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Israel warns northern Gaza residents to evacuate


Sep 20, 2013
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As international calls for a cease-fire ramped up, the Israeli military warned residents of northern Gaza to evacuate "for their own safety" late Saturday night as the Palestinian death toll climbed to 135, according to health ministry officials.
In a statement, the Israeli military said it would send messages to northern Gaza residents overnight to leave their homes as Israel planned to hit the area with heavy force in the next 24 hours, according to Brig. Gen. Motti Almoz, chief military spokesman.

Meanwhile, Hamas continued to fire rockets and mortars across its borders at Israel, promising to bombard Tel Aviv with rockets starting at 9 p.m. Saturday night in the hopes of overwhelming the U.S.-funded missile defense system known as "Iron Dome."

Shortly after 9, several defiant Tel Aviv residents sang "We are believers, children of believers, but there is no one to rely on but God" as they watched the defense system destroy a rocket.

The developments come as the U.N. Security Council in New York on Saturday called for a cease-fire and the resumption of negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian officials in its first response the conflict. A statement approved by all 15 members of the council expressed "serious concern regarding the crisis related to Gaza and the protection and welfare of civilians on both sides."

Earlier Saturday, Israeli airstrikes hit a mosque in Gaza and a home for disabled people, raising the death toll from the five-day offensive to 135 and the number of injured to more than 920, said Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesman for the Palestinian Health Ministry.

Fourteen people were killed, including two disabled women, when an airstrike hit a home for disabled people in Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza, al-Qidra said. In southern Gaza, bombs pounded the Islamic National Bank headquarters in Khan Younis, while in Gaza City, three Palestinian fighters were killed. Four were killed at the Martyr Anwar Aziz Square in the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza.

The Israeli military released an aerial photo of the al-Farouq mosque it said it hit in northern Gaza, saying Hamas hid rockets in it right next to another religious site and civilian homes.

"Hamas terrorists systematically exploit and choose to put Palestinians in Gaza in harm's way and continue to locate their positions among civilian areas and mosques, proving once more their disregard for human life and holy sites," said Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli military spokesman.

Hamas said Israel hit two mosques in its operation Saturday. The competing claims could not be immediately reconciled, but the militant group said it hopes the attack galvanizes support in the Muslim world.

"The bombing of two mosques in Gaza overnight shows how barbaric this enemy is and how much is it hostile to Islam," said Husam Badran, a Hamas spokesman in Doha, Qatar. "This terrorism gives us the right to broaden our response to deter this occupier."

Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary William Hague called for an "urgent, concerted international action to secure a cease-fire," adding he would be discussing the matter with American, French and German counterparts Monday.

Despite such pressures, Israel has amassed ground troops along the Gaza border and Israeli officials say they will continue the offensive until Hamas and its affiliates stop firing rockets at Israel.

On Saturday, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon readied his country for several more days of fighting.

"We have accumulated achievements as far as the price Hamas is paying and we are continuing to destroy significant targets of it and other terror organizations," Yaalon said after a meeting with top security officials. "We will continue to punish it until quiet and security returns to southern Israel and the rest of the country."

Hamas has fired more than 600 rockets in the past week, officials with the militant group said.

In the West Bank on Saturday, one rocket fired from Gaza landed in the Palestinian town of Bethlehem, the traditional place of Jesus' birth, and another in Hebron, where Hamas has a stronghold.

Because Palestinian cities do not have air raid sirens, Hebron residents were reportedly monitoring the sirens of the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arba in order to be alerted to incoming rockets.

Israel has reported no casualties as the Iron Dome has intercepted more than 130 Palestinian rockets.

The Israeli operation, which follows the murders of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank and the killing of a Palestinian teenager last month, appears more aggressive than the last outbreak of hostilities in November 2012, when an estimated 133 Palestinians were killed.

Israel warns northern Gaza residents to evacuate
What kind of air strikes will they be using? I have been hearing reports of threats to use carpet bombing. This will lead to indiscriminate killings.

Israel, please stop.
Evacuate to where? Egypt or Jordan?

They're threatening to carpet bomb northern Gaza since if they go on a ground invasion don't want to suffer some casualties therefore carpet bomb thousands of civilians.

The death toll is now near 157, and over 1100 injured(not light injuries). And the Arab world just wants to sit and watch. I can't believe what we have become. We used to be the front line of defense for all Muslims.
What kind of air strikes will they be using? I have been hearing reports of threats to use carpet bombing. This will lead to indiscriminate killings.

Israel, please stop.
Israelis are barbarians, they don't listen to reason. It is something totally alien to them!!!

Now wait for the IndiZions to go mad!!
What kind of air strikes will they be using? I have been hearing reports of threats to use carpet bombing. This will lead to indiscriminate killings.

Israel, please stop.

It's nothing new my friend. They have been this way forever. Why do they need to carpet bomb northern Gaza? Because some rockets fired which were all intercepted? Does it hurt their feelings that the Palestinians respond with minimal force?

I wonder if the world will just watch this or what. Most of my family live in northern Gaza and are terrified right now.

Israelis are barbarians, they don't listen to reason. It is something totally alien to them!!!

Now wait for the IndiZions to go mad!!

Any Zionist criminal who comes here and excuses this needs to be banned permanently.
They're threatening to carpet bomb northern Gaza since if they go on a ground invasion don't want to suffer some casualties therefore carpet bomb thousands of civilians.

The death toll is now near 157, and over 1100 injured(not light injuries). And the Arab world just wants to sit and watch. I can't believe what we have become. We used to be the front line of defense for all Muslims.

They have to stop.
Israelis are barbarians, they don't listen to reason. It is something totally alien to them!!!

Now wait for the IndiZions to go mad!!

I can understand their use of surgical airstrikes on the rocket location(s), but they don't have to target civilian homes. The latter does not defend their cause, only to project their unnecessary use of force.

I just saw a video of a Palestinian father collecting the remains of his child. A victim of these air strikes. This is just too sad. How can they even observe Ramadan whilst this happens?
civilians must be protected... not a single military men is seen in palestine, where the hell are they? They should star evacuating the people man... this is ridiculous.
Yes. Abbas needs to make a general announcement to evacuate their homes and go to bunker shelters. At the same time, Israel needs to, it must, stop with the threat of bombings. They are indiscriminately killing civilians: women, children, elderly, young men. Many of whom have nothing to do with Hamas.
Yes. Abbas needs to make a general announcement to evacuate their homes and go to bunker shelters. At the same time, Israel needs to, it must, stop with the threat of bombings. They are indiscriminately killing civilians: women, children, elderly, young men. Many of whom have nothing to do with Hamas.

Abbas has nothing to do with Gaza. And Gaza is very small, several km wide and only about 40 long. It's population is nearing 2 million. Nobody can move anywhere and shelters are few, there is no space. In 2009 Israel even bombed the UN shelters were some were taking refugee killing 49 children and women.

I've been to Gaza plenty of times, it's very very densely populated. The place they're threatening to bombard has the heaviest population in Gaza as well. If they include Gaza city you're talking over 700,000. It makes no sense that people accept such barbaric Israeli threats all because Israel decided to start mass murdering Palestinians to achieve political goals.

If they do go on with this threat. The international world must take all Israeli leaders to ICC.

They also must do a no fly zone over Gaza.
Abbas has nothing to do with Gaza. And Gaza is very small, several km wide and only about 40 long. It's population is nearing 2 million. Nobody can move anywhere and shelters are few, there is no space. In 2009 Israel even bombed the UN shelters were some were taking refugee killing 49 children and women.

I've been to Gaza plenty of times, it's very very densely populated. The place they're threatening to bombard has the heaviest population in Gaza as well. If they include Gaza city you're talking over 700,000. It makes no sense that people accept such barbaric Israeli threats all because Israel decided to start mass murdering Palestinians to achieve political goals.

If they do go on with this threat. The international world must take all Israeli leaders to ICC.

They also must do a no fly zone over Gaza.

I'm so sorry to hear this, my friend. My heart and prayers go out to all the innocent people in Gaza, may God protect them from any harm and violence. Amen/ Ameen.
What kind of air strikes will they be using? I have been hearing reports of threats to use carpet bombing. This will lead to indiscriminate killings.

Israel, please stop.
There us never any carpet bombing. Just one wrong bomb can kill hundreds in Gaza. The usual pattern is follow:

1) Israel calls to residents of house to be attacked.
2) Then small rocket is fired as warning.
3) Then house is destroyed.

Hamas should stop firing rockets , if they want no further loss of life.

Israelis have warned , now human shields stay back only at their own risk.

There us never any carpet bombing. Just one wrong bomb can kill hundreds in Gaza. The usual pattern is follow:

1) Israel calls to residents of house to be attacked.
2) Then small rocket is fired as warning.
3) Then house is destroyed.

Why do you believe that residents of house allegedly serving as human shields won' t tip off Hamas terrorists ??

Hamas should stop firing rockets , if they want no further loss of life.

Israelis have warned , now human shields stay back only at their own risk.

Why do you believe that residents of house allegedly serving as human shields won' t tip off Hamas terrorists ??

You moron Indian, other nations don't occupy people for over 70 years and put them in an open air prison then attack those in the open air prisons to elicit a small response from the Palestinians.

Unlike the photo presented by the propaganda colonialist racist army, there are no sky skrapers being blown out nor has one person yet be killed by the small rockets fired in retailaiton from Gaza.

You moron Indian, other nations don't occupy people for over 70 years and put them in an open air prison then attack those in the open air prisons to elicit a small response from the Palestinians.
1) Gaza is not occupied.
2) Israel does not control the Gaza-Egyptian border at all.

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