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Israel to arm FSA terrorists in Syria?

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Weapons for Jihadists in Syria: Israel steps in for Qatar and Britain

It seems that the Israeli regime steps in as supplier of weapons for Qatar as well as for the British Prime Minister David Cameron, and thus for the government in Britain, which has recently decided that they better not send further arms, ammunition and other kind of “military aid” to the foreign-backed terrorists and jihadists fighting in Syria against the secular government of President Bashar al-Assad in the capital, Damascus.

Although Britain sends chemical warfare protection to the terrorists and jihadists in Syria now. Of course, not the best replacement for the previously promised new and modern weapons for the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) terrorists fighting against the Syrian government and the Syrian Al Qaeda branch within Syria.

According to a new report by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the Israeli regime under the lead of Benjamin Netanyahu (some call him “Nero-tanyahu”) has decided to make an U-turn on the issue in terms of the arms deliveries to the foreign-backed terrorists in Syria and thus, the Israeli regime decided to send weapons and ammunition to the Islamists, religious fanatics and terrorists fighting in Syria. This could be, in terms of national security of the Israeli occupation power, probably not the best decision they have ever made so far.

It seems that the Israeli regime is more concerned about a currently very possible victory of the Syrian government and army forces against all terrorist groups and kinds of armed thugs and fighters on Syrian soil, than they are about many jihadists and terrorists with new and modern weapons on Syrian soil. Although the current Syrian government backs Hezbollah and Iran, there is the certainty that Israel had not the worst times in terms of Syria in recent years. Thus, the new decision a little bit strange but that`s probably normal for somebody such as Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to reports about the decision of the Israeli regime and Benjamin Netanyahu to make an U-turn and to start the preparations of sending weapons into the hands of terrorists and Islamists in Syria, while some of these groups they are going to arm have also an innate hatred against Israel, the Israeli regime is not only concerned about the possible victory of the Syrian government in the capital Damascus, but also about the situation in their illegally occupied Golan Heights and, yeah, somebody has to jump in for the drawback by Qatar and Britain.

Qatar has some other things to do currently and David Cameron has listened to his security advisers, so both decided to not send weapons in the hands of strangers in Syria.

Strangers in the sense of that if they send weapons and military aid into Syrian territory, and want these arms to reach the hands of the terrorist groups of the supported “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), there is a huge possibility since some weeks that the weapons will finally land in the arms of the Syrian Al Qaeda offshoot due to the situation that the Syrian Al Qaeda branch (e.g. Al Nusra Front) is already more powerful and has more control over certain Syrian regions than the still foreign-supported “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) terrorists that lose the most battles against the Syrian army and against the Al Qaeda-linked groups now.

The Israeli regime has approved the delivery of weapons and “military aid” – with one exception. As reported, the Israeli regime is not interested to send anti-aircraft weapons into the hands of the foreign-backed terrorists and Islamists in Syria.

Weapons for Jihadists in Syria: Israel steps in for Qatar and Britain - SyriaNews

Netanyahu authorizes arms shipment to "rebels" in Syria

According to Haaretz, 15 July 2013, the government of Benjamin Netanyahu has backtracked on the issue regarding the delivery of weapons to the "rebels" in Syria [1].

Concerned about the consequences of a victory at the hands of the Assad government—backed by Hezbollah and Iran—and following the unrest in the Golan Heights, the Israeli government has apparently decided to fill in for Qatar. It has thus approved the delivery of weapons, with the exception of anti-aircraft weapons.

Netanyahu authorizes arms shipment to "rebels" in Syria

Israel tones down opposition to Western arming of Syrian rebels - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz


on the side note:


According to a new report by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the Israeli regime under the lead of Benjamin Netanyahu (some call him “Nero-tanyahu”) has decided to make an U-turn on the issue in terms of the arms deliveries to the foreign-backed terrorists in Syria and thus, the Israeli regime decided to send weapons and ammunition to the Islamists, religious fanatics and terrorists fighting in Syria.

Weapons for Jihadists in Syria: Israel steps in for Qatar and Britain - SyriaNews
This is NOT what Haaretz says:

Israel tones down opposition to Western arming of Syrian rebels.

Until now Israel opposed Western arming of rebels. Now it became neutral. That does not mean however that Israel is going to arm them by itself.

P.S. Why every single ur thread starts with

Too much drama.

Dramatic Chipmunk - YouTube
Weapons for Jihadists in Syria: Israel steps in for Qatar and Britain

It seems that the Israeli regime steps in as supplier of weapons for Qatar as well as for the British Prime Minister David Cameron, and thus for the government in Britain, which has recently decided that they better not send further arms, ammunition and other kind of “military aid” to the foreign-backed terrorists and jihadists fighting in Syria against the secular government of President Bashar al-Assad in the capital, Damascus.

Although Britain sends chemical warfare protection to the terrorists and jihadists in Syria now. Of course, not the best replacement for the previously promised new and modern weapons for the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) terrorists fighting against the Syrian government and the Syrian Al Qaeda branch within Syria.

According to a new report by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the Israeli regime under the lead of Benjamin Netanyahu (some call him “Nero-tanyahu”) has decided to make an U-turn on the issue in terms of the arms deliveries to the foreign-backed terrorists in Syria and thus, the Israeli regime decided to send weapons and ammunition to the Islamists, religious fanatics and terrorists fighting in Syria. This could be, in terms of national security of the Israeli occupation power, probably not the best decision they have ever made so far.

It seems that the Israeli regime is more concerned about a currently very possible victory of the Syrian government and army forces against all terrorist groups and kinds of armed thugs and fighters on Syrian soil, than they are about many jihadists and terrorists with new and modern weapons on Syrian soil. Although the current Syrian government backs Hezbollah and Iran, there is the certainty that Israel had not the worst times in terms of Syria in recent years. Thus, the new decision a little bit strange but that`s probably normal for somebody such as Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to reports about the decision of the Israeli regime and Benjamin Netanyahu to make an U-turn and to start the preparations of sending weapons into the hands of terrorists and Islamists in Syria, while some of these groups they are going to arm have also an innate hatred against Israel, the Israeli regime is not only concerned about the possible victory of the Syrian government in the capital Damascus, but also about the situation in their illegally occupied Golan Heights and, yeah, somebody has to jump in for the drawback by Qatar and Britain.

Qatar has some other things to do currently and David Cameron has listened to his security advisers, so both decided to not send weapons in the hands of strangers in Syria.

Strangers in the sense of that if they send weapons and military aid into Syrian territory, and want these arms to reach the hands of the terrorist groups of the supported “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), there is a huge possibility since some weeks that the weapons will finally land in the arms of the Syrian Al Qaeda offshoot due to the situation that the Syrian Al Qaeda branch (e.g. Al Nusra Front) is already more powerful and has more control over certain Syrian regions than the still foreign-supported “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) terrorists that lose the most battles against the Syrian army and against the Al Qaeda-linked groups now.

The Israeli regime has approved the delivery of weapons and “military aid” – with one exception. As reported, the Israeli regime is not interested to send anti-aircraft weapons into the hands of the foreign-backed terrorists and Islamists in Syria.

Weapons for Jihadists in Syria: Israel steps in for Qatar and Britain - SyriaNews

Netanyahu authorizes arms shipment to "rebels" in Syria

According to Haaretz, 15 July 2013, the government of Benjamin Netanyahu has backtracked on the issue regarding the delivery of weapons to the "rebels" in Syria [1].

Concerned about the consequences of a victory at the hands of the Assad government—backed by Hezbollah and Iran—and following the unrest in the Golan Heights, the Israeli government has apparently decided to fill in for Qatar. It has thus approved the delivery of weapons, with the exception of anti-aircraft weapons.

Netanyahu authorizes arms shipment to "rebels" in Syria

Israel tones down opposition to Western arming of Syrian rebels - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz


on the side note:




NUMBER OF ARABS DEAD FROM ASSAD REGIME = 200,000+ ( counting 1982 and lebanon war as well as those assasinated over the years as well ) TIME LINE 1960-PRESENT DAY


NUMBER OF ARABS DEAD FROM ISRAEL = 40,000 (Counting all the wars insurgencies assasination etc etc )

so when your idiot leader and his idiot father have killed more arabs than ISRAEL who do you think is the bigger SATAN Israel or your idiot leader ?

A- martians
B- the Swiss
C- Israel
D- your glorious idiotic murdering regine

what are your sources Syrian Lion?
voltaire website sick website about conspiracy theories
propaganda machine from your country
all other article are not matching

just stop with this Syrian Lion, that is not good for you, your country, and showing so much of propaganda won't help for good your people
what are your sources Syrian Lion?
voltaire website sick website about conspiracy theories
propaganda machine from your country
all other article are not matching

just stop with this Syrian Lion, that is not good for you, your country, and showing so much of propaganda won't help for good your people

Israel has been giving medical aid to FSA fighters near Golan. They have an interest in keeping this fight going.

So that they would send weapons, while still uncertain, is not totally inconceivable. Nthing conspiracy theory about it.
Israel has been giving medical aid to FSA fighters near Golan. They have an interest in keeping this fight going.

So that they would send weapons, while still uncertain, is not totally inconceivable. Nthing conspiracy theory about it.

I've always felt that the rebels are Israel sponsored. One main reason is their attack on the Golan Heights. This justifies any Israeli assault on Syria or any bid to recapture Golan.
Israel has been giving medical aid to FSA fighters near Golan. They have an interest in keeping this fight going.

So that they would send weapons, while still uncertain, is not totally inconceivable. Nthing conspiracy theory about it.

you iranis of allll people should shut your mouth about keeping the fighting going and giving weapons and men to the confilict . if anything its your fault its escalated
You seem very agitated.

I have 100,000+ reasons to be agitated . or what ever the current death toll is , playing coy and/or smart with me will get your no where , you guys talk big and blame other but ever since your western-backed ayyatollahs came to power and youve literally sent this entire region to hell .
I have 100,000+ reasons to be agitated . or what ever the current death toll is , playing coy and/or smart with me will get your no where , you guys talk big and blame other but ever since your western-backed ayyatollahs came to power and youve literally sent this entire region to hell .

Yes Iran is western backed as its used as a base for US soldiers and CIA operatives to train insurgents, to topple the Syrian government. Oh wait, thats not Iran, but Jordan.
Yes Iran is western backed as its used as a base for US soldiers and CIA operatives to train insurgents, to topple the Syrian government. Oh wait, thats not Iran, but Jordan.

I wonder where khomieni livee before he went back to iran OH WAIT a guest of the french government . I wonder whom he met with before going home OH WAIT THE CIA . we all know exactly what jordan is and what it isnt . and jordan is tiny and non existent compared to iran ( im not jordanian bub try again smart *** )
Israel to arm FSA terrorists in Syria?

Why would they? Israel Mossad chief: Bashar al Assad is Israel's best man in Syria

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Israel has been giving medical aid to FSA fighters near Golan.
The two boys, 9 and 15 years old, were transferred to Ziv Hospital in Safed for treatment.


Earlier this week, a 13-year-old Syrian girl was treated at Nahariya’s Western Galilee Hospital, and last week a seriously injured 16-year-old was treated at Ziv Hospital.

Minors wounded in Syrian fighting brought to Israel | The Times of Israel

They have an interest in keeping this fight going.
Iran is prolonging the war by sending weapons and Hezbollah to failed dictator.
Correct, no one can be a 100% sure about Israel's stand on this conflict.

Just want to make a correction, those who have been given medical aid by Israel are civilians, mostly youngsters
Israel has been giving medical aid to FSA fighters near Golan. They have an interest in keeping this fight going.

So that they would send weapons, while still uncertain, is not totally inconceivable. Nthing conspiracy theory about it.

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