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Israeli Checkpoint Cruelty

It is better to be cruel then to be dead.
It is better to be cruel then to be dead.
so i consider it as justification of Israel's cruelty ?
oh thanks Israel you did not kill them but you are treating them like they are not human beings thank you Israel you are great at least you spare their lives .... what a pathetic thinking :tdown:
don't reply if you don't understand.
i think people like you have severe mental disorder when you have nothing to say you start personal attacks this shows how much gentleman you are .....
, don't reply if you don't understand.

No i think the person who needs to not reply is you. Obviously you have a problem with understanding.
If you took the time to watch the video you will realize how dim you are with your response.
The soldiers on guard duty regard the way they act and behave as the norm - they regard making life awkward for these Arabs as "having fun". You are insinuating that the vigilance has to be implemented because these innocent people are pre guilty of a crime. One can ask the normal type of security questions if they feel at risk but to humiliate a bloke like this who looks at least 75 and women and kids is unnecessary and inhumane.
Your dim insinuation that all people are guilty and are potentially terrorist clearly shows your mindset. To show your disapproval then you have to resort to personal attacks? Funny the mindset of Indians seems to be of favoring the soldiers. Is it because the victims are of a certain creed? Your preset mindset is unfair to say the least.
Shame on these people that feel it necessary to belittle old people and women.
Thanks for wasting your prestige time on me.

Now can you guide me, how to differentiate between Hamas Or Hizbollah terrorist and common people.

Please reply without wearing spectacle of Muslim Ummah.

I will reply with my neutral specs. You are obviously not worth the effort and time. I will repeat what i have said as clearly you want to go off topic. The aim of the soldiers is not to decifer if this gentleman was a terrorist - the aim was made clear if you in fact did watch the video of making life as awkward and publically humiliate the old man on camera and in front of his mates.
Why you want to mention Hamas and Hizbollah when they have not been mentioned is clearly showing us the mindset you have.
Do us all a favor - if you have nothing to add on topic regarding the soldiers then refrain from posting insinuations and snidey personal comments on others. This is not wanted and clearly a method to be off topic.
The soldiers could and should behave in a more humane manner. Safety is imperative but humiliation of civilians creates more animosity.
Zionism is fast becoming an uncontrolled madness. They have created the largest prison in human history in Gaza. But what most people do not know is that Israel is having the goal to expand to get areas between Nile river and Eupharetes river. For them other human beings who are non-Jew who they call Goyim are just like animals who have to be slaughtered. That is what they teach their children. It is a good thing to kill a Goyim.

Apparently Sarkozi called Israeli PM a Liar,
BBC News - Sarkozy called Israeli PM Netanyahu 'liar'

watch how the rest of the West will cry murder and quote Holocaust and what not to condemn Sarkozi looks like he will be begging for mercy and pretty much his political career will be over

such is the stranglehold of the Zionists over the west. even criticism is taken as an insult and anti-Semitism, now that’s some mad power where these western leaders cant even express themselves over the blatant atrocities of Israeli forces and even a little mention results in a proper dressing down from Israeli government and all these Western tigers go cowering in their holes, retracting from their statements and apologising and expressing their undying allegiance to Israel its so comical how British and French leaders have been dressed down by Israel in the past and how Barrak Obama had to visit Israel and declare his allegiance and subservience.

It is pathetic and disgraceful on one hand and comical and funny too as how these first world countries are brought down to their knees.

Boy these are the best time being a Zionist and they must be loving it.
Zionism is fast becoming an uncontrolled madness. They have created the largest prison in human history in Gaza. But what most people do not know is that Israel is having the goal to expand to get areas between Nile river and Eupharetes river. For them other human beings who are non-Jew who they call Goyim are just like animals who have to be slaughtered. That is what they teach their children. It is a good thing to kill a Goyim.

Iran will be the only hope to stop this uncontrolled madness !!!
See my signature guys. That show is approaching fast!! Much faster than we imagined. And then the time will come when that haditth of our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH) will come true in which he said not a single Jew will remain alive and even a tree will say that a Jew is hiding behind me, come and kill him except for one tree. I don't know exact words of that hadith but it is something like this.
Isn't this footage from the CBC's documentary? Its from 2003 I think.


Checkpoint was shot between 2001 & 2003 after the beginning of the second Intifadah (Palestinian uprising). The Oslo Accord peace talks had collapsed.

Violence and tension was escalating on both sides, and the number of suicide bombings and civilian casualties were increasing.

Over two hundred military roadblocks were spread throughout the country. Roadblocks that thousands of Palestinians and Israelis crossed every day as they made their way between the different areas: A, B and C- the terminology used to define control over the land. Each division represents a different category of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian Authority.

These roadblocks are the first meeting point between the two sides of the conflict, a crucial meeting point with rules and laws of its own.

CHECKPOINT documents the daily events that constitute the microcosm known as the Israeli military roadblock over an extended period of time. These roadblocks, essentially the first points of contact between the two peoples, have an enormous significance in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

These anonymous, one-time encounters between both sides have a lasting political, social, and cultural effect. On the Israeli side, the almost unlimited position of power influences the shaping of the Israeli ethos and public persona. Young soldiers, still in their adolescence, find themselves faced with impossible situations. Reserve army soldiers, who just a day before were functioning as parents and spouses, wage earners and business owners, are faced with situations that their daily lives did not prepare them for. The cumulative effect of these day to day encounters, which is forced upon both sides, is unbearable.

Director's Statement:
On the other side, the day-to-day struggle and humiliation the Palestinians endure as they pass through the roadblock, fuels the hatred towards their Israeli neighbors. According to director, Yoav Shamir, much has been written about the corruption of the conqueror brought about by extended occupation, and still the daily reality of the roadblock illustrates this in shockingly tangible scenes. A pregnant woman on the way to the hospital, a Palestinian politician on his way to an important meeting, or just someone trying to get to work - the fact is that all of them have to go through roadblocks in order to reach their destinations
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