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Israeli businessesman : "Europe is preparing a holocaust against Muslims!"

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What would be good is if we could get billions and billions in reparations and thousands of films and documentaries made about us and our suffering.

However I would prefer none of that to happen and no holocaust.

And maybe we can carve ourselves out a country in say South America by forcefully removing the indigenous population and bulldoze those who refuse to leave the land.

Perhaps Ptex can give us more advice on how to create and run a "Lebensraum" on foreign sovereign territory.

On a serious note, guess who allows all of these non-White immigrants to flood into Europe in the first place, thus creating a atmosphere of animosity and hatred between the Muslims and Europeans:

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Right now they are indeed civilized, definitely more than the medieval muslim states bar few like Turkey, Malaysia etc. But the extremist tendencies are still beneath the surface and it may come out anytime. That would make everyone look like boy scouts.

Well there is the preferred suicide bombing method..no ?

1. Have Muslims physically wiped out whole populations like the white west has?

Indians are alive today practising Hinduism, Orthodox Christians of formerly Ottoman run Balkans are around, millions of Christians in the middle east. They are all alive....the North American Indians, Aborigines were essentially genocided.

WW2 alone saw 52 million people killed, who are you going to blame, the Muslims?

2. I live in Europe, I have Muslim friends in Holland, France and elsewhere.

They could do nothing beyond rioting.

White south Africans who were a minority ruled majority black Africans. Sheer numbers mean nothing. The ones who have superior firepower and organization prevail.
1. Have Muslims physically wiped out whole populations like the white west has?

Indians are alive today practising Hinduism, Orthodox Christians of formerly Ottoman run Balkans are around, millions of Christians in the middle east. They are all alive....the North American Indians, Aborigines were essentially genocided.

WW2 alone saw 52 million people killed, who are you going to blame, the Muslims?

It has indeed wiped out entire religions. But lets not go there. I have stated that Europeans do have a brutal streak in them but right now that is beneath the surface. Dont extend this argument.

2. I live in Europe, I have Muslim friends in Holland, France and elsewhere.

They could do nothing beyond rioting.

White south Africans who were a minority ruled majority black Africans. Sheer numbers mean nothing. The ones who have superior firepower and organization prevail.

Fine..i have no interest in this matter and could not care less who prevails or who falls..was just giving my perspective..as long as india is safe, my country and my faith are safe.
So why are you commenting on something you do not care about or affects you?

I live in Europe and am a Muslim.
White south Africans who were a minority ruled majority black Africans. Sheer numbers mean nothing. The ones who have superior firepower and organization prevail.

The whites in South Africa were only ruling because the government brainwashed the blacks.. There is ALWAYS strength in numbers.
I think people like gert wilders will get into power all throughout Europe and will get rid of the extremist and fanatic Muslims by deporting them. There is a long long way to go before any (loosely termed) holocaust is even on the table.

Unlike the rest of the World, the West actually learns from History not to repeat it.
Now in modern South Africa, how do you think the blacks see the whites? As non-indegenous, invaders.
Israel to deport 60,000 African immigrants from its soil

Israel to save 'Jewish Character of the State' by mass deporting African immigrants

African migrants in Israel face angry backlash, deportations

Israeli Kristallnacht: Africans attacked in Tel Aviv anti-migrant demo (PHOTOS)

Kristallnacht in Israel: Thugs Attack African Immigrants

Israelis violently attack African immigrants in Anti-immigrant rally

If a European nation were to do this, it'd be labeled a "Apartheid" racist state. However since Zionists control the major banks, corporations, and media thus this incident of israel's racial violence and discrimination against black Africans is hidden from the mainstream media and not brought up in the UN, and instead its overlooked.

BTW guys, check out my thread:

So why are you commenting on something you do not care about or affects you?

I live in Europe and am a Muslim.

I'm just giving my perspective of what will happen. Now its not wrong to have an opinion..is it ?
Never said I was athiest.

I'm still Muslim by culture.

Islam is a religion, not a race, nor any such thing as Muslim culture exists, unless i am yet to learn.
Sorry, about my previous comment, i stand corrected.
1. Have Muslims physically wiped out whole populations like the white west has?

Indians are alive today practising Hinduism, Orthodox Christians of formerly Ottoman run Balkans are around, millions of Christians in the middle east. They are all alive....the North American Indians, Aborigines were essentially genocided.

WW2 alone saw 52 million people killed, who are you going to blame, the Muslims?

2. I live in Europe, I have Muslim friends in Holland, France and elsewhere.

They could do nothing beyond rioting.

White south Africans who were a minority ruled majority black Africans. Sheer numbers mean nothing. The ones who have superior firepower and organization prevail.

Christianity and Islam are both religions that aim to convert a maximum number of people into their fold. Islam when it came to Persia was also pretty violent. Reason Hinduism still exists in India is 3-fold.

Firstly, the invasion by the Central Asians into India was not motivated by religion, but by wealth. They came to India to loot, could care less whether we converted into their religion. Secondly, when they did start converting, they used force (like Aurangzeb) which automatically created a resistance to the movement. If they tried conversions by peaceful preaching this would not have happened and maybe we might e carrying Muslim names today. Thirdly, the warrior/tribal mentality especially in Northern India, made sure that there was enough physical resistance to conversions. While Hindu parts of India did fall into Islam, which are now Pak and Bangladesh, India for the most part was (and still is) Hindu.

As a matter of fact, India is the only (or a very select few) country which has been able to hold onto its local cultural beliefs for thousands of years despite onslaught by various invaders.
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