeli company took up the challenge to ensure water can be readily available, anywhere and at any time, by extracting it from the most common of things: air.

Water-Gen, based in Rishon LeZion, Israel, specializes in water generation and water treatment technologies integrated with tactical military vehicles and ground units. Their technology extracts water from the ambient air humidity, and turns it into drinking water.

Initially, the system filters the air so that water can be extracted and accommodated in containers. Then, it is cooled and purified into drinking water. This water can be served from a tap within the system or inside the cabin.

Chairmen and co-CEO, Arye Kohavi, says that &#8220;water transportation is one of the most common reasons for the departure of convoys across Afghanistan. These convoys are attacked and have casualties.&#8221; He adds that &#8220;if we can produce the water at the exact point where it is consumed, we spare the need to transport water and reduce the risk and expenses.&#8221;

According to the Water-Gen, the device, which can be fitted onto vehicles, produces 10-20 gallons (40-80 liters) of pure drinking water a day, even in harsh weather and field conditions. The system, which is operated by solar or electric energy, is designed to meet military needs and standards, the company adds.

The company has wide-scale pending patents for the systems and technology. In 2011, it completed a three-week experiment with US Army ground units (Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment), in which its systems provided the soldiers drinking water throughout the drills.

Eventually, Water-Gen hopes the technology can be implemented not just in the military, but in water-scarce regions around the world too. The United States, India, The UK, Spain and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) have already shown interest in the company&#8217;s products.

NoCamels - Israeli Innovation News.
I have done it as a school project!
Its pretty cool !

Anyway nice job israel!
The air dehumidifier can already do just that. The smallish one in my house collects the water in a plastic bin, must have been litres over the course of the day.
What the hell guys this is called air to water and I have similar gadget for few years as i won it in a raffle draw tommrow i will post a picture of it as well. Ohh and the unit is made and patented in china..
The key thing is 'it can be 'the device, which can be fitted onto vehicles, produces 10-20 gallons (40-80 liters) of pure drinking water a day, even in harsh weather and field conditions.'40-80 litres is massive amount.
40-80 litres a day should not be too much problem if you hook it up to a powerful enough powersource. What would be interesting would be how many litres of water one litre of oil can make.

:drag:My AC does the same thing .
Actually this tech already exists to make water frm air. an enginear is working on it in Africa and installing it in places where there is no open or ground water avalable.basically his verson is powered bu a wind mill or a solar pannen and it compresses the air and turns the vapour in to water.
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