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Israel breaks Gaza ceasefire once again

Holy sh....wow, just.... Wow.

You've been defending ISIS last few months,
Thats not true. I always said ISIS (aka Iraqi Baath) are scum, but Assadists (Syrian Baath) are bigger scum.

and now you are defending apartheid South Africa.
Early apartheid was very ugly. Apartheid of 1980-es and 1990-es was mild and lesser evil than what we have now in SAR rape and AIDS capital. Surely they did not genocide end ethnically cleansed like those regimes u support.

Similarly I think that Rhodesia was better country than today's Zimbabwe.
Holy sh....wow, just.... Wow.

You've been defending ISIS last few months, and now you are defending apartheid South Africa. What's next? Are you going to tell us how awesome nazi Germany was?

Haha, seriously. You are something else, man.

The guy has identity crisis, before he was trying to put on a racist face to attract European sympathy on here. It didn't work out too well. Because Europeans believe the Jews are facilitating Muslim immigration into EU to eliminate the White race. Currently all he does is to portray Iranian axis as evil one but mainly so he can blame Iran for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict(by asserting Palestinian parties are proxies of Iran). This guy's denial level is off the roof. He refuses the reality that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, is an Pali-Izzy conflict which is excaberated by Israel's ongoing and intensifying occupation. Of course that hasn't worked too well recently due to breakup/lessening of ties between Hamas and Iran. And because public opinion in West is pro-Assad.

So his latest strategy is to claim Iranian Islamic revolution spawned Hamas, Taliban and ISIS. Once again he does this all out of his need to exonerate Israel from responsibility in the local conflict against the original inhabitants of Palestine. 500, these delusional aren't healthy. Lumping Hamas with ISIS won't work. Nor does blaming Iran for your occupation. You are responsible for the occupation, the settlements, the daily illegal transfer of Jewish civilians unto occupied territory, the conditions in the Gaza Strip and any reprisal attacks occurring in the West Bank by Palestinian individuals. Don't divert blame elsewhere.
Thats not true. I always said ISIS (aka Iraqi Baath) are scum, but Assadists (Syrian Baath) are bigger scum.

Early apartheid was very ugly. Apartheid of 1980-es and 1990-es was mild and lesser evil than what we have now in SAR rape and AIDS capital. Surely they did not genocide end ethnically cleansed like those regimes u support.

Similarly I think that Rhodesia was better country than today's Zimbabwe.

And how do you compare Nazi Germany with Islamic Republic of Iran? I mean, oof, Nazis were bad, but at least they weren't as anti-muslims as Iran, am I right or am I right? I mean, sure Hitler was evil, but at least he wasn't starving children like Assad, was he?
And how do you compare Nazi Germany with Islamic Republic of Iran? I mean, oof, Nazis were bad, but at least they weren't as anti-muslims as Iran, am I right or am I right? I mean, sure Hitler was evil, but at least he wasn't starving children like Assad, was he?
Hitler did starve children of course, more than Assad. Assad is basically a little Hitler. And Assadists dont even hide their Nazi ideology:


IRI on the other hand is little USSR. Similarities are striking.
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Hitler did starve children of course, more than Assad. Assad is basically a little Hitler. And Assadists dont even hide their Nazi ideology:


IRI on the other hand is little USSR. Similarities are striking.

Also, Stalin, Hitler, and the anti-muslim, armenian-loving mullahs all have facial hair. Coincidence? I think not!

You are absolutely fantastic.

The guy has identity crisis, before he was trying to put on a racist face to attract European sympathy on here. It didn't work out too well. Because Europeans believe the Jews are facilitating Muslim immigration into EU to eliminate the White race. Currently all he does is to portray Iranian axis as evil one but mainly so he can blame Iran for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict(by asserting Palestinian parties are proxies of Iran). This guy's denial level is off the roof. He refuses the reality that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, is an Pali-Izzy conflict which is excaberated by Israel's ongoing and intensifying occupation. Of course that hasn't worked too well recently due to breakup/lessening of ties between Hamas and Iran. And because public opinion in West is pro-Assad.

So his latest strategy is to claim Iranian Islamic revolution spawned Hamas, Taliban and ISIS. Once again he does this all out of his need to exonerate Israel from responsibility in the local conflict against the original inhabitants of Palestine. 500, these delusional aren't healthy. Lumping Hamas with ISIS won't work. Nor does blaming Iran for your occupation. You are responsible for the occupation, the settlements, the daily illegal transfer of Jewish civilians unto occupied territory, the conditions in the Gaza Strip and any reprisal attacks occurring in the West Bank by Palestinian individuals. Don't divert blame elsewhere.

I find him hilarious. I mean, all of Israel seems like some huge troll. If it didn't exist and some novelist made it up, we'd say it was unrealistic.
The guy has identity crisis, before he was trying to put on a racist face to attract European sympathy on here.
Racist face? What are u babbling?

Currently all he does is to portray Iranian axis as evil one
Sorry that i think that gassing and starving people is evil.

Also, Stalin, Hitler, and the anti-muslim, armenian-loving mullahs all have facial hair. Coincidence? I think not!

You are absolutely fantastic.

I find him hilarious. I mean, all of Israel seems like some huge troll. If it didn't exist and some novelist made it up, we'd say it was unrealistic.
Seems you find amusing barrel bombing, starving, gassing people in order that corrupt dictator could sit on throne for another couple years.
Racist face? What are u babbling?

Sorry that i think that gassing and starving people is evil.

Seems you find amusing barrel bombing, starving, gassing people in order that corrupt dictator could sit on throne for another couple years.

No, I find weirdos like you amusing. I find people who think aparthied in South Africa was a great thing amusing. I find people who somehow think Iran and USSR and ISIS are the same thing amusing. I find people who think IRAN is anti-muslim for having a cordial relationship with Armenia amusing.
No, I find weirdos like you amusing.
Name calling and perverting my words.

I find people who think aparthied in South Africa was a great thing amusing.
U perverted my words once again on same page.

I find people who somehow think Iran and USSR and ISIS are the same thing amusing.
Again I never said that. The similarities between Iran and USSR are indeed striking:


I lived in USSR and I know people who lived and visited Iran, so I know what I am talking. You cant counter that.

I did not say ISIS and Iran are same. But in crimes u overpassed them of course.

I find people who think IRAN is anti-muslim for having a cordial relationship with Armenia amusing.
Iran has perfect relations with Armenia which ethnically cleansed 700,000 Muslims. Without ur support Armenia hardly could sustain itself.
Name calling and perverting my words.

U perverted my words once again on same page.

Again I never said that. The similarities between Iran and USSR are indeed striking:


I lived in USSR and I know people who lived and visited Iran, so I know what I am talking. You cant counter that.

I did not say ISIS and Iran are same. But in crimes u overpassed them of course.

Iran has perfect relations with Armenia which ethnically cleansed 700,000 Muslims. Without ur support Armenia hardly could sustain itself.

Your comparison is amatuerish, like all your comparisons. It's like saying Hitler is like Charlie Chaplin because they both have tiny moustaches.

And your Armenia meme is a joke. Why is Israel in good terms with Germany today? Is Israel pro gassing Jews?

Just...think... before you post.
Your comparison is amatuerish, like all your comparisons. It's like saying Hitler is like Charlie Chaplin because they both have tiny moustaches.

And your Armenia meme is a joke.
Its a joke only for ur buddies who cant answer my arguments and only call names and whine to moderators.

Why is Israel in good terms with Germany today? Is Israel pro gassing Jews?
LOL you seriously ask that question? - Because regime in Germany has changed. And todays Germany recognizes and condemns crimes of Hitler. Sooner or later same will happen to ur regime.
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