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Israel, Greece, USA Start Mediterranean Naval Exercise


Feb 9, 2014
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Naval Exercise for Israel - USA - Greece

Israeli, Greek and US military personnel met in Crete last week to kick off "Noble Dina 2014", a two-week, trilateral exercise in the Mediterranean Sea.This is the fourth annual exercise conducted by the three countries, and will involve hundreds of military personnel deployed on advanced surface ships, air assets and submarines, according to a report on DefenseNews website.

In addition to search and rescue, sea maneuvering, anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and coordinated command-and- control missions, which have been practiced in previous years, Noble Dina 2014 will feature undersea divers and other specialists deployed for joint port protection. The Israel Navy’s Snapir Unit, a relatively new and highly specialized force trained for persistent surface and underwater port security, will support the newest element of the drill scheduled for later this week at a Cretan port.

“This is something new that reflects common, critically important operational requirements,” said Rear Adm. Yaron Levi, chief of staff of the Israel Navy. “It’s a long, complex and extremely substantive exercise aimed at enhancing the already significant coordination and interoperability among the three navies,” Levi said. Levy insisted that despite widespread perceptions, Noble Dina is not a replacement for Reliant Mermaid, a trilateral exercise that Israel had conducted for 10 years with the US and Turkey. The Israeli ORBAT includes a Dolphin-class submarine, a Sa’ar-5 Corvette-class ship, two Sa’ar 4.5 missile boats and ASW capabilities in addition to the Snapir Unit.

Or Heller reports that until the year 2009 the navies of Israel and the United States have conducted exercises with the Turkish Navy, but the cooperation between Israel and Turkey was suspended in the wake of the Mavi Marmara incident. "Since the incident, Israel has intensified its security relations with Greece and Cyprus, which are considered rivals of Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean," Heller reported. "The Navy emphasized that while the exercise with Turkey was in the form of a search and rescue exercise, the exercise with Greece and the United States simulates marine combat within a coalition."''

Naval Exercise for Israel - USA - Greece
The Turkish Navy and Palestinian Navy should conduct joint exercises then as well. :coffee:
Not panicking,just stating facts.
Now we have to look to the South(beyond Syria)for another enemy(Israel)all thanks to your beloved Erdogan.

Don't be afraid of Israel, you guys are getting so many blessings for standing up against them. Turks were always mighty people, if you're worried about the south the Palestinians have weapons which can target the Israeli navy. We got your backs if they ever attack Turkey. :D :tup:
Don't be afraid of Israel, you guys are getting so many blessings for standing up against them. Turks were always mighty people, if you're worried about the south the Palestinians have weapons which can target the Israeli navy. We got your backs if they ever attack Turkey. :D :tup:
Afraid?You are funny.
We are not afraid of nothing and noone,it has nothing to do with being afraid.
This is bigger then Palestine,the US is sending Erdogan a message.
Why else would Israel come closer to Greece?
What i dont get is,who is behind Erdogan,Russia,China, both,or Martians?
Foreighn policy is fkd up.
We'll see what the future brings.
Afraid?You are funny.
We are not afraid of nothing and noone,it has nothing to do with being afraid.
This is bigger then Palestine,the US is sending Erdogan a message.
Why else would Israel come closer to Greece?
What i dont get is,who is behind Erdogan,Russia,China, both,or Martians?
Foreighn policy is fkd up.
We'll see what the future brings.

What message exactly? So if any Arabs/Muslims express any support to Palestinians the US will punish them. This means their foreign policy in the Middle East is tailored for Israeli interests and this should be enough for Arabs not to develop ties with them. That's why I always say, the faster we become more vocal in our support for Palestine the quicker you will see the world come out of its closet as if we've been their sworn enemies for centuries. I believe we should start heading towards this stage so we can rid ourselves from this condition imposed on our heads.

You can thank Saudi Arabia which does nothing to help combat this even though they have great relations with the US. Arabs really make things impossible, especially if Saudi Arabia later becomes efficient. It does not want to help itself, it just wants to protect its monarchy. Which is why I say Gaza-Turkey-Iran need to upgrade relations ASAP. If the MB was in power in Egypt today this wouldn't have been so complicated.
What message exactly? So if any Arabs/Muslims express any support to Palestinians the US will punish them. This means their foreign policy in the Middle East is tailored for Israeli interests and this should be enough for Arabs not to develop ties with them. That's why I always say, the faster we become more vocal in our support for Palestine the quicker you will see the world come out of its closet as if we've been their sworn enemies for centuries. I believe we should start heading towards this stage so we can rid ourselves from this condition imposed on our heads.

You can thank Saudi Arabia which does nothing to help combat this even though they have great relations with the US. Arabs really make things impossible, especially if Saudi Arabia later becomes efficient. It does not want to help itself, it just wants to protect its monarchy. Which is why I say Gaza-Turkey-Iran need to upgrade relations ASAP. If the MB was in power in Egypt today this wouldn't have been so complicated.
I told you before,this has nothing to do with Gaza.
It has to do with Israel, unless you suggest otherwise?
My guess,Erdogan has personal issues with Israel and uses Iran and Gaza.
Dont start with the Flottila incident,the problems were there before that.
My guess,Erdogan has personal issues with Israel and uses Iran and Gaza.
Dont start with the Flottila incident,the problems were there before that.

I know it's personal and it's geniune, which is why many people support him. All Muslim leaders should be that way. Which is why I'm telling you those three should upgrade relations since they mean business. Hopefully at the same time Russia and the US get in a Cold War in the Middle East and more US interests are damaged. This way we can isolate useless anti self determination Saudi Arabia which pressures US/Europe to attack Muslim nations and persecute the MB. After this that's it, we will seize the moment. It's enough we don't have patience anymore. All of this in the Middle East are living under the boot of the US and Israel and frankly I'm sick of this shit.
I know it's personal and it's geniune, which is why many people support him. All Muslim leaders should be that way. Which is why I'm telling you those three should upgrade relations since they mean business. Hopefully at the same time Russia and the US get in a Cold War in the Middle East and more US interests are damaged. This way we can isolate useless anti self determination Saudi Arabia which pressures US/Europe to attack Muslim nations and persecute the MB. After this that's it, we will seize the moment. It's enough we don't have patience anymore. All of this in the Middle East are living under the boot of the US and Israel and frankly I'm sick of this shit.
Instead of going to war you should think of a political way to have a country.
First be a country,then do whatever you want.
Forget about attacking Israel,nobody will help you,you will be left alone,its just bigtalk.
Instead of going to war you should think of a political way to have a country.
First be a country,then do whatever you want.
Forget about attacking Israel,nobody will help you,you will be left alone,its just bigtalk.

Why do you guys make assumptions as if we're stupid people? We have some of the most amazing political brains in the world. Nobody would think about attacking Israel immediately, when I said seize the moment I meant in our nations. Israel would be the last thing to be dealt with, now we just need to significantly alter the geo-political status in the region. It will be interesting the next ten years. Btw, when you speak of politics, we will not regain our rights easily. Politics does not work in the favor of Arab people. Interests and resources matter, this is why we have this hegemony in our region. They will milk the resources out of us. Please do not tell me the joke that Jewish extremists would end their occupation and daily violation of Palestinian rights....

Nothing is big talk btw, there are millions who seek freedom in our Arab world and seek dignity. It's the era where this hegemony will come to an end.
Why do you guys make assumptions as if we're stupid people? We have some of the most amazing political brains in the world. Nobody would think about attacking Israel immediately, when I said seize the moment I meant in our nations. Israel would be the last thing to be dealt with, now we just need to significantly alter the geo-political status in the region. It will be interesting the next ten years. Btw, when you speak of politics, we will not regain our rights easily. Politics does not work in the favor of Arab people. Interests and resources matter, this is why we have this hegemony in our region. They will milk the resources out of us. Please do not tell me the joke that Jewish extremists would end their occupation and daily violation of Palestinian rights....

Nothing is big talk btw, there are millions who seek freedom in our Arab world and seek dignity. It's the era where this hegemony will come to an end.
Well i wish you good luck then.
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