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Israeli Assessment of Russian MIG29 fighters

Storm Force

Sep 19, 2009
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United Kingdom
A very interesting assessment RUSSIAN aero technology in the form of the MIG29

The Israeli Air Force

last words of an israeli AIRFORCE colonel

Lieut. Col. G. Concludes: “The jets had very few malfunctions, and like other Russian products the MIG-29 is trustworthy, strong, and massive. The F-15 and F-16 are much more delicate, compared".
I have always felt that more than most nations on earth the IAF are very fortunate that they can buy and operate fighters from EAST (RUSSIA) OR WEST (EUROPE) and compare their merits.

Western hardware is indeed delicate and lethel

Russian weapons robst HARD HITTING and very reliable
They are lying because they want more countries to buy that Mikoyan disaster. Mig-29 is a shame of an aircraft.... Actually it is a shame to everything that flies including cockroaches.

On the other hand the Su-27 family is a real "trustworthy, strong, and massive" fighter jets.
They are lying because they want more countries to buy that Mikoyan disaster. Mig-29 is a shame of an aircraft.... Actually it is a shame to everything that flies including cockroaches.

On the other hand the Su-27 family is a real "trustworthy, strong, and massive" fighter jets.

you cant be serious .. its an awesome plane in its own right and presented itself as a true F-16 contender. off bore sight, highly agile and BVR capable . watch a video or lookup about red october exercises.

SU27 family no doubt puts a shadow on every plane in the West and the east but that doesnt make Mig29 rubbish.
everything that flies including cockroaches.


TUM tou ajj bohat kush hoge!!:rofl:


you cant be serious .. its an awesome plane in its own right and presented itself as a true F-16 contender. off bore sight, highly agile and BVR capable . watch a video or lookup about red october exercises.

SU27 family no doubt puts a shadow on every plane in the West and the east but that doesnt make Mig29 rubbish.

Ummm no. The F-16 has better payload, longer range, better radar, about the same maneuverability and has better loiter time. The Mikoyan disaster on the other hand was designed on SU time to be an interceptor, meaning you fly it, hope to God that your C&C center is not destroyed and then hope to God more that your mission will be quick because your aircraft can't do pursuit or lengthy dog fight without returning to base to refuel. Also hope to God your enemy in flying in the Lo phase and hope to God he doesn't have AWACS.

Because this thing can't win if the enemy has any of those. I read enough about it and other aircrafts to know that it is a design disaster that could have been averted if some minor base design tweaks were done. Those design tweaks are present in the Sukhois family. And because of these tweaks the Sukhois are the only true Russian contender to the American teen family.

And I stand by my assessment of the Mig29 is abloute Rubbish. You can try to salvage what you can be western and Israeli avionics but we have a saying "A donkey will remain a donkey even if it grew horns".
Ummm no. The F-16 has better payload, longer range, better radar, about the same maneuverability and has better loiter time. The Mikoyan disaster on the other hand was designed on SU time to be an interceptor, meaning you fly it, hope to God that your C&C center is not destroyed and then hope to God more that your mission will be quick because your aircraft can't do pursuit or lengthy dog fight without returning to base to refuel. Also hope to God your enemy in flying in the Lo phase and hope to God he doesn't have AWACS.

Because this thing can't win if the enemy has any of those. I read enough about it and other aircrafts to know that it is a design disaster that could have been averted if some minor base design tweaks were done. Those design tweaks are present in the Sukhois family. And because of these tweaks the Sukhois are the only true Russian contender to the American teen family.

And I stand by my assessment of the Mig29 is abloute Rubbish. You can try to salvage what you can be western and Israeli avionics but we have a saying "A donkey will remain a donkey even if it grew horns".

you are very harsh and crude :cry:
I already said that SU-27 awesomeness is universally accepted.

what about Mig-35? I think all such issues are addressed there. come on Mig has always surprised the west
Mig-15 & Mig 21, Mig 27 all earned a lot of respect and were even hijacked by their pilots who deserted to US.
by the way Mig-29 beats F-15 in turns so the USAF pilots were told not to enter into scissors and just engage from range and be done with in in Iraq.
They are lying because they want more countries to buy that Mikoyan disaster. Mig-29 is a shame of an aircraft.... Actually it is a shame to everything that flies including cockroaches.

On the other hand the Su-27 family is a real "trustworthy, strong, and massive" fighter jets.

Just in case nobody knows, Israel has a huge modification industry serving the Mig-29 upgrade market.

The first six MiG-29s will be upgraded in Russia while the remaining 63 MiGs will be upgraded at the HAL facility in India. India also awarded a multi-million dollar contract to Israel Aircraft Industries to provide avionics and subsystems for the upgrade.[34]
In March 2009, the Indian Air Force expressed concern after 90 MiG-29s were grounded in Russia.[35] After carrying out an extensive inspection, the IAF cleared all MiG-29s in its fleet in March 2009.[36] In a disclosure in Parliament, Defence Minister A. K. Antony said the MiG-29 is structurally flawed in that it has a tendency to develop cracks due to corrosion in the tail fin. Russia has shared this finding with India, which emerged after the crash of a Russian Air Force MiG-29 in December 2008. "A repair scheme and preventive measures are in place and IAF has not encountered major problems concerning the issue,"

More outdated Migs more business for Israeli aviation industry - he is simply serving the country economical PR.

Mikoyan MiG-29 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I trust and respect the JUDGEMENT of an ISRAELI air force general OVER any poster of any rank in this forum.

If the israelis tell you its GREAT FIGHTER then you better believe HIM
More outdated Migs more business for Israeli aviation industry - he is simply serving the country economical PR.

The Indian MiG-29s have Israeli avionics such that they are compatible with their Phalcons.
you are very harsh and crude :cry:
I already said that SU-27 awesomeness is universally accepted.

what about Mig-35? I think all such issues are addressed there. come on Mig has always surprised the west
Mig-15 & Mig 21, Mig 27
all earned a lot of respect and were even hijacked by their pilots who deserted to US.
by the way Mig-29 beats F-15 in turns so the USAF pilots were told not to enter into scissors and just engage from range and be done with in in Iraq.
Not to forget MIG 25
The Russians are known for their outstanding engines and rugged airframes. American aircrafts have better avionics and weaponology. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
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