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Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites


Apr 8, 2007
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The Israeli military is preparing itself to launch a massive aerial assault on Iran's nuclear facilities within days of being given the go-ahead by its new government.

Among the steps taken to ready Israeli forces for what would be a risky raid requiring pinpoint aerial strikes are the acquisition of three Airborne Warning and Control (AWAC) aircraft and regional missions to simulate the attack.

Two nationwide civil defence drills will help to prepare the public for the retaliation that Israel could face.

“Israel wants to know that if its forces were given the green light they could strike at Iran in a matter of days, even hours. They are making preparations on every level for this eventuality. The message to Iran is that the threat is not just words,” one senior defence official told The Times.

Officials believe that Israel could be required to hit more than a dozen targets, including moving convoys. The sites include Natanz, where thousands of centrifuges produce enriched uranium; Esfahan, where 250 tonnes of gas is stored in tunnels; and Arak, where a heavy water reactor produces plutonium.

The distance from Israel to at least one of the sites is more than 870 miles, a distance that the Israeli force practised covering in a training exercise last year that involved F15 and F16 jets, helicopters and refuelling tankers.

The possible Israeli strike on Iran has drawn comparisons to its attack on the Osirak nuclear facility near Baghdad in 1981. That strike, which destroyed the facility in under 100 seconds, was completed without Israeli losses and checked Iraqi ambitions for a nuclear weapons programme.

“We would not make the threat [against Iran] without the force to back it. There has been a recent move, a number of on-the-ground preparations, that indicate Israel's willingness to act,” said another official from Israel's intelligence community.

He added that it was unlikely that Israel would carry out the attack without receiving at least tacit approval from America, which has struck a more reconciliatory tone in dealing with Iran under its new administration.

An Israeli attack on Iran would entail flying over Jordanian and Iraqi airspace, where US forces have a strong presence.

Ephraim Kam, the deputy director of the Institute for National Security Studies, said it was unlikely that the Americans would approve an attack.

“The American defence establishment is unsure that the operation will be successful. And the results of the operation would only delay Iran's programme by two to four years,” he said.

A visit by President Obama to Israel in June is expected to coincide with the national elections in Iran — timing that would allow the US Administration to re-evaluate diplomatic resolutions with Iran before hearing the Israeli position.

“Many of the leaks or statements made by Israeli leaders and military commanders are meant for deterrence. The message is that if [the international community] is unable to solve the problem they need to take into account that we will solve it our way,” Mr Kam said.

Among recent preparations by the airforce was the Israeli attack of a weapons convoy in Sudan bound for militants in the Gaza Strip.

“Sudan was practice for the Israeli forces on a long-range attack,” Ronen Bergman, the author of The Secret War with Iran, said. “They wanted to see how they handled the transfer of information, hitting a moving target ... In that sense it was a rehearsal.”

Israel has made public its intention to hold the largest-ever nationwide drill next month.

Colonel Hilik Sofer told Haaretz, a daily Israeli newspaper, that the drill would “train for a reality in which during war missiles can fall on any part of the country without warning ... We want the citizens to understand that war can happen tomorrow morning”.

Israel will conduct an exercise with US forces to test the ability of Arrow, its US-funded missile defence system. The exercise would test whether the system could intercept missiles launched at Israel.

“Israel has made it clear that it will not tolerate the threat of a nuclear Iran. According to Israeli Intelligence they will have the bomb within two years ... Once they have a bomb it will be too late, and Israel will have no choice to strike — with or without America,” an official from the Israeli Defence Ministry said.

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they better hurry up S-300 SAMs r on their way :sniper:
Iranian flag
lol Israel's a cunning *%$#@. They act without telling others they are going to act. Look at all the pre-emptive strikes in first arab israel war and also in 67. So they are only scaring off iran. the thing is iran is not getting scared. which is making me pretty happy:) S-300 is coming yup!:guns:
lol Israel's a cunning *%$#@. They act without telling others they are going to act. Look at all the pre-emptive strikes in first arab israel war and also in 67. So they are only scaring off iran. the thing is iran is not getting scared. which is making me pretty happy:) S-300 is coming yup!:guns:

If the Iranians are not scared, why are they hurrying the deal on the S-300 which is considered a game changer?.
If the Iranians are not scared, why are they hurrying the deal on the S-300 which is considered a game changer?.

everyone has the right to defend themselves, but the iranians are thinking more than 'just defence',and rightfully so.........uncle sam cannot run around in asia with a thousand nuclear arms in pocket,telling us what to do and what not to do........
everyone has the right to defend themselves, but the iranians are thinking more than 'just defence',and rightfully so.........uncle sam cannot run around in asia with a thousand nuclear arms in pocket,telling us what to do and what not to do........

He is saying the Iranians are not scared, I want to know why he said that and based on what information. S-300 is a game changer, that is a fact, the Iranians are desperate for this deal...the question here is why so desperate?.

If it is purely for defensive reasons and unrelated to the possible Israeli attacks then they could just let the deal unfold in due time instead of pushing the Russians to proceed with the deal.
He is saying the Iranians are not scared, I want to know why he said that and based on what information. S-300 is a game changer, that is a fact, the Iranians are desperate for this deal...the question here is why so desperate?.

If it is purely for defensive reasons and unrelated to the possible Israeli attacks then they could just let the deal unfold in due time instead of pushing the Russians to proceed with the deal.

okay,i got you now.........but my point is wouldnt even the mightiest of superpowers be upset if he by any chance came to know about a possible terror attack on him.........iranians i guess are well prepared to deter any possible israeli attacks,they are just preparing the extra dose........thnx
If the Iranians are not scared, why are they hurrying the deal on the S-300 which is considered a game changer?.

it's not called being scared. if i charge towards you with a knife, you are going to take defensive measures. you are not going to stand there grinning and doing nothing. Iran is going to protect it's right to have nuclear power, and I believe it has the right to hold nuclear weapon because Israel, the real evil has nuclear warheads to potentially destroy so many lives in middle east. There should be balance otherwise Israel will kill innocent peope at her own sweet will as it has been doing since its illegal creation.
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He is saying the Iranians are not scared, I want to know why he said that and based on what information. S-300 is a game changer, that is a fact, the Iranians are desperate for this deal...the question here is why so desperate?.

If it is purely for defensive reasons and unrelated to the possible Israeli attacks then they could just let the deal unfold in due time instead of pushing the Russians to proceed with the deal.

Iran is the most threatened counry in the world. Some big powers are bullying Iran for long time. Any country that has the capability to arm itself with S-300 and if there is an actual need for that, then why not?!
We know what Israels plans are, Question is what will Iran do in response to the attacks.

I think Iran may encourage Hezbollah to conduct sabotage operations within Israel, it would be a strategic maneuver by Iran, and may divert attention from what Iran itself will do. I'm sure Iran will also exercise it's power in Iraq, targeting US troops, and you can bet the Iranian air force will be on alert.

Iranians/Persians are a people of ethnocentric pride and history, they will not bow down to the slaves now free men they freed under Cyrus the Great.

What I'm interested in what is Iranian Air Force's potential to strike within Israel?

In this case I'm sure Iran's ally Syria will provide air bases and refueling stations for such operations, if needed.


As far as Israeli asking for tacit approval from the US for such strike operations in Iran, the Israeli lobby AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee) will work hard to push Pres. Obama, his cabinet, and the US congress to support Israel's war actions. Overall, I think this is a real possibility considering AIPAC's tremendous influence in D.C.
I know Israel is not that stupid but who know the day Israel make the mistake of striking Iran. US will lose war in Iraq and Afghanistan because Iran’s will strike against US. Israel will never feel save. This war will end when one of them is completely destroyed.
I believe it has the right to hold nuclear weapon because Israel

That statement is wrong. Just because "A" has nukes, "B" should also have it.

If that was the case, then everyone should have nukes.
Iran is the most threatened counry in the world. Some big powers are bullying Iran for long time. Any country that has the capability to arm itself with S-300 and if there is an actual need for that, then why not?!

Which is why the Iranians badly need the S-300, they are worried.
israel will not bomb iran without U.S permission and U.S is not giving it to them
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