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Israel: Major air force exercise held in busy skies


Oct 25, 2013
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IAF's Tel Nof airbase drills massive strike capability this week; "We can hit thousands of targets in a few days in a future war," senior source says.

IAF war drill. (photo credit:IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)

Tel Nof Air Base, central Israel, Tuesday: A siren wailed through the base, as soldiers, technicians, ground crews, and pilots scrambled, honing their responses to a mock air assault on this strategic target south of the city of Rehovot.
It was only a drill, but an important one, simulating a full-scale conflict on the northern front.
The drill enabled the base’s munition assembly crews to practice their critical role in any future war: putting together guided bomb kits and churning out hundreds of the precision- guided weapons per day.
“This is an assembly line, producing bombs,” a senior IAF officer from the Technical Branch said.
In any conflict, the F-15 fighter jets that operate out of Tel Nof would seek to take off several times a day and shoulder their burden in the air force’s goal of firing thousands of precision- guided bombs at enemy targets a day, every day.

(Photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)

At that rate, within a few days, thousands of Hezbollah targets would be in flames, provided that sufficient intelligence exists on that many targets.
Targets are marked out before the eruption of hostilities, and the database can grow during the fighting as well.
“We want to attack as many targets as possible in as little time as possible.
Thousands of targets. In 24 hours, we can send thousands of bombs from Israel, each one weighing a ton,” the officer added.
Next to him, soldiers from various Technical Branch units, wearing colored vests and the names of their roles printed across them, worked swiftly.
They moved MK-84 bombs (dubbed “heavy hail” in the IAF) on forklifts to an assembly table and installed guidance systems onto the bombs.
They can produce hundreds of joint direct attack munitions. “They are safeguarding their operational readiness,” the source said.
Each bomb, which contains a 430-kilogram warhead, can level a high-rise building.
“If we drop thousands of bombs like these, there isn’t a state that would not surrender. This is the firepower of world powers,” the source stated.

(Photo credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)

During the exercise, the bombs underwent a rapid q u a l i t y assessment test to ensure that they function correctly.
Those that pass receive a small smiley sticker, indicating that the munitions are ready for use.
“Operation Protective Edge [in Gaza 2014] was not a test for us. Israel can take far more bombs of these kinds and deliver them to targets,” the source said, adding that modern guidance systems can take bombs to within a meter of their targets, from an altitude of 30,000 feet.
Pre-prepared bombs can be quickly loaded onto the base’s two F-15 jet squadrons.
The planes roared through the air as they took off in packs of four, drilling intensive air strike missions this week, practicing a hastened takeoff, strike and landing procedure.
“This is a new capability that we have developed over the past four to five years,” said the officer. “The bottleneck used to revolve around preparing the right q u a n t i t y of bombs.
Now, we have built a whole mechanism to churn out guided bombs,” he added.
A second senior source, who is highly familiar with the IAF’s precision weapons systems, described the complex process that occurs in every bomb to cause the explosive material inside to go off.
“It’s not easy to make this explode.The material inside is not easily triggered,” the source said. The IAF has become a world leader in developing electronic triggers that can enable pilots to detonate the bombs, or to program the munitions to go off at various stages of the journey to the target. This enables the IAF to choose whether to penetrate a target before setting off the bomb, blowing it on impact, or explode over it to create a wider shock wave that can topple anything in its radius.
The bomb’s ballistic angle, controlled by the guidance kit, enables pilots to choose whether to strike an entire building or merely the fourth floor, the source said.

Meanwhile, a third senior officer said that the two F-15 squadrons are flying platforms that date back to the 1970s, but that only the exterior of the platforms are actually that old.
“The avionics, communications, command and control, and mission capabilities are all in line with 2015,” the source said.

The squadrons have two roles: to intercept hostile aircraft and launch air-to-ground strikes on enemy targets.
Tel Nof’s F-15s struck some 1,000 Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets during last year’s summer conflict in Gaza – around a fifth of all targets hit by Israel.
Asked if the IAF would want to receive a new F-15 squadron, a possibility raised in talks between Israel and the US over the next decade’s defense package, the source said, “Everyone in the IAF would be glad to receive another F-15 squadron.”
Tel Nof is also home to squadrons of Yasur (CH-53 Sikorsky) transport helicopters, which can refuel in midair and move around 50 soldiers in a single flight, and a squadron of Israel Aerospace Industries-made Heron TP reconnaissance drones.
The drone is undergoing “massive development, both in terms of quantity and, especially, capabilities,” the source said. “We put everything that one can put on a drone on the Eitan,” the source said, using the IAF’s name for the Heron TP. “It does not get tired.”
The high altitude, long-range drone can observe enemy targets from high up and act as a crucial intelligence tool, the source said.
Asked to discuss the involvement of the Russian Air Force in Syria, the source said the arrival of the Russians represents the introduction of a “new and central player.
We are interested in separation; a ‘live and let live’ approach.”
The coordination mechanism between Israel and Russia, described by the source as a “primitive” setup, enables established telephone lines to be activated to deescalate if needed, though neither side seeks authorization from the other for its air activities in the region.
In any potential conflict on the northern front, the goal will be to “activate the database of targets that is relevant. That is what we are preparing for in this drill,” the source said.

Preparations include dealing with sophisticated Russian-made surface-to-air missile systems on the northern front that could bring down IAF aircraft.
Hezbollah could also target Israeli air bases with its growing number of GPS-guided missiles and rockets.
“I live on the assumption that I won’t have air defenses for our base, though I know that we do have them. The air force will protect me [from GPS-guided projectiles in the North],” the source said.
“We know how to deal with these threats,” he said, while acknowledging that “the ease with which we can fly over enemy territory is changing [for the worse].”

The IAF has been planning ways of flying through the area-denial anti-access bubble that the enemy is trying to set up on the northern front with Russian-made missile batteries.
“We think we can deal with what we know exists. We can also strike from all sorts of ranges,” the source said, referring to long-range standoff munitions that would enable the jets to hit ground targets while staying out of range of the enemy’s missile batteries.
Nevertheless, he said, the IAF does not intend to shy away from flying directly over the northern front wherever necessary, to provide close air support to any ground forces.
“When they [the ground force] fight on the ground, our planes, helicopters, and drones will be with them,” the source said.

'No country can stand up to Israel Air Force's firepower' - Israel News - Jerusalem Post

Major air force exercise held in busy skies - Israel News, Ynetnews
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Im so Glad to have you Gentlemen here.
No Doubt your country deserves the greatest respect when it comes to strength and Valour.

@DavidSling @Archdemon
Every professional airforce in the world does that every now n then and i believe indian airforce does that too, so whats a big deal about it, and looks like you as an indian wont leave any oppertnity to lift their balls.
Oh nice, some of my friends serve there.
I served in "David sling" (artillery) brigade/kela david

I wanted to know what is the take of general Israelis on current Russia-Turkey conflict. If there is anything serious will Israel support turkey militarily or even diplomatically ?
I wanted to know what is the take of general Israelis on current Russia-Turkey conflict. If there is anything serious will Israel support turkey militarily or even diplomatically ?
After so many tantrums of Erdogan towards Israel, an average Israeli doesn't see Turkey as a partner, moreover an ally (Although I personally congratulate Turkey for downing a Russian jet).

However, it doesn't mean Israel will support Russia-Assad-Iran trio against Turkey. After all, Israel has much more friends among NATO members, than outside NATO.
Every professional airforce in the world does that every now n then and i believe indian airforce does that too, so whats a big deal about it, and looks like you as an indian wont leave any oppertnity to lift their balls.
It's called "TC" in Punjabi, right?
Im so Glad to have you Gentlemen here.
No Doubt your country deserves the greatest respect when it comes to strength and Valour.

@DavidSling @Archdemon

True, @DavidSling @Archdemon Israel is a country that i respect alot as well for its contribution to humanity through its smart citizens and technology. Israel often reminds me of Britain a small country by size yet with an immense influence over the world and its massive contribution to the current world we live in. So just like Japan and Britain, Israel realized that even if a country is poor in natural resources, it can still count on human resources. Its no surprise that Israel despite its size outdo all other countries in the middle east who are all far larger than Israel by size/landmass/manpower.

For example 22% of Nobel laureates are Jews. Their proportion in world population is just 0.2%.:cheesy: In defense research, Israel also leads all countries in the middle east. I think survival instinct is quite a strong motivation for this. In that and everything else, probably because Israel has an unique pool of smart and innovative, motivated and hard-working people from around the world to attract (not by paycheck), and to attract their donations, since Jewish culture appreciates education and science more than most cultures.:agree:

However, The Arabs/muslims also help Israel indirectly. lol Since Israel has no choice than to be on their toes always and we all know that when you cant be complacent you have to always strive to be at your best and outdo your enemies. Simply put "necessity is the mother of invention".:D Since when Israel started out, they were (and still are, unfortunately) surrounded by unfriendly nations with considerable military assets and much larger population bases. The only way they could even the odds was to develop superior technology. Which they have by far.:enjoy:

No wonder Israel is known in the world as the "Startup Nation".
Kudos,Always give credit when due.:cheers:
"Non-Stop" Training Exercise has come to an End
This week, the IAF carried out a wide training exercise which focused on the northern front. Aside from the IAF's platforms that trained non-stop, the exercise included a special debriefing and mental exercises

A wide scale training exercise took place this week with the purpose of strengthening the readiness and ability of the IAF in the northern arena.
"The exercise tested the force from end to end. From the pilot in the cockpit through the 'Shaldag' commando unit soldier on the ground, the UAV operator and the intelligence in headquarters", explained Col. Or, the Head of the Training Department.
The planning process of an exercise of this magnitude is not simple and requires rigorous preceding preparation. Many other Military units took part in the exercise besides the IAF such as the Navy and the Northern Command. "Many months of strenuous work are required in order to reach a situation in which all of these units can practice their missions under one organized idea", said Col. Or.

Aerial Supremacy
The whole combat aircraft division took part in the exercise. Together, they practiced widespread defense of Israeli aerial space. "We worked in shifts and flew all the time, we practiced use of many kinds of weaponry and communication with control, aerial supervision and the Aerial Operations Division", explained Maj. Omer from the "Knights of the Orange Tail" Squadron which operates F-16I jet fighters.

The missions of the Combat Division are diverse: from intercepting penetration of enemy aircraft into Israeli territory, to attack missions such as attack of terror infrastructure in the northern arena. "We execute an array of missions besides attack and defense such as photography, intelligence gathering in real time and analysis of attack results", added Lt. Yuval from the "Knights of the Orange Tail" Squadron.

"We practiced missions that are associated with the beginning of combat, with the goal of massive attacks of as many targets as possible in order to intimidate and determine the campaign. These missions are supposed to be executed under enemy missile threat", elaborated Maj. Roy from "The One" Squadron.
An additional Division that is essential to the preservation of aerial supremacy is the UAV Division. Throughout the exercise, the division dealt with a few of its core missions in one of the most challenging arenas when it comes to unique characteristics, the arena's topographic and geographic features and the plethora of threats it holds.
One of the UAV Division's missions is identification of enemy SAM Batteries and Rockets launchers.
"When a fighter jet arrives at its target zone in the air, we are the ones to identify the target and direct it in real-time", said Lt. Col. Omer, the commander of "First UAV" Squadron which operates "Heron" UAV's.

An Improvement in Debriefing
Despite debriefing always being a main issue in IAF activity, this time the participants were required to take another step forward in this field.
"We established a debriefing team that sat in the control center which included representatives from the 'Red' Squadron, Intelligence Directorate and operations officers", noted Col. Or.
As stated, the "Flying Dragon" Squadron, the IAF "aggressor" squadron which simulates the enemy air forces in training exercises, sent representatives to the debriefing teams in the control center in order to allow optimal inspection of headquarter activity.
"In preparation for the exercise, we simulated debriefing teams", shared Maj. Ohad, Deputy Commander of the "Flying Dragon" Squadron. "Our goal as the 'red' force is to create the most accurate reflection of the control center commanders' work, so we can figure out what happened and how".

Essential to the Mission
While all of the IAF's platforms are working non-stop, the Aerial Supervision Division must ensure that the missions are carried out in a safe and efficient manner.
"The wide training exercise is the best practice the division has. It simulates real time situations, in which all the problems that may arise are practiced", stated Lt. Nir, a supervisor in an Air Control Unit in the south. "The 'red force' is doing everything in its power to 'penetrate' the country, our goal is to avoid this".

In order to conduct this exercise in the entire Air Force, they must be fit for it. The success of the exercise is dependent on the Technical Division which works night and day towards its success.
Within the IAF exercise, the Technical Division practiced responding to ground events, working under missile fire in the Airbases and communication with headquarters.
"The IAF exercise was completed without any unusual events, the Technical Divisions in the Ramon Airbase responded exceptionally to every scenario that was checked. We are all committed to the mission", shared Lieut. Col. G', Commander of the Maintenance Squadron in the Ramon Airbase. In the Munition Factory in the Airbase, whose productivity under pressure was tested, opened a production line for aerial smart munitions for the first time. "We were able to complete the mission in less than half of the time we were allotted", stated Lt. Col. G'. "In addition to the operational element, we tested the commanders' productivity under pressure, how they operate events with multiple casualties and how they emotionally support their soldiers in times of crisis".

Close to the Ground
IAF's Tactical Transport aircraft also took a major part in the exercise, starting from exercising the division's main mission, to participating in the special-forces exercise that was conducted parallel to the force wide exercise. "Throughout the exercise, the C-130 practiced electronic warfare and joint missions", explained Capt. Nadav, Commander of Operational Unit in the "Yellow Bird" Squadron. "The missions included aerial refueling of CH-53 helicopters that evacuated soldiers from fields that simulated the Lebanon arena, flying special-forces at low levels as well as landings in the field".
The C-130J aircraft mostly practiced aerial supply for forces in deep enemy territory and tactical drops of special-forces units. Alongside the division's flight missions, the heavy transport squadrons practiced a full switch from routine to emergency scenario which also included deployment of the "Dakota Squadron" and the "International Squadron". The Sde-Dov Airbase practiced working under missiles barrages and regulating activity without electricity. In addition, they practiced evacuating injured soldiers and entrance to unprotected spaces.

The Israeli Air Force : "Non-Stop" Training Exercise has come to an End
After so many tantrums of Erdogan towards Israel, an average Israeli doesn't see Turkey as a partner, moreover an ally (Although I personally congratulate Turkey for downing a Russian jet).

However, it doesn't mean Israel will support Russia-Assad-Iran trio against Turkey. After all, Israel has much more friends among NATO members, than outside NATO.
can you post the recent idf air force base map, weapons manufacturing factory, missile complexs etc, etc.............:p:
Well for drill also try to infiltrate heavy defense installed sites as well ,as most Hezboullah targets can not retaliate i do wonder with S300 in Iran what strategy IsAF has ?
israel has for most part friendly relations with neighboring and non neighboring arab states , so if they ever want to send their entire fleet of f-15s and f-16s over iran to bomb "thousands of targets" at once , that would simply be deemed as a suicide mission , at least in the eye of the american , you'll lose your legitimacy at once
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