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Israeli plans to kill Iranian specialist thwarted by intelligence forces


Mar 15, 2011
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Iran has foiled Israeli terrorist plots: statement
TEHRAN, April 17 (MNA) -- The Iranian Intelligence Ministry issued a statement on Tuesday announcing that it recently foiled several Israeli terrorist plots.
The statement was issued to provide more details about recent operations by Iranian intelligence forces that led to the arrest of 15 Mossad-linked spies and terrorists.

On April 10, the Intelligence Ministry announced that key members of an Israeli terrorist network had been identified and arrested in Iran.

At the time, the ministry said that further details about the number of terrorists, their missions, the equipment seized, and the terrorists’ bases of operation could not be released due to security considerations.

But in the statement issued on Tuesday, the Intelligence Ministry said that in one operation, intelligence forces were able to foil an Israeli plot to assassinate an Iranian specialist and arrested all the terrorists involved in the plot.

In another operation, the intelligence forces uncovered a plot to bomb one of the country’s major infrastructure facilities and identified and arrested Mossad-linked elements involved in the terrorist plot.

The statement added that a group of terrorists intended to carry out the terrorist action on February 10, one day before the 22nd of the Iranian calendar month of Bahman (February 11), which is the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of 1979, to cast a shadow over the rallies held to commemorate the day.

The Intelligence Ministry also said that an Israeli intelligence base in a neighboring country, which had been frequently used by Mossad to carry out operations against the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran, had been identified and the activities conducted at the base had been documented in order to take the measures necessary in this regard.

Good work Iran. Maintain vigilance, stand firm.

These are testing and challenging times.

the article mentioned mossad having bases in a neighbour country...is this some kind of reference to Afghanistan or Azerbeyjan?
Isnt it terrorism to kill people in a sovergien country under pretext of pre-emptive strike..thats like further provocation to stir up animosity.
if Iran had sufficient evidence and presented it to UN or ICJ, i wonder what the response would be

hypocrite organizations claiming to stand for justice and "world harmony" :toast_sign:
Isnt it terrorism to kill people in a sovergien country under pretext of pre-emptive strike..thats like further provocation to stir up animosity.

well it works both ways.....to israel, hamas and hezbollah are terrorists but they are considered freedom fighters to many inside and outside - Iran (officially) included

to israel and the west, organizations like jundollah and MeK are "freedom fighters" as well while to Iran and the regional countries - they are terrorist organizations

MeK is acutally listed as a terrorist organization even in the USA, but its all just mind games. I know the MeK has offices and supporters in Washington DC because I have seen them openly in public - Iranian americans and regular americans handing out flyers and propaganda about how State Department should de-list it as a terror organization and help "liberate" Iran

"liberate" meaning de-legitimize and topple the regime; install another Shah-like puppet and then celebrate the spoils

"spoils" meaning over-priced military equipment and freebies in exchange for having their oil siphoned off by Exxon Mobile, Shell, BP and Texaco at concessionary rates while promising to supply at excess to keep prices down and more profit margins for the oil companies

if Iran was all just a poor barren desert then they wouldnt care two shytes about Iran.....

Iran has wealth (thought their economy isnt looking too good lately), natural resources, its a large country and regionally it holds a decent amount of influence...it's also an Islamic Republic with a nuclear program enshrouded in mystery, while it has proxies that politically (and to an extent militarily) defeated its arch-foe israel

you can be damned sure this is the main reason why an Iran (which is already surrounded by NATO on 2 sides) to them is a "problem"

killing nuclear scientists in Iran is morally wrong, but in the dirty world of geo politics there is no such thing as moral anything.....the nuclear scientists are not robots, they are just doing what theyre PAID to do. It's their occupation.

Killing them is so counter-productive because if i were in Iran and supposing I were not pro-regime, I would still be angry and then support the regime against those that are killing my fellow citizens in bomb attacks waged in my country.

this will empower the regime only.....and push Iran to build the bomb. Whacking scientists wont hinder their program.
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