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Israel warns India of al Qaeda threat, seeks protection of its subjects


Feb 21, 2014
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Israel's alert to Indian intelligence and security agencies has given rise to fears that al-Qaeda and its affiliated groups are making inroads into the country. The alert was sent by Israel seeking protection for its citizens and assets in India in the light of recent international terror threats.

As per Israel's threat perception, al-Qaeda and its affiliated organisations - al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and Ansar al-Sharia - may try to attack Israeli citizens when they are in India.

The Israeli inputs cannot be brushed off lightly as interrogations of Indian Mujahideen (IM) terror operative Yasin Bhatkal's by central intelligence agencies in India revealed that IM's Pak-based founder member Riyaz Bhatkal has had several rounds of meetings with al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan. The purpose was to expand the IM's area of operation and also plan and execute international terror attacks.


The alert comes in the wake of the Jewish holidays and festival season in May and June when citizens travel extensively to various parts of the world. This is the time when the community celebrates Israel's Independence Day, Lag B'Omer and Shavuot holidays. The alert suggests that there is a possibility that Israeli tourists may be attacked at hotels, Chabad centres, synagogues, restaurants, community centres and other places of Jewish congregation.
The inputs also suggests there could be danger to Israeli's concentrations at airports and even at seaports where Israeli ships arrive. In the Mumbai terror attacks in 2008, Jewish centres were specifically targeted.

In 2012, a terrorist attack was carried out against Israeli citizen in India and in Bulgaria. There were attempted terrorist attacks that were thwarted that same year against Israeli targets in Thailand and Georgia.

Read more at:Israel warns India of al Qaeda threat, seeks protection of its subjects : North, News - India Today
This is nonsense, Israel doesn't have intelligence from the West to the East.

You reap what you sow Israel, don't launch terrorist attacks against the people of the Middle East next time.

If this has any truth in it, although I have a feeling it's a typical day where India and Israel want to refer to Muslims as 'terrorists'. Even though they're some of the worst terrorist scum on this earth:

Bodies found, more missing after India massacre of Muslims| Reuters
Jaffna hospital massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish-Zionist Terror.
Iranian scientist involved in nuclear program killed in Tehran bomb attack - The Washington Post

WOW Only now I found it out. Thanks for link. This is a slap in the face for the Indians who come and preach human rights to Sri Lankans while they have so much blood on their hands.

Did you really just find out about it my dear friend? Their double standard is amazing isn't it?
This is nonsense, Israel doesn't have intelligence from the West to the East.

You reap what you sow Israel, don't launch terrorist attacks against the people of the Middle East next time.

If this has any truth in it, although I have a feeling it's a typical day where India and Israel want to refer to Muslims as 'terrorists'. Even though they're some of the worst terrorist scum on this earth:

Bodies found, more missing after India massacre of Muslims| Reuters
Jaffna hospital massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish-Zionist Terror.
Iranian scientist involved in nuclear program killed in Tehran bomb attack - The Washington Post


1) Israel and its neighbours can attack each other as much as they want, for all we care. But not on Indian soil. It is our sovereign duty to protect anybody in Indian territory, no matter where they may be from or what religion they follow. Keep your neighbourhood tiffs in your neighbourhood.

2) India has more muslims than your entire middle east. And guess what, they all live much more safely than most parts of your middle east. The number of muslims killed in riots in India is less than a fraction of a fraction of those that are killed in your middle east each year. Of course even a single killing is regrettable and condemnable, but don't pretend that India is the place that terrorizes muslims en masse. Look at your own favorite regions for that. Also, in these religious riots, muslims have also killed non muslims - it's not a one way street. And no we don't consider muslims to be terrorists, unless they indulge in terrorism. The majority of our muslim population do no such thing.

WOW Only now I found it out. Thanks for link. This is a slap in the face for the Indians who come and preach human rights to Sri Lankans while they have so much blood on their hands.
Do you want a list of massacres perpetrated by the SL armed forces? I believe there is an entire wiki page devoted simply to list out the names of such massacres. And BTW, I don't think India officially preaches about human rights to SL - many other nations do.
1) Israel and its neighbours can attack each other as much as they want, for all we care. But not on Indian soil. It is our sovereign duty to protect anybody in Indian territory, no matter where they may be from or what religion they follow. Keep your neighbourhood tiffs in your neighbourhood.

Don't allow Israeli Mossad agents into your nation whom have blood on their hands.

2) India has more muslims than your entire middle east. And guess what, they all live much more safely than most parts of your middle east. The number of muslims killed in riots in India is less than a fraction of a fraction of those that are killed in your middle east each year. Of course even a single killing is regrettable and condemnable, but don't pretend that India is the place that terrorizes muslims en masse. Look at your own favorite regions for that. Also, in these religious riots, muslims have also killed non muslims - it's not a one way street. And no we don't consider muslims to be terrorists, unless they indulge in terrorism. The majority of our muslim population do no such thing.

Live more safely? How do you come to that conclusion? Since the Arab people are busy in uprisings against their local regimes?

The point was that terrorism isn't exclusive to Muslims, Israelis have committed terrorism in Iraq and India has committed terrorism in Pakistan.

This intelligence 'briefing' is fabricated by Israel to make it appear that they're threatened by 'Islamic terrorism' so they could claim that case against the Palestinians.

In other words to justify their occupation and crackdowns against the Palestinian people under the pretext of fighting 'Global Jihad'.
Don't allow Israeli Mossad agents into your nation whom have blood on their hands.

Live more safely? How do you come to that conclusion? Since the Arab people are busy in uprisings against their local regimes?

The point was that terrorism isn't exclusive to Muslims, Israelis have committed terrorism in Iraq and India has committed terrorism in Pakistan.

This intelligence 'briefing' is fabricated by Israel to make it appear that they're threatened by 'Islamic terrorism' so they could claim that case against the Palestinians.

In other words to justify their occupation and crackdowns against the Palestinian people under the pretext of fighting 'Global Jihad'.

1) The warning was about Israeli tourists, not MOSSAD agents.

2) It is not a conclusion, it is an observation. Muslims are slaughtered more in the middle east than anywhere else, including India. And yes, there are islamic terror groups in India, that is not a figment of our imagination. I can name several for you if you want, not to mention the Pak based ones that try to harm India. We have suffered more due to islamic terrorism than any other country on the planet - and yet you won't hear us labelling all muslims as terrorists, and India continues to be the home of a large chunk of the world's muslim population. Close to a fifth of all muslims live in India.

3) And no, India has not committed terrorism in Pak, that is a pathetic attempt by Pakistanis to pretend that India plays the same dirty game they do. We don't need to - we are stronger than them, and capable of standing on our own, without resorting to what they call "non state actors". Pakistan does not have the military might to engage India in direct military confrontation, so to steal our state they have been using terrorism since the 80s. And failing, of course. You won't find Indians roaming the streets of Karachi and shooting innocent people, like you saw Pakistanis doing in Mumbai.

You have a problem with calling al qaeda and it's affiliates as terrorists? why is that?
Don't allow Israeli Mossad agents into your nation whom have blood on their hands.

Live more safely? How do you come to that conclusion? Since the Arab people are busy in uprisings against their local regimes?

The point was that terrorism isn't exclusive to Muslims, Israelis have committed terrorism in Iraq and India has committed terrorism in Pakistan.

This intelligence 'briefing' is fabricated by Israel to make it appear that they're threatened by 'Islamic terrorism' so they could claim that case against the Palestinians.

In other words to justify their occupation and crackdowns against the Palestinian people under the pretext of fighting 'Global Jihad'.
yes exactly that.
1) The warning was about Israeli tourists, not MOSSAD agents.

The Israeli state is responsible for their actions. Bad actions lead to increased danger for your citizens.

2) It is not a conclusion, it is an observation. Muslims are slaughtered more in the middle east than anywhere else

Slaughtered by terrorists, NATO, dictatorial regimes.

3) And no, India has not committed terrorism in Pak, that is a pathetic attempt by Pakistanis to pretend that India plays the same dirty game they do.

Oh yeah, sure you don't. :lol:

You have a problem with calling al qaeda and it's affiliates as terrorists? why is that?

No I don't, if I wanted to support them I would. Regardless of what your hopeless *** could wish for. I have a problem with fabricated 'intelligence' which serves one purpose which I explained above.

I also have a problem with the double standard by Israelis and Indians.
The Israeli state is responsible for their actions. Bad actions lead to increased danger for your citizens.

Slaughtered by terrorists, NATO, dictatorial regimes.

Oh yeah, sure you don't. :lol:

1) When they are in India, it is India's duty to protect them, whether they are Israelis or Arabs or Africans.

2) Sure, blame anybody you want. But the fact remains that muslims in India live much more safely than muslims in the middle east, and that was my point. By the way, what would be the religion of the "terrorists" in that sentence? Not that it matters to my point.

3) We don't. Give evidence or STFU.
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