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Israeli soldiers shoot 5-year-old Palestinian in the eye as he left school bus


Jun 1, 2012
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JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Wednesday afternoon shot a 5-year-old Palestinian child in the face with a rubber-coated steel bullet in East Jerusalem as he was getting out of a school bus on his way home, relatives said.

"An Israeli soldier fired a black rubber-coated bullet at the child from a close distance, injuring him under the eye," the uncle of 5-year-old Muhammad Jamal Ubeid told Ma'an.

The incident reportedly took place in the East Jerusalem village of al-Issawiya, where Muhammad's family lives.

The child's uncle said that Muhammad and his 14-year-old sister stepped out of a school bus and had started to walk home when the Israeli forces shot him.

The uncle said there were no confrontations at all in the area between Israeli forces and Palestinians at the time of the shooting.

An Israeli police spokesman did not return a request for comment.

Muhammad was evacuated to the nearby Hadassah Medical Center on Mount Scopus where medical authorities said he had a fracture in the bone below his eye.

The boy was later transferred to the Hadassah Medical Center in the Ein Karem neighborhood in West Jerusalem for treatment.

East Jerusalem neighborhoods like al-Issawiya have seen months of heavy police presence and widespread protests amid increasing anger over the Israeli occupation and perceived discrimination.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem have residency rights but not citizenship since Israel occupied the city in 1967, despite the fact that the vast majority are born and raised in the city and trace their heritage back generations.

Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967 and later annexed it in a move never recognized abroad. The international community sees East Jerusalem as Palestinian territory.

Israeli police shoot 5-year-old in the face while exiting school bus | Maan News Agency

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The issue is Child getting hit from bullet. Do you support that? Or you'll make a noise for non-issue such as thread title?
does it make any difference eye or face of delicate 5 years old ?

Such intentional inaccuracies reduce the credibility, and that is indeed an important thing. My comment has no bearing on the act itself, but the fact is that the title of the thread was changed from its source, and that is not only against the rules of PDF, but amounts to dishonesty, which is not needed. Let the true story speak for itself, lying is not to be used.
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Ok, for a sec lets hear you out so instead of eye it move say half an inch below it, wonder how much difference it will make, Unless it was a complete fabrication of story.. then yes I would agree with you. But right now it seems otherwise
Such intentional inaccuracies reduce the credibility, and that is indeed an important thing. My comment has no bearing on the act itself, but the fact that the title of the thread was changed from its source, and that is not only against the rules of PDF, but amounts to dishonesty, which is not needed. Let the true story speak for itself, lying is not to be used.

The truth is an innocent Child getting hit by a bullet. What do you think? Is is acceptable or not? Is it justified or not?
Headline is that all you care about? Did you even bother or think about condemning this atrocious act?
Sssshh unconditional support to Israel is one of the principles in which this country was founded..
How dare you question that?
Now wait until Agents in black court come and take you to undisclosed place.. so much for freedom of speech
Why not say he was hit by ten bullets, if you are going to lie in the title?

CREDIBILITY. An important concept.

He was hit by ten bullets or half bullet. What is more important? This non-issue that you are harping about or the serious issue that a child got hit by a bullet?

I'll ask again, Do you support this or condemn it?

where are those israeli cheerleaders ?

Above your post.

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