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Israeli Crimes

Jews were cleansed throughout history many times by Crusaders and Babylons by massive numbers. I agree that there were Arab immigration to Palestine as well as all Arab countries but there were always Palestinians. There were always massive immigrations everywhere all over the world throughout history, so it's not exceptional here. You can't just question people right of their lands just because they received immigrants at some point in history. Anyway, Israel is there and it wouldn't accept peace.
Its not just Jews. During Jesus' time some 2 million Jews and 1 million non Jews lived in Palestine. By 12th century some 150 thousands remained total. The wast majority of people vanished and migrated. They were replaced by Arab tribes. Mamelukes destroyed all coastal towns in Palestine and later they were settled by Egyptian and Syrian migrants.

In you take a bigger picture then some 2-3% of Middle East population were Jews. And those Jews got some 0.14% of Middle East territory for state. Thats significaly less than their portion in population. More over unlike the Arab states Israel is not pure Jewish. There is large Arab minority, Arabic is official language in Israel and these Arabs live in Israel actually even better than in neighbor Arab countries.

Interesting discussion on history of the Israel and Palestine.

You know history for some is source of enlightenment, and for others source of hatred, death, and destruction.

History tells us that you lose because you quit working hard, while you win if you are the strongest and wisest compared to others in the region. This is applicable to individuals, families, tribes, nations, and countries.

We can obsess with history of 3rd millennium or 3rd century, or 3rd year, or 3rd month, or 3rd day, or 3rd hour, or 3rd second etc. etc.

Would that help?

yeah if you want to learn.

Palestinian and Jews are both wrong to bring in 3000 years old histories. Because who cares and who gives a damn.

It is like trying to live in the land of great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great ....... grand father whose name we may not know, whose land deeds we may not have in our possession.

The world we have is now, and we must live in it with strengths we may have, and weaknesses we do have.

The world we have is the result of big powers carving and chopping and slopping valleys, mountains, deserts, and forests. And in this world, Jordan and Saudi, and Iraq, and Iran, and Pakistan, and India, and Turkey, and Yemen and whole of Africa and most of Asia were all setup in a world where WWII had just ended and super powers had no appetite for yet another war, and yet another killing of their young men.

And thus it was proposed by the world powers in 1948 that a country called Israel will be setup and a country called Palestine will come into being.

Palestinians refused, Israelis accepted. Now who was the wisest and who was the $tupid. Take your pick dare I say.

Palestinians launched militant attacks, Israel responded with overwhelming force, using its superior military.

And thus a long war started sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes warm, and sometimes frozen on one side and boiling on the other.

In this sad war, and wars are always sad, as killing is never a happy affair, both Israelis and Palestinians are at once cruel and at once sweet.

What a Pakistani says to both of these "you deserve each other", If you live happily with each other, we will be happy, and if you kill each other, we'll pray for you.

But please do not show up on a Pakistani forum crying that a Pali has hurt and Israeli, or a Israeli has smoked a Pali.

peace to you all peace to you.
. .
Its not just Jews. During Jesus' time some 2 million Jews and 1 million non Jews lived in Palestine. By 12th century some 150 thousands remained total. The wast majority of people vanished and migrated. They were replaced by Arab tribes. Mamelukes destroyed all coastal towns in Palestine and later they were settled by Egyptian and Syrian migrants.

In you take a bigger picture then some 2-3% of Middle East population were Jews. And those Jews got some 0.14% of Middle East territory for state. Thats significaly less than their portion in population. More over unlike the Arab states Israel is not pure Jewish. There is large Arab minority, Arabic is official language in Israel and these Arabs live in Israel actually even better than in neighbor Arab countries.

Any Arabs who have abandoned Israeli citizenship to take Palestinian or any neighboring Arab country citizenship?

Interesting discussion on history of the Israel and Palestine.

You know history for some is source of enlightenment, and for others source of hatred, death, and destruction.

History tells us that you lose because you quit working hard, while you win if you are the strongest and wisest compared to others in the region. This is applicable to individuals, families, tribes, nations, and countries.

We can obsess with history of 3rd millennium or 3rd century, or 3rd year, or 3rd month, or 3rd day, or 3rd hour, or 3rd second etc. etc.

Would that help?

yeah if you want to learn.

Palestinian and Jews are both wrong to bring in 3000 years old histories. Because who cares and who gives a damn.

It is like trying to live in the land of great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great ....... grand father whose name we may not know, whose land deeds we may not have in our possession.

The world we have is now, and we must live in it with strengths we may have, and weaknesses we do have.

The world we have is the result of big powers carving and chopping and slopping valleys, mountains, deserts, and forests. And in this world, Jordan and Saudi, and Iraq, and Iran, and Pakistan, and India, and Turkey, and Yemen and whole of Africa and most of Asia were all setup in a world where WWII had just ended and super powers had no appetite for yet another war, and yet another killing of their young men.

And thus it was proposed by the world powers in 1948 that a country called Israel will be setup and a country called Palestine will come into being.

Palestinians refused, Israelis accepted. Now who was the wisest and who was the $tupid. Take your pick dare I say.

Palestinians launched militant attacks, Israel responded with overwhelming force, using its superior military.

And thus a long war started sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes warm, and sometimes frozen on one side and boiling on the other.

In this sad war, and wars are always sad, as killing is never a happy affair, both Israelis and Palestinians are at once cruel and at once sweet.

What a Pakistani says to both of these "you deserve each other", If you live happily with each other, we will be happy, and if you kill each other, we'll pray for you.

But please do not show up on a Pakistani forum crying that a Pali has hurt and Israeli, or a Israeli has smoked a Pali.

peace to you all peace to you.

After all this piece of BS. You are trying to say that we should have accepted Israel existence and take it as granted. Well, if that was so, then Algeria would have been part of France and Libya part of Italy...ect. Resistance was the only thing that got them out.It's like you are saying if India took over Pakistan, deported it's people, committed massacres, humiliated them, seized their lands and homes, had their most sacred places, you would have taken it for granted?

Nevertheless, Arabs are ready for peace now, but Israel is the one who rejects it. We are willing to end this for once and for all and live in peace. I mean, are Israelis happy with the high potentials of war haunting them everyday?
A monk stands before the graffitti at the convent, which is one of the most famous monastic sites of the Holy Land

Vandals burnt the door of a Catholic monastery in central Israel early on Tuesday and scrawled anti-Christian graffiti in an apparent "price tag" hate crime, Israeli police and witnesses said.
"A wooden door of the convent was burnt by unidentified vandals and the slogan 'Jesus is a monkey' was sprayed on the walls" of the Trappist monastery in Latrun, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP.
The Trappist abbey of Latrun, located between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, is one of the most famous monastic sites of the Holy Land.

to me living in peace between Palestinian people and israeli people only on 1976 borders yeah that Tunisia accepted ( an UN offers i guess old one ) but Egypt and the rest of the Arab they want it all so that is why Palestinian suffer the effects of the greed of the Egyptian command that time , Tunisian 1st president was friendly with israel and he accepted taking the land by steps even baby steps but egyptian president Anwar Sadat reject the offer so it's the Arabian fault the neglecting of 1976 borders to me the real peace come only one state with out army fore the 3 religions ( me i hate israeli but i don't hate jew because we in tunisia 1% of us are jew and i don't now any thing bad about them in some jobs mostly they work in jewels as i heard they don't cheat or scan u )
Sure, Israel has criminals. Every society does. The question is, is justice being done to track down, fairly prosecute, and punish the convicted perpetrators of crimes, regardless of the perpetrators identity?

Israel does do this. So what are "Israeli Crimes", exactly? What crime, collectively, is Israel responsible for? (You can SAY "the plight of the Palestinians" but just about everyone who breathes that knows it doesn't hold up.)

Pakistan, on the other hand, deliberately does not seek justice every day, whether in its dealing with its minorities, its putative allies, or else business and politics between citizens. Isn't that a collective crime? Aren't Pakistanis eager to accuse Israel, the U.S., etc., simply to cover up their own moral failures?
After all this piece of [epithet deleted].

1. You are trying to say that we should have accepted Israel existence and take it as granted.

2. Well, if that was so, then Algeria would have been part of France and Libya part of Italy...ect. Resistance was the only thing that got them out.

3. It's like you are saying if India took over Pakistan, deported it's people, committed massacres, humiliated them, seized their lands and homes, had their most sacred places, you would have taken it for granted?

4. Nevertheless, Arabs are ready for peace now, but Israel is the one who rejects it. We are willing to end this for once and for all and live in peace. I mean, are Israelis happy with the high potentials of war haunting them everyday?

#1 - yes. As per 1948 borders. Unfortunately the Arabs responded to a political challenge with militant response. This never works. Never. Palestinian constantly picked the wrong superpower. First the Hitler's Germany then Commie Russians. When you fight for the wrong super power, you lose.

Palestinians in particular and Arabs in general live in the distant past. In 1948 they wanted a world of 1748. In 1967 they wanted the world of 1948, and in 1973 they wanted the world of 1967. When you live in the past, AND fight for the wrong super power you lose doubly and triply.

#2 Different times and different regions. You should also see other examples. Such as militant struggle by native Indians against European settlers. A superior settler cannot be kicked out, only foreign occupiers leave and go back home. But it would be too much to ask for a sane analysis from emotionally hot un-intellectual group, who is hell bent on firing AK-47 on F-16 flying above. Palestinian response was no different than approach of Ben laden the barking dog. The dog who barked and bit at the high speed cars, and then got killed like a rabid dog.

#3 - Indians did kill millions of Muslims heading to Pakistan in 1947. However at the Pak government level, there were enough cooler heads and accepted the border with India. Few regions remained disputed, but 95+% border was immediately accepted. (lucky for us, Indians too accepted the borders even when we killed millions of non-Muslims heading towards India).

Palestinian demise resulted from hot headed response to a very delicate situation.

#4 - Yes. Some Arabs are ready for peace. But there are others who are not. Assad the butcher and Iranian Ayatoooolahs has been actively supporting militancy against Israel. In this charged situation, one should not expect Israel to be on its best behavior.

Just remember that I am a dispassionate student of military history. I do not take sides with Islamism or Judaism while looking at the military conflicts in the Arab lands. So you will not see me sympathizing with Palestinians just because they are Arabs or they are Muslims or they are lefties.

A monk stands before the graffitti at the convent, which is one of the most famous monastic sites of the Holy Land

Vandals burnt the door of a Catholic monastery in central Israel early on Tuesday and scrawled anti-Christian graffiti in an apparent "price tag" hate crime, Israeli police and witnesses said.
"A wooden door of the convent was burnt by unidentified vandals and the slogan 'Jesus is a monkey' was sprayed on the walls" of the Trappist monastery in Latrun, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP.
The Trappist abbey of Latrun, located between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, is one of the most famous monastic sites of the Holy Land.

That is nasty...but not on the same level as killing them and burning their houses down...as happens in some places.
Just remember that I am a dispassionate student of military history. I do not take sides with Islamism or Judaism while looking at the military conflicts in the Arab lands. So you will not see me sympathizing with Palestinians just because they are Arabs or they are Muslims or they are lefties.


Ah, so your study field is history, that explains allot of things.
. .
After all this piece of BS. You are trying to say that we should have accepted Israel existence and take it as granted. Well, if that was so, then Algeria would have been part of France and Libya part of Italy...ect. Resistance was the only thing that got them out.It's like you are saying if India took over Pakistan, deported it's people, committed massacres, humiliated them, seized their lands and homes, had their most sacred places, you would have taken it for granted?

Nevertheless, Arabs are ready for peace now, but Israel is the one who rejects it. We are willing to end this for once and for all and live in peace. I mean, are Israelis happy with the high potentials of war haunting them everyday?

You are right, French left Algeria, and Italy left Libya, But if Israelis leave Palestine, where are they gonna go? They have no choice but to fight you to the death. Israel want peace, but first they want you to stop blowing up their kids' schoolbus. But are they gonna make that happen because no one Palestinian has total control over that.

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