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Israeli Arabs more bullish on Israel than Israeli Jews


Dec 12, 2008
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  • Tuesday, October 25, 2016
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
Israeli Arabs more bullish on Israel than Israeli Jews

The Israel Democracy Institute has a Peace Index which asks a series of questions every month about Israeli attitudes towards the state and some specific timely issues.

This month's results show that Israeli Arabs actually have far more confidence in the strength and future of Israel than Israeli Jews do.

Here are some of the results:

In your opinion, what is Israel’s overall situation today?
"Very good" or "moderately good": Jews 43.7%, Arabs 63%

In your assessment, what will be Israel’s overall situation in the new year that is now beginning?
Better than last year: Jews 22.5%, Arabs 54.4%

How will Israel's situation be in these domains compared to last year?
Better than last year: Jews 27.4%,
Arabs 39.9%

Better than last year: Jews 19.5%, Arabs 42.6%

Better than last year: Jews 14.3%, Arabs 42.3%

Disputes between different parts of the public:
Better than last year: Jews 10.2%, Arabs 31.6%

Israeli Arabs are more bullish on Israel's current situation and its future than its Jewish citizens.
Considering how the current Israeli government is portrayed as being a disaster both for the Arab public and for Israel as a whole, this survey shows a much different situation on the ground.

  • Tuesday, October 25, 2016
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
Israeli Arabs more bullish on Israel than Israeli Jews

The Israel Democracy Institute has a Peace Index which asks a series of questions every month about Israeli attitudes towards the state and some specific timely issues.

This month's results show that Israeli Arabs actually have far more confidence in the strength and future of Israel than Israeli Jews do.

Here are some of the results:

In your opinion, what is Israel’s overall situation today?
"Very good" or "moderately good": Jews 43.7%, Arabs 63%

In your assessment, what will be Israel’s overall situation in the new year that is now beginning?
Better than last year: Jews 22.5%, Arabs 54.4%

How will Israel's situation be in these domains compared to last year?
Better than last year: Jews 27.4%,
Arabs 39.9%

Better than last year: Jews 19.5%, Arabs 42.6%

Better than last year: Jews 14.3%, Arabs 42.3%

Disputes between different parts of the public:
Better than last year: Jews 10.2%, Arabs 31.6%

Israeli Arabs are more bullish on Israel's current situation and its future than its Jewish citizens.
Considering how the current Israeli government is portrayed as being a disaster both for the Arab public and for Israel as a whole, this survey shows a much different situation on the ground.
Thousands Of Israelis Take To The Streets Calling For Palestinian Genocide
A reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.”
By Whitney Webb | October 6, 2016

The Tel Aviv rally—organized to support an Israeli soldier who murdered a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head as the victim lay on his back—was marked by chants and banners calling for mass murder.

Massive rallies and Facebook campaigns calling for Palestinian genocide are ignored by Western mainstream media and Facebook despite concerns and collaborations aimed at stopping “calls to violence”.

Since last October, the Israeli government has accused Palestinians and their allies of “inciting violence” against Israelis, despite the fact that only 34 Israelis have died in that time frame compared to 230 Palestinians. The uptick in violence has been attributed to an internationally condemned Israeli encroachmentof Palestinian lands in the contested West Bank.

Israeli government concern over recent violence has led them to arrest Palestinians for social media content that could potentially lead to crimes. So far, 145 Palestinians have been arrested this year for “pre-crime” via social media “incitement.” This practice eventually led to a collaboration between Facebook and the Israeli government, whose joint effort to curb social media “incitement” has led to the banning of several Facebook accounts of Palestinian journalists and news agencies.

However, social media, as well as mainstream Western media, have failed to condemn Israeli “incitement” against Palestinians, a practice that is surprisingly common considering the little to no attention it receives. Often these anti-Palestinian posts, pictures, and rallies are rife with calls for genocide, with cries of “Death to the whole Arab nation” and “Kill them all” surprisingly common.

Even the Times of Israel ran an op-ed article about “When Genocide is Permissible” in reference to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Though the post was eventually taken down, it points to an all-too-common and dangerous mentality that social media, the Israeli government, and Western media “conveniently” ignore.

An Israeli news agency even put the then-suspected preferential treatment to the test and found that Facebook and the Israeli authorities treated calls for revenge from Palestinians and Israelis very differently.

Even massive rallies calling for Palestinian genocide have been ignored entirely by social media and the corporate press. Earlier this year in April, a massive anti-Palestinian rally took place in Tel Aviv where thousands called for the death of all Arabs. The rally was organized to support an Israeli soldier who killed an already-wounded Palestinian by shooting him execution-style in the head.

Crowd chants "Elor the hero" and "death to Arabs." This seems more like a celebration of murder than anything pic.twitter.com/2QHDpIT0LJ

— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) April 19, 2016

The soldier, Elor Azaria, was charged with manslaughter for the killing, which occurred deep within Palestinian sovereign territory in the city of Hebron. Hebron contains an illegal Jewish settlement, but despite its illegality is protected by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) all the same. This has led to frequent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in the area.

The Tel-Aviv rally was attended by an estimated 2,000 people and several Israeli pop icons entertained attendees including singer Maor Edri, Moshik Afia, and Amos Elgali, along with rapper Subliminal. Chants of “Elor [the soldier] is a hero” and calls to release the soldier were common. One woman was photographedholding a sign reading “Kill them all.”

A Jewish reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.” Despite the obvious animosity and incitement made evident at the rally, it isn’t difficult to imagine what the response would have been if this has been a pro-Palestinian rally calling for the deaths of Jews. The stark divide between what is permissible for Palestinians and what is permissible for Israelis should concern us all as the widespread bias of social media, the press, and many governments threaten to blind us from the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflic
Thousands Of Israelis Take To The Streets Calling For Palestinian Genocide
A reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.”
By Whitney Webb | October 6, 2016

The Tel Aviv rally—organized to support an Israeli soldier who murdered a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head as the victim lay on his back—was marked by chants and banners calling for mass murder.

Massive rallies and Facebook campaigns calling for Palestinian genocide are ignored by Western mainstream media and Facebook despite concerns and collaborations aimed at stopping “calls to violence”.

Since last October, the Israeli government has accused Palestinians and their allies of “inciting violence” against Israelis, despite the fact that only 34 Israelis have died in that time frame compared to 230 Palestinians. The uptick in violence has been attributed to an internationally condemned Israeli encroachmentof Palestinian lands in the contested West Bank.

Israeli government concern over recent violence has led them to arrest Palestinians for social media content that could potentially lead to crimes. So far, 145 Palestinians have been arrested this year for “pre-crime” via social media “incitement.” This practice eventually led to a collaboration between Facebook and the Israeli government, whose joint effort to curb social media “incitement” has led to the banning of several Facebook accounts of Palestinian journalists and news agencies.

However, social media, as well as mainstream Western media, have failed to condemn Israeli “incitement” against Palestinians, a practice that is surprisingly common considering the little to no attention it receives. Often these anti-Palestinian posts, pictures, and rallies are rife with calls for genocide, with cries of “Death to the whole Arab nation” and “Kill them all” surprisingly common.

Even the Times of Israel ran an op-ed article about “When Genocide is Permissible” in reference to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Though the post was eventually taken down, it points to an all-too-common and dangerous mentality that social media, the Israeli government, and Western media “conveniently” ignore.

An Israeli news agency even put the then-suspected preferential treatment to the test and found that Facebook and the Israeli authorities treated calls for revenge from Palestinians and Israelis very differently.

Even massive rallies calling for Palestinian genocide have been ignored entirely by social media and the corporate press. Earlier this year in April, a massive anti-Palestinian rally took place in Tel Aviv where thousands called for the death of all Arabs. The rally was organized to support an Israeli soldier who killed an already-wounded Palestinian by shooting him execution-style in the head.

Crowd chants "Elor the hero" and "death to Arabs." This seems more like a celebration of murder than anything pic.twitter.com/2QHDpIT0LJ

— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) April 19, 2016

The soldier, Elor Azaria, was charged with manslaughter for the killing, which occurred deep within Palestinian sovereign territory in the city of Hebron. Hebron contains an illegal Jewish settlement, but despite its illegality is protected by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) all the same. This has led to frequent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in the area.

The Tel-Aviv rally was attended by an estimated 2,000 people and several Israeli pop icons entertained attendees including singer Maor Edri, Moshik Afia, and Amos Elgali, along with rapper Subliminal. Chants of “Elor [the soldier] is a hero” and calls to release the soldier were common. One woman was photographedholding a sign reading “Kill them all.”

A Jewish reporter at the scene remarked that it seemed “more like a celebration of murder than anything.” Despite the obvious animosity and incitement made evident at the rally, it isn’t difficult to imagine what the response would have been if this has been a pro-Palestinian rally calling for the deaths of Jews. The stark divide between what is permissible for Palestinians and what is permissible for Israelis should concern us all as the widespread bias of social media, the press, and many governments threaten to blind us from the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflic
Thats demonstration in support of soldier who killed wounded TERRORIST. No need to lie.
yes all from 6 month baby to 80 years old person everyone who didn't accept illegal occupation
Stop babling nonsense. Arab population in Israel is rapidly growing and has lowest mortality rates in entire Middle East.

No any calls for genocide here. Real genocide is going now in Syria - over 1 million dead in 5 years.

Israel needs to return land according to pre-1967 borders.

I'm sure the Palestinians would accept that, given how that might put an end to the genocidal mindset of the Israeli military today.

Again that fake map.

Stop babling nonsense. Arab population in Israel is rapidly growing and has lowest mortality rates in entire Middle East.

No any calls for genocide here. Real genocide is going now in Syria - over 1 million dead in 5 years.

Again that fake map.

View attachment 346617

Yeah eccept Israeli religious figures and Knesset members ( like justice ministers etc).
Last edited:

  • Tuesday, October 25, 2016
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
Israeli Arabs more bullish on Israel than Israeli Jews

The Israel Democracy Institute has a Peace Index which asks a series of questions every month about Israeli attitudes towards the state and some specific timely issues.

This month's results show that Israeli Arabs actually have far more confidence in the strength and future of Israel than Israeli Jews do.

Here are some of the results:

In your opinion, what is Israel’s overall situation today?
"Very good" or "moderately good": Jews 43.7%, Arabs 63%

In your assessment, what will be Israel’s overall situation in the new year that is now beginning?
Better than last year: Jews 22.5%, Arabs 54.4%

How will Israel's situation be in these domains compared to last year?
Better than last year: Jews 27.4%,
Arabs 39.9%

Better than last year: Jews 19.5%, Arabs 42.6%

Better than last year: Jews 14.3%, Arabs 42.3%

Disputes between different parts of the public:
Better than last year: Jews 10.2%, Arabs 31.6%

Israeli Arabs are more bullish on Israel's current situation and its future than its Jewish citizens.
Considering how the current Israeli government is portrayed as being a disaster both for the Arab public and for Israel as a whole, this survey shows a much different situation on the ground.
We,jews are never satisfied with ourselves.
Don't know if it's an advantage or disadvantage....
BTW,there is a reason why the arab world called the israeli arabs as "Arab Al Zibda"=cream Arabs/butter arabs.

Yeah accept Israeli religious figures and Knesset members ( like justice ministers etc).
Do you mean "except"??
Apart from that,our beautiful justice minister isn't religious,and even if she is...so???
Take your nose back to cave you live in
Stop babling nonsense. Arab population in Israel is rapidly growing and has lowest mortality rates in entire Middle East.

No any calls for genocide here. Real genocide is going now in Syria - over 1 million dead in 5 years.

Again that fake map.

View attachment 346617



“My father and mother lived next to that land and grew grapes, figs and olives there,” Silwad resident Marwan Hamed tells Al-Monitor. Hamed says his is among the land about to be designated as abandoned. “We continued to till the land until the settlers came. Anyone who went near the settlers would be shot at — both by the settlers and by the army, which would show up immediately to defend them.”

heres another couple of maps over the years:

Do you mean "except"??
Apart from that,our beautiful justice minister isn't religious,and even if she is...so???
Take your nose back to cave you live in

Haartez is ab Israeli pape not Palestinian..

As for your "fugly" justice minister shes the nazi Zionist shythead... It's ironic how she wants genocide and concentration camps ? Pathetic.

Coming back to your personal attacks.. It's you Jews known for having giant noses.. So beware .. I might flip a coin forcing you to look for it for another century..
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