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Israeli mole in U.S. stole info on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities

Great he knows how big the mushroom cloud will be on Israel`s head


Someone with false flags perhaps?, spreads the message of the sperm leader Ahmedenejat?

Oh Bahi logo, the last 70 years of history shows all of us that people trying to destroy Israel have in fact perished in a bad bad way.

Pakistanis are better off keeping away from this Israeli-Palestinian mess. Palistenian won't give us extra love, and Israeli don't hate us either.

Then why to "Pra-ay ki shadi main Pakisani dewana"?

peace to you brother peace to you.
Pollard was not recruited by Israel. He was working in US navy intelligence and he came himself to Mossad offering documents. Mossad rejected him. Then he came to another intelligence agency called Lakam and they accepted his offer. He brought lots of documents almost from very different topics: report on SA-13 system, analysis on USSR navy defense systems, data on noise produced by different ships and submarines, research on Libyan ports, electronic warfare between Iran and Iraq, data on chemical weapons in Syria, data on military infrastructure of South Yemen, data on PLO headquarters in Tunisia, etc etc etc. Basically he simply took all documents he could find.
Pollard was not recruited by Israel. He was working in US navy intelligence and he came himself to Mossad offering documents. Mossad rejected him. Then he came to another intelligence agency called Lakam and they accepted his offer. He brought lots of documents almost from very different topics: report on SA-13 system, analysis on USSR navy defense systems, data on noise produced by different ships and submarines, research on Libyan ports, electronic warfare between Iran and Iraq, data on chemical weapons in Syria, data on military infrastructure of South Yemen, data on PLO headquarters in Tunisia, etc etc etc. Basically he simply took all documents he could find.

How lovely........
So yr MOSAD rejected him,And he gave info on just this what u mentioned!!

Care to back yr claim with authentic proof??:azn:
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