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Israel breaks Gaza ceasefire once again

Israel has cameras all over the border. If such thing occurred they could easily produce footage. I haven't seen any yet.
You watch too much Hollywood movies. If it was so simple then they would never succeed in planting bombs. They use vegetation, landscape, fogs, nights etc. Plus in thermal camera all u can see is some white pixels moving. Also posting footage from cameras reveals their location, pic quality etc, which helps to plan another attack.

Undisputed fact is that killed was a militant.

Secondly, Palestinians have every right to do want they want within their border. Every nation has military armaments at their borders, that in no way permits an act of aggression. You could spin it how you like, theres no cause for action here and it wasn't necessary for anyone to die or to deteriorate the security situation.
We are at war. Thats why IDF established a security zone of several hundred meters inside Gaza. That was always the understanding during the truces too. By the way Hamas understand it and hats why did not react.
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You watch too much Hollywood movies. If it was so simple then they would never succeed in planting bombs. They use vegetation, landscape, fogs, nights etc. Plus in thermal camera all u can see is some white pixels moving. Also posting footage from cameras reveals their location, pic quality etc, which helps to plan another attack.

Not sure why you're going into technical aspects of monitoring techniques. What I know is the whole border is monitored with drones/hidden and not hidden cameras/etc...IDF can easily present any footage which shows any act of aggression from Palestinian side. Like I said before, planting bombs on their side is no act of aggression. Palestinians lack any Air Force/armor to combat Israeli armory. So they rely on IED's for defense mechanism against Israeli armor. This is within their rights.

There's no such thing as 'bombing the fence' if that's what you're inferring. There is no army anywhere near the fence, they are very far from it actually. Everything on fence is largely unmanned.

A believable story would have been that shots were fired across the fence in an ambush. Israeli story makes no absolute sense, planting a bomb on the fence in the open where you are vulnerable does not seem like kind of action one would take to cause harm and the story doesn't make sense. We all can logically deduce that Israel broke the cease fire by attacking Palestinian militants who were conducting defensive measures.

Undisputed fact is that killed was a militant.

Yes he was, and that still doesn't make it okay to commit act of aggression. Being a soldier doesn't render you liable for attack. Otherwise the world will be chaotic and sent back to stone-age without international laws/procedures to keep peace. I'm not convinced by your argument my friend.

We are at war. Thats why IDF established a security zone of several hundred meters inside Gaza. That was always the understanding during the truces too. By the way Hamas understand it and hats why did not react.

You are in truce, which was supposed to eliminate the buffer zones. That didn't happen though. They aren't security zones, they are buffer zones which from time to time Israel armor enter or shoot at from a far distance. Palestinians didn't violate anything and are within their right to take whatever military precautions/preparation needed to prevent a West Bank scenario in the Gaza Strip. West Bank has no arms, and hence Israel militarily occupies it and does illegal civilian transfer.

Hamas doesn't seek war, and the man didn't belong to Hamas. So that's why they didn't react. Usually they will be blamed if they react like always so they turned the other cheek but warned not to violate Palestinian sovereignty again.
Israelis and Palestinian are such appropriate neighbour for each other. You guys are perfect for each other.
Meanwhile Iranians slaughter Muslims in name of non-Muslims dictator.

Stop using the term 'Muslims' please. Nobody brandishes Ukraine's civil war as 'slaughter of Christians' by 'so and so dictator'.
Stop using the term 'Muslims' please. Nobody brandishes Ukraine's civil war as 'slaughter of Christians' by 'so and so dictator'.
I was answering to Iranian member who is posing himself as religious fighter.

1) Both Russia and Ukraine are secular countries.
2) Both Russians and Ukrainians are Orthodox Christians, its purely ethnic nationalistic conflict.

Iran on the other hand calls itself an Islamic state, yet helps secular non Muslim dictator to slaughter Muslims.
I was answering to Iranian member who is posing himself as religious fighter.

1) Both Russia and Ukraine are secular countries.
2) Both Russians and Ukrainians are Orthodox Christians, its purely ethnic nationalistic conflict.

Iran on the other hand calls itself an Islamic state, yet helps secular non Muslim dictator to slaughter Muslims.
no Iran won't call itself Islamic state , they are your friends and we call ourselves Islamic Republic. And supporting somebody has nothing to do with his religious view. Otherwise right now there was a civil war in Bahrain.
no Iran won't call itself Islamic state , they are your friends and we call ourselves Islamic Republic.
No matter, any republic is a state too. BTW, "republic" is another joke considering that Dear.. err Supreme Leader sit on throne there till his death.

And supporting somebody has nothing to do with his religious view.
Really why Afghan Shiites come to murder and die for giraffe dictator then? What they lost there?

Otherwise right now there was a civil war in Bahrain.
You would be happy to do it, but its out of ur reach.

Haha. Instead of arms, Iran should send Hamas tons of tires, and have Palestinians constantly roll them down to the Israeli soldiers. They will be defeated in a few months.

I was answering to Iranian member who is posing himself as religious fighter.

1) Both Russia and Ukraine are secular countries.
2) Both Russians and Ukrainians are Orthodox Christians, its purely ethnic nationalistic conflict.

Iran on the other hand calls itself an Islamic state, yet helps secular non Muslim dictator to slaughter Muslims.

Right after the revolution, we broke off all ties with South Africa's apartheid state. The oppressed Africans were neither Shia nor Muslim. We were exporting huge amounts of oil to that country before the revolution, and we were willing to forego all that profit to stand up for justice. This was an era where western countries considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist. On the other hand, Israel fostered a strong military & economical trade with the apartheid state.

History proved us to be on the right side. But if this was 1979, people like you would be insulting Iran for supporting a terrorist like Mandela.
Right after the revolution, we broke off all ties with South Africa's apartheid state. The oppressed Africans were neither Shia nor Muslim. We were exporting huge amounts of oil to that country before the revolution, and we were willing to forego all that profit to stand up for justice. This was an era where western countries considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist. On the other hand, Israel fostered a strong military & economical trade with the apartheid state.

History proved us to be on the right side. But if this was 1979, people like you would be insulting Iran for supporting a terrorist like Mandela.
South Africa never was a big oil market. Plus unlike gas oil export is easily replaced. So you lost nothing. Here what happened to South Africa HDI index after fall of bad apartheid:


On the other hand you keep relations with Sudan, Myanmar, Armenia, Russia... which slaughtered and ethnically cleansed Muslims. And Assad of course.
No matter, any republic is a state too. BTW, "republic" is another joke considering that Dear.. err Supreme Leader sit on throne there till his death.

Really why Afghan Shiites come to murder and die for giraffe dictator then? What they lost there?

You would be happy to do it, but its out of ur reach.
yeah sure its out of our reach and well why not ask the Afghans themselves .By the way my guess is they fight for something else not for religion.
South Africa never was a big oil market. Plus unlike gas oil export is easily replaced. So you lost nothing. Here what happened to South Africa HDI index after fall of bad apartheid:


On the other hand you keep relations with Sudan, Myanmar, Armenia, Russia... which slaughtered and ethnically cleansed Muslims. And Assad of course.

Holy sh....wow, just.... Wow.

You've been defending ISIS last few months, and now you are defending apartheid South Africa. What's next? Are you going to tell us how awesome nazi Germany was?

Haha, seriously. You are something else, man.
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