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Israel strikes seven sites in Gaza in response to rocket barrage


Jan 14, 2014
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The Israeli Air Force jets attacked seven sites in the Gaza Strip on Thursday afternoon in response to a rocket barrage fired by Gaza toward the Israeli coastal cities Ashkelon and Ashdod.

The sites attacked were a tunnel, Gaza infrastructure and a command center, a source in the IDF told Haaretz.

A senior Israeli officer told Haaretz Thursday that the IDF summoned "a limited number" of air defense reservists in response to the recent escalation. The soldiers summoned are from the IDF.

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired Grad rockets at Israel on Thursday morning striking open areas between Ashkelon and Ashdod, following a relatively quiet night.

The barrage was the latest renewal of tensions between Israel and Gaza, which escalated a day earlier when Islamic Jihad militants fired some 70 rockets at southern Israel over the course of the day. Ashdod ordered all schools lacking protected space to evacuate students.

The military wing of the Palestinian Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibilities for the rocket fire, declaring in a statement that all of the group's units were on high alert along the border and would respond forcefully to any Israeli action in Gaza.

Israel Air Force carried out strikes in the Gaza Strip Wednesday evening, in response to the rockets. Jets struck 29 targets across the Strip, the IDF said in a statement.

"The IDF will not tolerate attempts to harm Israeli citizens and soldiers, and will continue to act forcefully and dicisivelly against any who uses terror against the State of Israel. Responsibility [for the strike] lies with the terrorist organization Hamas."

Of the 70 missiles that were fired at Israel earlier, fourty-one struck within Israeli territory, hitting various locations near the Strip. A 57-year-old woman w was lightly hurt when she ran toward a safe zone. One missile hit Sderot, another landed within Shaar Hanegev Regional Council, and others struck areas around Netivot, Sdot Negev and Eshkol Regional Councils.

The IDF's Iron Dome system successfully intercepted three rockets, and area residents have been called to stay within protected areas.

Israel strikes seven sites in Gaza in response to rocket barrage - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

I have a thread on this, nobody post separate threads. This article doesn't mention this was a response to the deaths of 5 Palestinians and a cease fire has been announced.
Islamic Jihad initiated conflict on orders of Tehran and were put into body bags. Where they belong.
JEWS beat palestinians even more after they successfully provoked the reaction, with daily fundamental rights restrictions, murders, thefts, sabotages

Islamic Jihad initiated conflict on orders of Tehran and were put into body bags. Where they belong.
Go to the hospital seek treatment against iranian obsession

We clearly realize how you make the fake capture of iranian weapons before your attacks to wound hundreds of palestinians

I have a thread on this, nobody post separate threads. This article doesn't mention this was a response to the deaths of 5 Palestinians and a cease fire has been announced.
Your thread says "palestinian attack against JEWS"

No, it says retaliation to Israeli attack and the events are mentioned on the first page.

This thread says Israel is attacking in response when israel initiated this latest skirmish.

No, it says retaliation to Israeli attack and the events are mentioned on the first page.

This thread says Israel is attacking in response when israel initiated this latest skirmish.
You'd better have titled it "Israelo-palestinian conflict from march 2014" and i would be glad to post in it as a disciplined citizen
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