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Israeli soldier stabbed to death by Palestinian in Afula.

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IDF soldier stabbed to death by Palestinian in Afula.
November 13, 2013 8:33 AM

Eden Attias, an Israeli soldier, was stabbed to death today by a Palestinian on a bus in the northern Israeli city of Afula. The Palestinian, identified as Hussein Jawadra, 16, reportedly admitted that he carried out the attack as revenge for the imprisonment of relatives by Israel.

One relative is serving three life sentences for murdering two Israelis, while the other is serving a 12-year sentence for attempted murder, Ynet News reported. Jawarda, according to Israeli media reports, was originally from the West Bank city of Jenin, but had illegally entered Israel.

Israeli authorities currently believe that Jawarda acted alone, Channel 10 reported. "These attacks are very difficult to prevent because they are usually made by a single person and usually not planned in advance. Therefore, intelligence is very hard to get." one official said.

Israeli authorities reportedly arrested a few of Jawarda's relatives following today's attack, Ma'an News Agency reported.

In recent months, a number of Israelis have been killed or severely wounded in attacks by Palestinians from the West Bank.

On Sept. 21, Israeli authorities announced that an IDF soldier had been abducted and murdered by Palestinians in the West Bank. The soldier, Tomer Hazan, of Bat Yam, was lured by a coworker, Nidal Amar, to the Bayt Amin area in the West Bank, where he was killed. Amar had hoped to use Hazan's body to bargain for the release of one of his brothers, Nur al Adin Amar, who has been imprisoned since 2003 for involvement in terror-related activities as part of Fatah's Tanzim group. According to the Jerusalem Post, Amar will be indicted by the IDF on Nov. 14.

On Sept. 22, a Palestinian sniper shot and killed an Israeli soldier, Sergeant Gabriel Koby, 20, in the city of Hebron. "The individual or individuals responsible for the shooting ... have not yet been apprehended," an IDF spokesperson told The Long War Journal on Oct. 11.

Almost two weeks after Koby's killing, on Oct. 5, a nine-year-old girl in the West Bank community of Psagot was stabbed (early reports said the victim was shot at close range). Three days after the incident, Israeli authorities arrested two Palestinian relatives from Al Bireh in connection with the attack. On Oct. 11, Sariya Ofer, an IDF reserve colonel, was murdered in his home in the Jordan Valley community of Brosh Habika by a group of Palestinians. On Oct. 13, it was cleared for publication that three Palestinians had been arrested in connection with Ofer's murder.

More recently, an Israeli couple traveling near the West Bank community of Tekoa was wounded after they were targeted by a firebomb. The day before, a Palestinian was shot and killed after he attempted to stab a Border Police guard in Abu Dis near Jerusalem. In a separate incident on the same day, a Palestinian who fired a flare gun at Israelis near the West Bank community of Ariel was shot and killed.

Despite these incidents, Israeli officials consistently say the likelihood of a third intifada is low. In 2012, no Israelis were killed in terror attacks in the West Bank.

Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/threa..._soldier_stabbed_to_death_b.php#ixzz2kcwMd77y
All of a sudden Palestinians are now terrorists. Dont even mention the occupation, dehumanization and the killing of Palestinian children at Israeli hands and everyday humiliation Palestinians undergo!
All of a sudden Palestinians are now terrorists. Dont even mention the occupation, dehumanization and the killing of Palestinian children at Israeli hands and everyday humiliation Palestinians undergo!
Okay, Palestinians, Kashmiris and all other "oppressed" Muslims are victims and never do anything to cause death. Anything close to resembling a terrorist should be referred to as freedom fighter even though they kill innocent civilians and blow up buildings. The hypocrisy of you people is astounding.

RIP the brave Israeli soldier.
Okay, Palestinians, Kashmiris and all other "oppressed" Muslims are victims and never do anything to cause death. Anything close to resembling a terrorist should be referred to as freedom fighter even though they kill innocent civilians and blow up buildings. The hypocrisy of you people is astounding.

RIP the brave Israeli soldier.

In the case of Palestine ,its different .Israel has apartheid practices there.But many verses of the talmud of the orthodox jews on goyim is comparable to quranic verses of muslims about killing of infidels.

Both these religions are crazy.But judaism is crazier 100x.
All of a sudden Palestinians are now terrorists. Dont even mention the occupation, dehumanization and the killing of Palestinian children at Israeli hands and everyday humiliation Palestinians undergo!

I disagree with this action taken by this individual. That being said, our OP never posts a single death of a Palestinian civilian by the Israeli military.

Over these past two weeks I believe four or more Palestinians have been shot dead in the West Bank. Yet, our OP didn't mention a single one.

And unfortunately this is due to the Jewish 'way' as I can't help but call it that. Whenever a Jew riots or protests against the IDF they will wrestle him/or her down and arrest them maybe. That's at most what happens. But, when it comes to Palestinians they are brainwashed to have their first instinct be to shoot and kill. Even if it's a little incident that doesn't excessive force. They use excessive force against rebelling civilians. Keep in mind, inside the occupied territories. It's not like they're inside Israel with some little exceptions.
I disagree with this action taken by this individual. That being said, our OP never posts a single death of a Palestinian civilian by the Israeli military.

Over these past two weeks I believe four or more Palestinians have been shot dead in the West Bank. Yet, our OP didn't mention a single one.

And unfortunately this is due to the Jewish 'way' as I can't help but call it that. Whenever a Jew riots or protests against the IDF they will wrestle him/or her down and arrest them maybe. That's at most what happens. But, when it comes to Palestinians they are brainwashed to have their first instinct be to shoot and kill. Even if it's a little incident that doesn't excessive force. They use excessive force against rebelling civilians. Keep in mind, inside the occupied territories. It's not like they're inside Israel with some little exceptions.

I do agree partly with you. But then you palestinians are getting what you deserve.Hell you guys backstabbed your own syrian allies who helped throughout for sake of muslim brotherhood.
I do agree partly with you. But then you palestinians are getting what you deserve.Hell you guys backstabbed your own syrian allies who helped throughout for sake of muslim brotherhood.

Who's 'you' guys idiot? How does the Palestinian situation in the West Bank have anything to do with Hamas? Hamas is in the southwest. Hamas is an ally with Iran and they get support from Hezbollah. And it's still that way.

They had their headquarters located in Syria and decided to move it after the regime militias and forces made the situation too dangerous and one of their members was found murdered for no reason.

Hamas can't 'backstab' anybody for the Muslim brotherhood. They are the Muslim brotherhood moron. Open a history book.

What did you expect them to do about Syria? Are you insane? The Syrian regime put itself in a mess nobody wants be associated with. Nobody expected Assad to go that far.
Because they always oppress them

Each time an israeli is killed it's mediatized but they never show the hundreds of israelis attacks before

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