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Israel Likely To Buy Boeing's Upgraded F-15 Fighter jet


Apr 28, 2011
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Israel is likely to buy a squadron of Boeing's upgraded F-15s and also has plans to buy either Sikorsky-Lockheed Martin's CH-53 K helicopters or Boeing's CH-47 Chinook.

Most of the funds for the procurement will come from $3.33 billion US aid allocated for the F-35 projects and missile inventory, Globes reported today.

Israel is preparing for two major deals with the US, including the procurement of aircraft designed to renew its stock of warplanes and transportation helicopters. It has been decided to purchase two air force squadrons, following the establishment of a squadron of F-35 Adir stealth aircraft.

The IDF received its first F-35s in December. The exact budget for buying the planes will become clear only after the budget is divided in the framework of the Gideon multi-year plan and the beginning of implementation of the new aid agreement in 2018.

For a long time, the air force wanted to replace its F-15s, manufactured by Boeing, with a better version of the aircraft equipped with an advanced active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar system. The aircraft does not have stealth capabilities, but it can carry larger payloads and has advanced attack capabilities. Further, it can be operated by a two-man crew, which is an advantage in complex missions. Moreover, the twin-engine warplane can continue operating even when one of the engines is disabled.

The new F-15s cost $100 million a plane. They are more advanced than the F-15s purchased from the US by Saudi Arabia and Qatar in recent years.

Former senior air force officers explained that the assessment of the new F-15s is based on the belief that the IDF cannot rely on only one type of plane.

Another transportation helicopter being considered by the IDF is the CH-47 Chinook, Boeing's veteran transportation helicopter. The difference in price between Lockheed Martin's helicopter and that of Boeing is estimated at one third, however, the final cost depends on the demand for it from foreign armies.


MARCH 9, 2017 03:15

First two F-35 stealth fighters, the world’s most advanced, joined an aging fleet in December.


F-35 fighter jet. (photo credit:LOCKHEED MARTIN)

Israel is working on two large procurement deals with the United States for jet fighters and helicopters to upgrade two IAF squadrons.

Following the establishment of its first F-35 stealth squadron, the force, Defense Ministry and US arms companies are said to be working on the next deal, projected to total several billion dollars.

F-35i and Sufa fighter jets fly over Israel (credit: IDF SPOKESMAN)

With Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman meeting with top officials in the Trump administration in Washington this week, it is likely that these deals will be discussed.

Funding is to come from part of the MoU signed in September between Jerusalem and Washington that would provide Israel with $38 billion in military assistance over the next decade, to include American- designed weapons systems such as the F-35, the world’s most advanced stealth fighter, two of which Israel took delivery in December. With at least $7 billion of the MoU earmarked for purchasing the F-35s, Israel is set to receive 50 of the planes to form two full squadrons by 2022.

Following the signing of the agreement, then-US national security adviser Susan Rice said that “This additional funding will allow Israel to update the lion’s share of its fighter aircraft fleet, including the acquisition of additional F-35s and F-15s.”

The exact cost of the deals and the types of aircraft involved will be decided only after the military’s budget is finalized in the framework of the IDF’s multiyear Gideon plan and the implementation of the MoU, which takes effect on October 1, 2018. The deal reportedly includes advanced versions of the F-15 or a variant of the F-35.

Most of the Israel Air Force’s aircraft are approaching 30 years old, and most of its F-15s are out of date, with the majority acquired in the second half of the 1970s. A more advanced version of the F-15, the F-15I, arrived in Israel in the 1990s.

In December, the air force retired the remaining F-16A and F-16B (Netz) fighter jets, which had made up the backbone of the IAF. The remaining planes, the F-16C/D Barak, and one of the most advanced F-16s, the F-16I Soufa, gives Israel the largest contingent of F-16s outside the United States, with more than 300 of the jets. All the aircraft have been heavily modified with Israeli-made avionics, self-protection systems, radar and advanced weapons, such as the Python 4 and 5 air-to-air missiles and the Popeye and Spice AGM’s.

The F-15 model that Israel is interested in purchasing is able to carry larger quantities of various types of munitions, advanced radar systems, and various other upgrades than the earlier models. Since it is not a stealth plane, Boeing has designed its wings to be able to carry additional bombs and missiles. The F-35 stealth fighter is more limited in the weapons it can carry, as they have to be stored internally in order to maintain a low radar signature.

In addition to new fighters, the Defense Ministry has also inquired about purchasing new heavy transport helicopters as part of the MoU in order to replace the aging fleet of CH-53 Sea Stallions (Yasur), in service since 1969.

While they have been upgraded with new electronics and a missile defense system, the IAF will need to replace them by 2025, when they will be over 50 years old.


@Penguin @500 @Natan @Archdemon @GBU-28 @F-15I @mike2000 is back @Blue Marlin @Mountain Jew @Beny Karachun @Adir-M @Ilay @theman111
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Israel is likely to buy a squadron of Boeing's upgraded F-15s

The new F-15s cost $100 million a plane. They are more advanced than the F-15s purchased from the US by Saudi Arabia and Qatar in recent years.

So, this means upgrading of existing Israeli airframes (by Boeing)? Or new airframes from Boeing, that are more advanced (in which case the term 'upgraded' is inappropriate).
So, this means upgrading of existing Israeli airframes (by Boeing)? Or new airframes from Boeing, that are more advanced (in which case the term 'upgraded' is inappropriate).
Newly made F15s, I version ofcourse.
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