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Israel fears Iran attack on London Games: Report


Jul 20, 2012
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Israel has bolstered its security presence for the London Olympics amid fears that an Iranian terror squad in Europe may be planning an attack on its athletes, according to a press report on Sunday.

Scotland Yard and Britain's domestic intelligence service MI5 are believed to have raised their assessment of the threat against the Israeli delegation following last week's suicide attack on an Israeli tourist bus in Bulgaria, the Sunday Times reported.
The Israeli government has reportedly dispatched agents from its internal security service Shin Bet to protect its team of athletes.

Meanwhile Israel's foreign security service Mossad is said to have sent a team, codenamed Bayonet, to Europe in search of a group of terror suspects believed to be working with Iran's Quds force and Hezbollah.

Quds, the special operations unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, has recruited several white European Islamic converts, including two from Germany, one from Sweden and two Britons, security experts were cited as saying.

The bus bombing which killed six people in the Black Sea resort of Burgas last Wednesday has sparked fears of a repeat of the 1972 Munich Olympics attack by Palestinian gunmen in which 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed.

One of the terror suspects being sought by Israeli agents ahead of the London games is a man carrying a US passport in the name of David Jefferson, who is believed to have fled after the Bulgaria attack, the Sunday Times said.

Bulgarian police along with the CIA, FBI and Interpol are struggling to identify the suicide bomber who killed five Israelis and the Bulgarian bus driver in an attack the US said bore the "hallmarks" of Hezbollah.

Bulgaria's interior minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov said the bomber was not a Bulgarian citizen and had been in the country "not less than four days."

Israel has blamed Iran and Tehran's "terrorist proxy" Hezbollah, saying it fitted a pattern of other recent attacks or attempted attacks on Israelis including in Thailand, India, Georgia, Kenya and Cyprus.

The Islamic Republic rejected the accusations as "ridiculous."

Israel's 38-strong team of athletes arrived at the Olympic village in Stratford, east London, 12 days ago as Britain prepared to launch its biggest ever peacetime security operation.

But the plans, including surface-to-air missiles stationed at six sites, have been dogged by a growing row over a shortage of security guards after a private company said it could not provide enough staff.

The government is deploying an extra 3,500 troops. after G4S said it could not fulfil its contract to supply 10,500 private guards for Olympic venues, and is putting another 1,200 troops on standby.
Israel has habbit of day-dreaming. Israel only want to create anti-Iran atmosphere at doing his best to do propaganda against iran.
if isreal has problem with iran having nuclear missiles why dont he himself 1st get rid of his owns.
haha................. the story seem fake . Y the hell they give up name of secret security detail...... What so secrete abt it then if u are going to tell the whole damn world tht we are sending our secrete service group with our atheles.........

and it doesnt matter Iran is not going to attack , and if there is going to be attack on London Olympics then it would be a false flag to implicate Iran............... Just like Bulgaria attack ,without any damn investigation, Iran was held responsible for it .
Israel is trying very hard to implicate Iran so that Europeans take side with US and isreal to attack Iran......
Bulgarian police along with the CIA, FBI and Interpol are struggling to identify the suicide bomber who killed five Israelis and the Bulgarian bus driver

So in one interview they say they know who did it, US says its Hezbollah, and Israel - Iran, but in this line they specifically confirm they have no idea.

Fear mongering and a frame job on Iran, as usual.

I Suggest British Personal Security For the Israel Atheletes, Just to Make Sure They Are Safe From Israel Attempt's to Frame Iran. :lol:

Touche my friend, touche :)
Won't be surprised if Israelis stage a false flag OP and blame it on Iran.I mean it could provide a great reason to attack Iran.
To you, every single terrorist attack is a false flag operation done by non-muslims. I mean, clearly, angels live in the Islamic world and not savages who would kill in the name of a religion. Pakistani Muslims ain't killing other Pakistani Muslims, that's just western propaganda and western agents.
Muslims are not killing non Muslims worldwide, nor slaughtering their own brethren, not at all.

The day you come out of the dream world that you live in is the day you can have a logical conversation, which is not likely.
To you, every single terrorist attack is a false flag operation done by non-muslims. I mean, clearly, angels live in the Islamic world and not savages who would kill in the name of a religion. Pakistani Muslims ain't killing other Pakistani Muslims, that's just western propaganda and western agents.
Muslims are not killing non Muslims worldwide, nor slaughtering their own brethren, not at all.

The day you come out of the dream world that you live in is the day you can have a logical conversation, which is not likely.

News : somebody farts in Tel Aviv :unsure:

Israel : iran did :rofl:
Crap... I do admire Israel (a lot)... But, this is just way too ridiculous trying all the time to be the center of attention.
To you, every single terrorist attack is a false flag operation done by non-muslims. I mean, clearly, angels live in the Islamic world and not savages who would kill in the name of a religion. Pakistani Muslims ain't killing other Pakistani Muslims, that's just western propaganda and western agents.
Muslims are not killing non Muslims worldwide, nor slaughtering their own brethren, not at all.

The day you come out of the dream world that you live in is the day you can have a logical conversation, which is not likely.

Well u are comparing two damn different things here ....... People have differnce and peolpe may in very severe case kill others.

But damn that doesnt mean they are going to wage a war on some other country .

We dont dream actually it is u people how are day dreaming that ur country never did anything .It is u who are day dreaming that you can frame another Muslim country just coz they are independent............. U are daydreaming that you are going to actually survive anyof this if you actually go on killing innocent lives by waging a war in iran................ Just for a hint i think u remember how ur armies best units ***** were kicked by heboullah..........and in return u satisifed ur ego with carpet bombing the innocent civilians........... So we aint angels but we aint blood hungry devil killing for the sake of fun.

So try to see the reality .............. Just one thing leave aside everything .Hw the hell your PM knows that iran killed israelis in bulgaria. Just 2 days after ur PM is accusing iran of all this....... Let us suppose iran did this what is it going to gain from this Common Sense NOTHING but more western going with isreal to attack Iran so see whose objective is being completed here.........
To you, every single terrorist attack is a false flag operation done by non-muslims. I mean, clearly, angels live in the Islamic world and not savages who would kill in the name of a religion. Pakistani Muslims ain't killing other Pakistani Muslims, that's just western propaganda and western agents.
Muslims are not killing non Muslims worldwide, nor slaughtering their own brethren, not at all.

The day you come out of the dream world that you live in is the day you can have a logical conversation, which is not likely.
Israel can go to any lengths to ensure destruction for it's enemy.After all Israeli PM threatened to nuke Iraq - A false flag attack in comparison is child's play.Israel has done false flag OP's before
A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as American spies to recruit members of the terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran.
After all Israeli PM threatened to nuke Iraq -
If you go to the linked article and then to its linked source you'll see that this charge is an invention - or, at best, a wild interpretation.

Fact is, Israel goes to war to protect its nationals. After decades of conflict Arabs understand that. The idea that Israel stages attacks against their own in pursuit of imperialistic goals is unsupportable. Just because Pakistan is guilty of this doesn't mean other countries are, too - this is your problem, not Israel's.
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