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Israel refuses to let Gaza woman visit sick mother because medical report says 'State of Palestine'


Jun 1, 2012
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Israel refuses to let Gaza woman visit sick mother whose medical report says 'Palestine' - National Israel News | Haaretz

Gaza woman refused permission to travel to West Bank, where her mother is sick with advanced colon cancer.


Israel has refused to let a Gaza woman travel to the West Bank to care for her cancer-stricken mother because the medical report describing the mother’s serious condition bore the heading “State of Palestine.”

T., 26, applied on December 17 for a permit to go to the West Bank with her two children, 5 and 2, so she could be with her sick mother. The application was passed on to Israel’s Coordination and Liaison Administration (which is subordinate to the Defense Ministry’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories) by its Palestinian counterpart, which answers to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.

On December 22, since no response had been received, Hamoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual sent a follow-up request to the liaison administration on T.’s behalf. Hamoked’s Omri Metzer detailed the mother’s condition: advanced colon cancer, metastasis in the liver and spine, weakness, edema, chemotherapy and a possible hip operation.

He also attached a copy of the medical report that T. had sent with her original request, a report issued by the Palestinian Health Ministry’s hospital administration division, with the words “State of Palestine” at the top of the page.

On December 29, T. was summoned to a meeting with a Shin Bet security service investigator at the Erez crossing between Israel and Gaza. The next day, Metzer sent the liaison administration a reminder that T. was awaiting a reply, along with another copy of the medical report. Soldiers from the liaison administration confirmed to Hamoked that both his first and second letters had arrived, as had the medical report.

On December 31, the liaison administration informed T. that her request had been denied. But the letter it sent her gave no reason for this decision, nor was it signed by a liaison administration officer.

Metzer called the administration and spoke by telephone with Maj. Tarek Shanan, who heads the administration’s civilian coordination department for Gaza. According to Metzer, Shanan told him the request “was rejected in accordance with the criteria, because the mother is suffering only from back pains.” Under the liaison administration’s criteria, Palestinians are allowed to exit or enter Gaza only if a first-degree relative dies, gets married or falls seriously ill.

When Metzer explained to Shanan that the back pains in question were caused by cancer, Shanan said the medical report had never arrived. So the next day, January 1, Metzer sent a copy of the medical report for the third time.

Soon afterward, 2nd Lt. Nir Yaron, the liaison administration’s public complaints officer, informed Metzer that T.’s application couldn’t be dealt with, because the words “State of Palestine” appeared at the top of the medical report. To continue processing her application, Yaron continued, it would be necessary to send a report with the heading “Palestinian Authority.”

The liaison administration said T.’s application was rejected “because it didn’t meet the criteria for issuing a permit to visit the sick. After receiving additional documents, a decision was made to reconsider the request. After the examination process has been completed, a decision will be sent to the applicant.”
Meanwhile another 1000 people killed this week in Syria. But payed false flag spammer thinks that Palestinian visit is much more important.
Meanwhile another 1000 people killed this week in Syria. But payed false flag spammer thinks that Palestinian visit is much more important.

Oh yeah, when even your lying and distortion tactics fail you, that's what you lot do: play the Syria card; exploit the plight of a people you care nothing about. 'Tis a bit too obvious to work now, though.
Oh yeah, when even your lying and distortion tactics fail you, that's what you lot do: play the Syria card; exploit the plight of a people you care nothing about. 'Tis a bit too obvious to work now, though.
Well if u care about Arabs u should post about Syria. But you never do. Like you never post anything about South America where u claim u live.

So u dont give a damn about South America (supposedly ur own region).
You dont give a damn about Arabs.

But you daily spam idiotic articles about Israel. Conclusion: you are a false flag propagandist and spammer.
Well if u care about Arabs u should post about Syria. But you never do. Like you never post anything about South America where u claim u live.

So u dont give a damn about South America (supposedly ur own region).
You dont give a damn about Arabs.

But you daily spam idiotic articles about Israel. Conclusion: you are a false flag propagandist and spammer.
Why would someone come on a Pakistani forum with 99% members from Asian continent to post about Brazil?

He probably came here because he is interested in the Middle East and he wants to post about it. Also Israelis are not one to talk about people being paid to post on forums.

Israel To Pay Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

In fact out of everybody here you have the highest chance of being a paid propagandist. As you only ever post trying to show Israel in a positive light. No matter what the story you try to put a positive spin on it for Israel, it is very fishy.
Well if u care about Arabs u should post about Syria.

How about you post on Syria, if you like to hear about it so much? Or is it that Syria is only relevant when you can use them to deflect from your country's mad thuggery?

But you never do. Like you never post anything about South America where u claim u live.

I apologize for saying your only trick is to pull the Syrian card - you've found another one to disrupt Israel threads.

You dont give a damn about Arabs.

Unlike you, I don't think of "Arabs" as a monolith - being passionate in an Arab country will not by itself get me terribly nterested in others either. Some people are just naturally attracted to Palestine, deal with it.

But you daily spam idiotic articles about Israel. Conclusion: you are a false flag propagandist and spammer.

I'm reporting your posts for being both defamatory, insulting and off topic. I will look for previous posts with similar accusations and do the same. I won't allow you to ruin debate with your cry baby hysterics.
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Why would someone come on a Pakistani forum with 99% members from Asian continent to post about Brazil?

He probably came here because he is interested in the Middle East and he wants to post about it. Also Israelis are not one to talk about people being paid to post on forums.
There is a dedicated forum for Americas here. There are threads on Brazil (selection of new fighter, for example). "Brazilian" RFS does not appear there. :D

Pakistan is not Middle East but South Asia. Also if he was interested in Middle East he wouuld post on Syria, Egypt, Iraq. But all he is doing is spamming Israel bashing articles.Polutes forum with articles about Palestinian hurt finger and so on.

How about you post on Syria, if you like to hear about it so much?

I'm reporting your posts for being both defamatory, insulting and off topic. I will look for previous posts with similar accusations and do the same. I won't allow you to ruin debate with your cry baby hysterics.
You are crying to moderators because u are unable to answer me.
There is a dedicated forum for Americas here. There are threads on Brazil (selection of new fighter, for example). RFS does not appear there. :D
I'm not going to be ordered by you - I'll post what I like. Deal with the content I create, not with the flags I put on my profile. But perhaps you're making all this drama because you don't want to do that?

Whom you only cite when you want to create diversions from Israeli behavior. As in, right now.

You are crying to moderators because u are unable to answer me.
It's already been answered - I post what I like and you have no right to derail from the thread's topic with ad hominem and hysteria only because of your nationalistic sensitivities. I'll keep denouncing off topic posts of yours as defamatory and disruptive - including this latest one.
There is a dedicated forum for Americas here. There are threads on Brazil (selection of new fighter, for example). "Brazilian" RFS does not appear there. :D

Pakistan is not Middle East but South Asia. Also if he was interested in Middle East he wouuld post on Syria, Egypt, Iraq. But all he is doing is spamming Israel bashing articles.Polutes forum with articles about Palestinian hurt finger and so on.

Maybe the reason is that he has only problem with you guys. Anyway, we cannot tell anyone on an international forum to post or not to post something. ;)
BTW, they are many arabs in Brazil as far as I know, and many of them are lebanese. BTW, @RFS_Br Are you from arab ancestry or just curious about the ME? maybe the answer clears doubts of @500.

@SinaG , Doust e Aziz, be onvaan e yek doust behet tosiye mikonam ke kheyli khodet ra vaared e ekhtelaafaat e inha nakon. faghat etlaaf e vaght baraaye shoma khaahad boud. ;) in section por az troll ham hast, ke faghat a'saabet ra mirizan be ham ;)
@RFS_Br Are you from arab ancestry or just curious about the ME? maybe the answer clears doubts of @500.
I'm not, as I made clear before. And neither do I think interests should be determined by one's ethnicity and nationality only, as if moral questions involving a particular nation should elicit no interest beyond its borders.
I'm not, as I made clear before. And neither do I think interests should be determined by one's ethnicity and nationality only, as if moral questions involving a particular nation should elicit no interest beyond its borders.

Agree. I was just curious to know ;)
I'm not going to be ordered by you - I'll post what I like. Deal with the content I create, not with the flags I put on my profile. But perhaps you're making all this drama because you don't want to do that?
If you want people to belive that you are really Brazilian you should do some effort and et least pretend a bit.

It's already been answered - I post what I like and you have no right to derail from the thread's topic with ad hominem and hysteria only because of your nationalistic sensitivities. I'll keep denouncing off topic posts of yours as defamatory and disruptive - including this latest one.
Stop whining. There is nothing to derail here. This topic is utter example of your spamming behavior.

You should thank me that i am bumping ur silly threads. :lol: And the reason I am bumping them is that I want everyone to see how pathetic and whining are propagandists like u.
If you want people to belive that you are really Brazilian you should do some effort and et least pretend a bit.

Stop whining. There is nothing to derail here. This topic is utter example of your spamming behavior.
Denounced again.

My friend don't feel intimidated by the one of the biggest jokes on this forum. :lol:

I've made him go insane several times. Just learn him well and it will be easy to push his buttons...:D

Now he's taking it too far and derailing the thread so ill mention a couple moderators here.... @Serpentine , @Aeronaut
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