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Israeli persecution: History’s ironic repetition


Aug 21, 2011
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Is what the Nazi’s did to the Jews of Germany different from what the Zionists are doing to the Muslims of Palestine? PHOTO: REUTERS
A young man – a Palestinian national footballer – lay on a bed in hospital. His weak face partially hidden with an oxygen mask while the machine continues to beep every second, matching the thumping of this heart beat; zigzag lines on the screen drawing each second of life left within him. He is critically ill and fighting for his life.

His diagnosis?

A serious illness caused due to a prolonged hunger strike.

Why was this hunger strike more important than his own health, you ask.

The hunger strike was carried out as a form of protest against his detention at the brutal hands of Israel.

It had been three months – since March 24, 2012 – that Mahmoud Sarsak had been refusing food. The 25-year-old was one of more than 2,000 Palestinians held captive in Israeli jails demanding that Israel ends its abusive use of administrative detention – detention without charge or trial.

When we read through our history books, one country or the other has at least one fact to be proud of. Ever since the State of Israel came into existence, it is hard to think of one good thing the nation has to be proud of, depending on what the nation defines as pride.

Keeping people in prisons without basic rights or even without the right to be freed – either by bail or charge – is one of the most barbaric ways to behave. It just goes to show how low the Zionists are willing to go to silence the Palestinians.

As the clock ticks, bulldozers continue to demolish Palestinian homes. They roam freely and illegally across their lands, building settlements along the way. Powerful leaders, of the Western and Arab world, silently watch the cruelty unfold against these people. The Palestinians still protest for their rights – their right to live in their own country without the fear of oppression or persecution – and as soon as the word of achieving freedom passes through their lips, they are silenced by being concealed from the world.

The right to speak up, protest and fight for freedom is something that is a basic to all humans. To take away such rights is not only inhumane but is against International Law as well. It just goes to show what animals the Israelis have become.

It is quite ironic actually.

Wasn’t it the Jewish community that was robbed of basic rights back in the early 1940s in Nazi Germany?

They were robbed of their own identity when they were forced to wear the stars, identifying their Jewish faith. They were also robbed of their right to life, were they not? Freedom of speech was a privilege they did not have nor could they protest the atrocities that took place in the concentration camps.

Rather than learning from that horrific experience, they chose to repeat it with another nation. Consumed by the hatred they felt and the pain and suffering, they ended up becoming something they once hated and despised themselves.

How is what the Nazi’s did to the Jews of Germany any different from what the Zionists are now doing to the Muslims of Palestine?

The plight of these Palestinians protesting against the mighty Israel may go unnoticed now, but it is for us to remember and for them to never forget that even the smallest person can change the course of history.

Didn’t David – a young boy – defeat Goliath, a huge giant?
Israeli persecution: History’s ironic repetition – The Express Tribune Blog
"Didn’t David – a young boy – defeat Goliath, a huge giant?"

Yes, he has and his people do everyday. 6 Million against 300 million and their lackeys.

Poor Islamist Jihad football player went on a hunger strike. If this was in any other place in the middle east other than Israel, he would have died long ago but he was released out of humane reasons.
Poor Islamist Jihad football player went on a hunger strike. If this was in any other place in the middle east other than Israel, he would have died long ago but he was released out of humane reasons.
Shows how brainwashed you are. You're already prejudiced with Islam and jihad you dont open your mind to learn. Both people want peace, but it's sadistic neo-nazis like you who won't let it happen, you have to choose ONLY ONE, peace or ego? Which will it be?

300 million and their lackeys.
What's that? I don't know any israeli neighbor country with that population?
Shows how brainwashed you are. You're already prejudiced with Islam and jihad you dont open your mind to learn. Both people want peace, but it's sadistic neo-nazis like you who won't let it happen, you have to choose ONLY ONE, peace or ego? Which will it be?
People like you do not know the meaning of peace.
Peace is not teaching your children to strap bombs on themselves in classrooms and give them toy AK-47's, nor is it giving up land to barbarians who openly declare their wish to see the Jewish nation destroyed.

300 million Arabs and their lackeys. I.E: you and all those like you who are second hand Muslims to be used and disposed off by the Arabs.
People like you do not know the meaning of peace.
Peace is not teaching your children to strap bombs on themselves in classrooms and give them toy AK-47's, nor is it giving up land to barbarians who openly declare their wish to see the Jewish nation destroyed.

300 million Arabs and their lackeys. I.E: you and all those like you who are second hand Muslims to be used and disposed off by the Arabs.
Don't judge me if you don't know me, I am against whatever you said, btw none of that happened in the 47s, terrorism started when the movement got politicized, I don't wish to see the nation destroyed, but I don't see how it's right to call and nation full of athiests and formerly muslims being called jewish, cant a jewish person be muslims christian or something else? Or is it that if theyre born jew they are cursed for their whole entire lives to follow the talmudic laws?
And secondly it was racist of you to call them arabs, palestinians arent just any arabs you can throw around, they are a people in their own right, it's like calling americans british just because they speak the same language. Would it be cool if natives decided to send USians to britain? No right? Same goes for palestinians
ANd ps, i criticize arabs a lot if you see my othe posts, i apologise on behalf of my countrymen for worshipping arabs but that doesnt give you the right to insult us and our faith.
Don't judge me if you don't know me, I am against whatever you said, btw none of that happened in the 47s, terrorism started when the movement got politicized, I don't wish to see the nation destroyed, but I don't see how it's right to call and nation full of athiests and formerly muslims being called jewish, cant a jewish person be muslims christian or something else? Or is it that if theyre born jew they are cursed for their whole entire lives to follow the talmudic laws?
And secondly it was racist of you to call them arabs, palestinians arent just any arabs you can throw around, they are a people in their own right, it's like calling americans british just because they speak the same language. Would it be cool if natives decided to send USians to britain? No right? Same goes for palestinians
ANd ps, i criticize arabs a lot if you see my othe posts, i apologise on behalf of my countrymen for worshipping arabs but that doesnt give you the right to insult us and our faith.
The only ones who tarnish your faith is you and others who use Islam to do evil.
They are Arabs, period. There never was a nation of Palestine, only a bunch of nomadic Arabs living under the rule of other Arabs or Turks or whatever nation happened to conquer them at the time.

Being born a Jew does not make you a follower of the Jewish faith, as there are Arab Jews and Asian Jews who converted to Judaism. As there are Jews who converted to Christianity and so on.

These "Palestinians" are a group of people who've idolized terrorism since their inception, they are no better than any other terrorist supporting nation and deserve nothing but disdain.

Do you even know that they had all the land that they want today but didn't want a nation for themselves? They had the West Bank, they had Gaza but they were happy to live as Egyptian citizens and Jordanian citizens.

Now they pretend to have found a nationality when every man who knows history knows that all they wish is to see Israel destroyed.
These "Palestinians" are a group of people who've idolized terrorism since their inception, they are no better than any other terrorist supporting nation and deserve nothing but disdain.

Do you even know that they had all the land that they want today but didn't want a nation for themselves? They had the West Bank, they had Gaza but they were happy to live as Egyptian citizens and Jordanian citizens.

Now they pretend to have found a nationality when every man who knows history knows that all they wish is to see Israel destroyed.
If you watch the news you'll think that way, but i swear to God i know one who wouldnt hurt a fly, and I swear he is NOTHING like other arabs. If you actually go out into the world you'd see some really nice palestinians. Also, just because they were nomads doesnt mean tehy were sub-humans, the desserts they roamed were empty, theirs
If you watch the news you'll think that way, but i swear to God i know one who wouldnt hurt a fly, and I swear he is NOTHING like other arabs. If you actually go out into the world you'd see some really nice palestinians. Also, just because they were nomads doesnt mean tehy were sub-humans, the desserts they roamed were empty, theirs
The desert didn't belong to anyone, but they are more than free to live in that hellhole they call Gaza.

It is clear that you do not know much about Israel as i interact with Israeli Arabs daily because they are 20% of the population.
You can be a nomad, Arab, Beduoin, it does not matter. All that matters is how you treat other people, and i've seen how they treat their own blood.

You are not born evil, you choose to be evil.
The desert didn't belong to anyone, but they are more than free to live in that hellhole they call Gaza.

It is clear that you do not know much about Israel as i interact with Israeli Arabs daily because they are 20% of the population.
You can be a nomad, Arab, Beduoin, it does not matter. All that matters is how you treat other people, and i've seen how they treat their own blood.

You are not born evil, you choose to be evil.
I understand it didn't belong to anyone, but you can't deny the fact that people did have houses there and not all were bedouins and that people were forced out of their houses.
Also, don't assume I don't know anything about Arabs, I live in an arab country and arabs are anything but homogenous, nothing could be further from the truth.
If a person was born lets say in 1900s in what is currently Israel, how is it not evil to kick them out of their houses? Also, for those that do live in Israeli territory, why do they have to live under the star of David? I mean for 3000 years this flag hasn't been raised in that land and all of a sudden it's their flag?
Jews and Muslims both lived under Salah al deen (or Saladin) peacefully, didn't they, so why is it that jews MUST be the rulers and MUST be the majority if Israel is to exist?

Not going to happen. They are a nuclear power now. Before they go anywhere they will take Arabs with them.
You're fcking racist for using the word arab
Israeli are smart, powerful and united. If Palestinians really want to establish their country Palestine, they should be smarter, more powerful and united than Israeli instead of bombing around.
I understand it didn't belong to anyone, but you can't deny the fact that people did have houses there and not all were bedouins and that people were forced out of their houses.
Also, don't assume I don't know anything about Arabs, I live in an arab country and arabs are anything but homogenous, nothing could be further from the truth.
If a person was born lets say in 1900s in what is currently Israel, how is it not evil to kick them out of their houses? Also, for those that do live in Israeli territory, why do they have to live under the star of David? I mean for 3000 years this flag hasn't been raised in that land and all of a sudden it's their flag?
Jews and Muslims both lived under Salah al deen (or Saladin) peacefully, didn't they, so why is it that jews MUST be the rulers and MUST be the majority if Israel is to exist?

You're fcking racist for using the word arab
They did not want their own country, nor do they want one now, they want to see the end of the Jewish nation.

And for the same very reason every country(especially Pakistan) exists, is for the people of that country. What is today their tragedy is their own doing, it stems from their bloodlust and hatred and such people do not deserve a country.

They have done nothing but globalize suicide bombings as a means of terrorizing civilians. You seem to be able to understand logical thinking, so i ask you this:

How can you stand by those who would kill your entire family, your dearest loved ones, without a second thought if it meant they also killed a few Israelis standing near them?
Look what happened to the Egyptian soldiers just last week. They were slaughtered just for the sake of maybe killing a few Israelis as well.

That is who you are supporting. And you shouldn't.
They did not want their own country, nor do they want one now, they want to see the end of the Jewish nation.

And for the same very reason every country(especially Pakistan) exists, is for the people of that country. What is today their tragedy is their own doing, it stems from their bloodlust and hatred and such people do not deserve a country.

They have done nothing but globalize suicide bombings as a means of terrorizing civilians. You seem to be able to understand logical thinking, so i ask you this:

How can you stand by those who would kill your entire family, your dearest loved ones, without a second thought if it meant they also killed a few Israelis standing near them?
Look what happened to the Egyptian soldiers just last week. They were slaughtered just for the sake of maybe killing a few Israelis as well.

That is who you are supporting. And you shouldn't.

"Bloodlust and hatred" are inseparable ingredients of the zionazi gene and most of the world that are not owned by the notorious Jewish Club know this. As for terrorism here's the proof of the israeli terrorism:


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